The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (Full Version)

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KG Erwin -> The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (6/15/2005 2:53:17 AM)

I posted this on the Pacific War forum , but thought it beared repeating here.

Doc Flowers mentioned Okinawa in his June 13 weblog:

Gene Sledge also mentioned the peculiar horrors of Okinawa in his famous book. This is indeed a campaign that is not completely understood by students of the Pacific War--it was by far the worst, in terms of casualties inflicted and suffered, and offered a terrible portent of the costs an invasion of the other Japanese home islands would entail.

At this time, the USMC divisions involved (the 1st, 2nd and 6th), were already organized under the G-series TOEs, and each posessed an extraordinary amount of firepower.

However, the Japanese had developed their skills of fortification & concealment to a point that nullified much of the indirect fire support the Marines and Army troops had at their disposal. The entrenched Japanese defenders had to be blasted and burnt to death by close assault with demolitions and flame. It is a wonder that anyone could maintain their sanity when faced with such hellish conditions. Sledge reached the breaking point, and knew that invading Kyushu or Honshu would probably cost him his life.

Combine this fanatical defense on the ground with the kamikazes and you've got as close to a hell on earth as ever existed.

Here's some casaulty info from

"More people died during the Battle of Okinawa than all those killed during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Casualties totaled more than 38,000 Americans wounded and 12,000 killed or missing, more than 107,000 Japanese and Okinawan conscripts killed, and perhaps 100,000 Okinawan civilians who perished in the battle.

The battle of Okinawa proved to be the bloodiest battle of the Pacific War. Thirty-four allied ships and craft of all types had been sunk, mostly by kamikazes, and 368 ships and craft damaged. The fleet had lost 763 aircraft. Total American casualties in the operation numbered over 12,000 killed [including nearly 5,000 Navy dead and almost 8,000 Marine and Army dead] and 36,000 wounded. Navy casualties were tremendous, with a ratio of one killed for one wounded as compared to a one to five ratio for the Marine Corps. Combat stress also caused large numbers of psychiatric casualties, a terrible hemorrhage of front-line strength. There were more than 26,000 non-battle casualties. In the battle of Okinawa, the rate of combat losses due to battle stress, expressed as a percentage of those caused by combat wounds, was 48% [in the Korean War the overall rate was about 20-25%, and in the Yom Kippur War it was about 30%]. American losses at Okinawa were so heavy as to illicite Congressional calls for an investigation into the conduct of the military commanders..."

Let me add that while the war in Europe had ended, the carnage in the Pacific raged unabated. In May-June 1945, the American public was really getting war-weary, and their tolerance for supporting the mounting cost in lives was near its limit.

I recite all this to illustrate the state of mind that lead to the dropping of the atomic bombs, which I firmly believe was the correct decision.

Note: I also relate this info to SPWaW players, for if you want to fight a desperate assault against a determined enemy, use the battle generator and pick a USMC assault against a Japanese defense in say April or May 1945. Choose maximum points, and load up on fire support, rockets, air support, artillery, flame-tanks--in other words, the works. You want to play "blast 'em & burn 'em", 1945 style? Here ya go.

More "corkscrew & blowtorch" scenarios: Dragoon45's new Peleliu scenario, and the classic Iwo Jima large scenario from Wild Bill---this was the one that turned me around, and made me a Gyrene fan for life.

junk2drive -> RE: The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (6/15/2005 3:24:09 AM)

Thanks for this interesting post.

For your suggested battle, would you use your OOBs or stock 8.3?

KG Erwin -> RE: The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (6/15/2005 4:10:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: junk2drive

Thanks for this interesting post.

For your suggested battle, would you use your OOBs or stock 8.3?

Well, I'm partial to my updated OOB, but it incorporates features from other mods. The standard 8.3 should be fine for 44-45. Most of my changes involved the earlier units/formations. I've written about this elsewhere, but maybe I should offer a description of my "final" USMC mod. The Japanese OOB is unchanged. The guys who worked on the Japanese did excellent work, and I left them alone.

Now that Matrix has discontinued support for "official" OOB mods, much confusion could result for new gamers. I offer my independent USMC, and Alby has his own version of the entire set, which incorporates some of my post-8.3 changes.

The new mech.exe (version 8.4) offers some corrections to game play, and it should be released soon. I've been helping to test it, and I like the changes a lot. I've seen no major problems with it.

In any case, try the designed scenarios first-- the two I mentioned are VERY challenging. For my suggested generated battle, 8.3 will be fine. Do NOT select a beach assault. Clear weather--to allow for air support.

For an Okinawa scenario, the Japanese selected the rugged terrain on the southern part of the island to make their stand--no one has yet written a historical scenario for the Shuri line or Wana Draw or other battlefields.

Wild Bill -> RE: The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (6/15/2005 7:21:50 PM)

Thanks Gunny! You've gotten me inspired. I'm going to do some more Okinawa scenario. There are a couple of Okinawa scenarios already in the game. I know that #14, "Rough Rescue" is taken from actual events that took place in the Wana Draw area.

Another good one would be "Here Comes the Hoss," or "A Blind Leader." These are some events from Okinawa, US Army stuff. It is interesting to note that at least 3 US Army Divisions were also on Okinawa and took on the southern end of the island while the Marines headed north.

Once the north was done, they were moved south to help in the bloodiest fighting of the was for the Shuri Line.

Dogs, first used on Guam, were also used by Marines & Dogfaces to root out hidden enemies. Scenarios 71 and 72 use those dogs to both scout and attack.

Nicely done, Gunny.


Dragoon 45 -> RE: The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (6/16/2005 1:17:07 AM)

Gunny thanks for your kind words on my Peleliu Scenario. I am working on a couple of Okinawa scenario's but it will be a while before they are ready.

RayM -> RE: The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (6/16/2005 5:58:12 AM)

Excellent prospects indeed. Looking forward to playing them.

Thanks to one and all.


Randy -> RE: The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (6/16/2005 8:50:36 AM)

KG, thanks for that great info. This was one hell of a battle. The Japanese put all that they had learned from the other American landings into this last battle (though it wasn't known at the time). The Japanese modified their beach defenses from other landings and kept everything inland. While the Marines and Army troops were being lulled into a false sense of security with no major contact, the Navy was getting hammered with the Kamikaze attacks. At times there were a hundred aircraft sorties at a time. The pickett ships really took a beating. After a couple of days the troops moving inland got hammered also. One thing that was unique at the end of the battle was that the soldiers and Marines were not relieved that the battle was over! They knew that the planned invasion of the Japanes Home Islands was only months away!

Resisti -> RE: The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (6/16/2005 10:43:12 AM)



Thanks Gunny! You've gotten me inspired. I'm going to do some more Okinawa scenario. There are a couple of Okinawa scenarios already in the game. I know that #14, "Rough Rescue" is taken from actual events that took place in the Wana Draw area.

There are 2 others from the Kunel on Okinawa: #71 and 72 "Sniff 'em out" (large and small version), where you've to use dogs to detect those nasty caves and then blast them to hell ;) I remember having tested these, and believeme, they are though!

Wild Bill -> RE: The Horrors of "The Last Battle"-- Okinawa (6/17/2005 4:49:11 PM)

Hello Resisti! Good to see your smiling face from the sunny Italian beaches! I hope you and yours are well. Thanks for the mention of those two. You did a good and thorough job on testing them, as you always do!

The Kunel

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