Cyrano -> A.I. (6/20/2005 11:16:05 PM)
I don't want to single out one post because I see this all the time, but, for some reason, it got under my skin this afternoon, viz., what people expect of A.I. I KNOW that this is an evolving discipline. I KNOW that, one day, I will be crushed underfoot like a bug by my PC at every turn, but I sometimes think we set this bar waaaaay too high, especially for games like CoG. Let's call it the "IMA BADA$$" phenomenon. The process runs something like this: 1. Person hears of new game (strategy games most common). 2. Person READS about new game on Intermess. 3. Person PINES for new game for many weeks. 3.a. Person COMPLAINS that new game has not yet been released. 3.b. Person COMPLAINS AGAIN that new game has not yet been released. 3.c. Person is temp-banned from website for profane b*tching about lack of game release (this happened in R:TW more than once, IIRC). 4. Person actually GETS game. 5. Person PLAYS game for, oh say, 30 hours. 6. Person discovers that certain "gamey" things work to the detriment of the A.I. (here, cf. R:TW siege issues). 7. Person POSTS, under title "IMA BADA$$" or, alternately, "Y the A.I. BLOWZ", and under an assumed nick (remember earlier temp-ban?) revealing his mighty ueberness and lambasting the developers for poor programming. This, of course, is done despite person's NEVER having written a line of non-BASIC/JAVA code in his life. What DO we expect of these jumbles of code? I'm not sure I know my own answer to this question, but this issue is precisely why I regard MP as so important. I honestly believe (belief only, no evidence to support this mind you) that NO computer will, in my lifetime, be quite as cunning as two of my dear gaming friends (props: Matt and Rapp) who are among the craftiest SOBs I've ever met. Moreover, I was playing a game of WotR the other day when a complete n00b player did something that made all of us look at her with expressions that surely said "she's either crazy or an absolute genius." What do I (again, me personally here) want CoG SP to do? I want it to TEACH me the game and give me a fair to middlin challenge. If it kicks my butt, great, but I will NOT judge it a failure if all it does it get me ramped up for MP gaming. And, yes, please be done SOON ;). Most excited about this project. Best, Jim "Cyrano" :/7)