List of World at War Mods (Full Version)

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Maginot -> List of World at War Mods (6/8/2005 11:28:17 PM)

Gary Grigsbys World at War

Modifications and the Like

This reflects the current list of 'Mods' in service for Gary Grigsbys World at War. If you have a mod of your own you would like me to include in the list please send me a private message. If you can confirm that the scenario is indeed tried and true, please send me a PM as well. Im pretty sure both work here, but for completness sake...

All things in bold are links to their respective threads.


Raw Deal v1.1 (1.4 Compatible)
Raw Deal v1.0 (1.033 Compatible)
Author: Oleg
Start Date: 1940
Description: Olegs 'Raw Deal' is a solid mod that isn't a new scenario so much as it is a few tweaks that produce a new and fresh feeling.
Status: Tested

1939 v3.0 (link appears to be inactive)
Author: Sveint
Start Date: 1939
Description: Sveints mod starts the players in 1939, offering a little more flexbility in stratgies for all players. Recommened for the more ambitious players who want an involved Battle of Britain.
Status: Tested

Franco's Alliance v1.4 (no longer available, look for version 2.4 in tread pinned at the top)
Start Date: 1940
Description: Franco's Alliance is a mod that turns Spain into a frozen minor ally of Germany. Thus preventing the easy conquest of Gibraltar and giving the game a more historic feel. Includes many exploit fixes and other small tweeks to improve gameplay.
Status: Tested and ladder approved

Franco's Alliance v2.0 (no longer available, look for version 2.4 in tread pinned at the top)

Start Date: 1940
Description: Improves upon the already excellent mod by adding new territories to the Soviet far east. This addresses the Axis double teaming of Russia that many see is a serious game flaw by slowing the advance of Japan. Also includes several new tweeks to address game balance issues.


Unit Counters
Author: Sarge
Start Date: n/a
Description: A new set of counters to replace the current ones. In order to get this file, you must email Sarge. Host wanted for the file.
Status: Untested

Maginot -> RE: List of World at War Mods (6/17/2005 4:23:42 AM)

Updated to reflect Sarges 'Unit Counters' and 'Raw Deal v1.1'

JanSorensen -> RE: List of World at War Mods (10/11/2005 8:09:38 PM)

Updated to add the two mods by Lebatron.

daniel123 -> RE: List of World at War Mods (10/16/2006 4:37:19 PM)

where are this mods kept? 

Joel Billings -> RE: List of World at War Mods (10/16/2006 9:36:09 PM)

They are made available by the modders. Just click on the mod names above or find them in the threads that deal with each mod and you will be able to download them.

I just did a quick check and svient's mod seems to be inactive and the 1.4 and 2.0 Franco's alliance are also unavailable. However, Franco's alliance 2.4 is available in its own thread pinned at the top of the mod forum.

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