ADavidB -> RE: CTD (6/6/2005 4:48:58 AM)
ORIGINAL: WiTP_Dude I am getting a CTD after running the latest turn from Zeta16. I've tried running it four different times but the game always crashes during the combat replay. Rebooted, installed the latest patch, and successfully ran a turn from another player. Still I can't get the turn to process all the way through. What is the characteristic of your CTD - does the screen start to fade away piece meal, or go black all at once or what? Do you also get an error report afterwards? I get CTDs fairly regularly on my PC that seem to be tied to either the 2005 version of Norton Anti-virus or the HP software that checks to see if anything is being faxed. They get worse when I have anything else running in the background so I usually shut off as much as possible before running WitP. My PC is a two year old Dell desktop with a lot of memory and most bells and whistles, along with the latest version of XP. I've also tested WitP on my laptop and it really doesn't like having Lotus Notes interrupt it to let me know that I have email. My suggestion is to shutdown everything that you have running in the background and try launching WitP again. Good luck, and let us know how it goes. Dave Baranyi