Stukadawg -> Should I try downloading again? (5/8/2001 1:32:00 PM)
I'm wondering if I should wait for the vid998.smk file to be posted or should I try downloading the whole thing again. Mr. Vebber stated in the .smk file thread that larger files can sometimes be corrupted during transfers. Is that likely to happen again or is it worth it to let it download again (and hopefully it will be done by the time I wake up)?
I tried distracting myself with Talonsoft's East and West Front games, Age of Kings, a few freebie Space Empire nonsence games. Even played a little Grand Theft Auto, but I cannot get SPWaW out of my head.
Not even free internet pornography could shake these thoughts from me.
No more Blue Germans.
I dream of this place...
I can taste it.
I'll make you a deal,
send me the file and I'll shut the hell up.
In the meantime, I hope all of you with functioning games have a great time, I'll be joining you soon.
(Actually my dog's nickname, his full name is Hans Ulrich Stukapuppy; in honor of Rudel. And yes, he's a wonderful dog.)