Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (Full Version)

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Paul Wykes -> Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 12:15:54 AM)

Hope its ok to post this one here, as I`m sure it`ll interest a few people.

Its finally here. Windows SPMBT !!!!!

Looks like it will be released tomorrow!


Terminus -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 12:42:11 AM)

Now where's that smiley with the crossed fingers...

Alby -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 2:35:02 AM)

Release date of June 22nd 4pm North Carolina last thing I saw..

Quoting Pyros...

"Andy Gailey just authorized me to tell you that this is not a rumor - and that is the planned release date &
time (by 4PM at whatever time zone that would be in North Carolina, USA)"

Terminus -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 1:15:43 PM)

Well, the thing IS available for D/L now at Shrapnel, but OMG it's unstable! For all practical purposes, it's unplayable. Too bad...

Arralen -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 1:58:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus
Well, the thing IS available for D/L now at Shrapnel, but OMG it's unstable! For all practical purposes, it's unplayable. Too bad...

Please make sure your download isn't corrupted:
Please check the size of the WinSPMBT.exe (self-extracting installer which is in the zip file):
Just downloaded and got 104.847.109 Bytes

If the file (seemingly) is uncorrupted, check some other CPU-intensive game - maybe you PC has a thermal problem. Due to it's DOS-heritage, WinSPMBT runs with 98% CPU usage (shown), so it may get a bit warmer than usual.

Otherwise, please be so kind as to head over to the shrapnel forum and post your systems specs (DxDiag, SysInfo) there. Thanks


Just had the downloaded game run for 18:51 in 800x600 windowed, message delay turned to 0 and klicking "next turn" 15 times or so in Scen-001. Run fine.

Terminus -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 2:22:52 PM)

The self-extracting executable I have is exactly the size you posted (104,847,109 bytes). The game usually crashes within two to five minutes. It was my understanding that the windowed mode was even more machine-intensive than fullscreen, which I'd been running it under. Was I wrong?

Believe me, I had no intention of bad-mouthing the game; I really want it to work, because I've been seriously missing a modern, turn-based tactical game for years.

Arralen -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 6:51:12 PM)

Windowed mode is slightly more CPU-intensive. Sligtly, because most of the time it's in some kind of DOS-loop waiting for input. There's actually a little bit more for it do when things are moving around in the game or on the desktop, but if it's a thermal problem then it's the overall "strain" that counts.

As I said, please be so kind as to head over to the Shrapnel WinSPMBT forum and post your machine specs there. (run DxDiag etc.)
Or post them here and I'll get the data to the devs and testers.

Terminus -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 7:38:52 PM)

Arralen, just curious, what would you consider a "too hot" CPU?

Arralen -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 8:01:39 PM)

Depends on the type of the CPU - I still don't see your machine specs... ;)
85°C definitly kills an AMD 2200, and even at 75°C it will produce frequent crashes and smaller errors. Early Celeron will get into trouble at (IIRC) 55°C ... if you're running at <40°C you should be fine with every CPU.

Alby -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 8:09:09 PM)

anyone else experiencing this....

slooooooow graphics...everything moves in slow motion...especially when a unit fires.....sounds cut in and out... [>:]

Terminus -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 8:09:59 PM)

I run a P4 2.8 GHz CPU; In "idle mode", i.e. just looking at the desktop with nothing else running, it averages around 35-37 degrees.

I ran my thermometer utility again, while the game had been running for a little while, and got 49 degrees. I'll give it another chance, and if there are more problems, we can continue this on the Shrapnel forum - I just registered...

Arralen -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 8:12:59 PM)

Graphics in 1024x768 look much better (sadly, one has to pay for them..) I wholeheartedly agree that graphics in 800x600 are less than .. optimal ;)

Slow-motion isn't something that occured on my machine (C4-1500, 512MB, Win2K). If sound cuts in and out it's more likely a problem with your machine than with the game.

You can, however, fiddle with the animation speeds by editing
"\Game Data\Camogame.ini" and look for the follwing entries:

; graphics timings

; minimum graph delay (in milliseconds) between frames
; set to 0 to pump out graphics as fast as your CPU can handle,
; try larger numbers to slow down very fast CPU/GFX cards

;How much to wait per hex a unit moves (Milliseconds)

Set both to 4 or 5 resp. and watch the action fly by.

Stefan Weniger

rich12545 -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 10:06:24 PM)

I fooled around with it for a bit and found no problems. Sound was fine. Graphics at least as good as spwaw imo. Units move kind of fast so I'm glad to see a way to slow them down. Looks like the original MBT scenarios at the Wargamer work fine. At first I was perturbed at the cost for the "Enhanced" version until I read the blurb at the end of the manual and it's ok. If, after playing a while, I like it then I'll get the cd to help support the game.

Alby -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/22/2005 11:25:20 PM)



Graphics in 1024x768 look much better (sadly, one has to pay for them..) I wholeheartedly agree that graphics in 800x600 are less than .. optimal ;)

Slow-motion isn't something that occured on my machine (C4-1500, 512MB, Win2K). If sound cuts in and out it's more likely a problem with your machine than with the game.

You can, however, fiddle with the animation speeds by editing
"\Game Data\Camogame.ini" and look for the follwing entries:

; graphics timings

; minimum graph delay (in milliseconds) between frames
; set to 0 to pump out graphics as fast as your CPU can handle,
; try larger numbers to slow down very fast CPU/GFX cards

;How much to wait per hex a unit moves (Milliseconds)

Set both to 4 or 5 resp. and watch the action fly by.

Stefan Weniger

This helped big time, now to get the right speed, 10 is even to fast.
The sloow graphics was buggin me...took forever to see a tank shot go across the screen.
still things dont seem to happen as smooth as SPWAW.
need to change out some sound files
some of these mpegs seem to have a slight delay at their begining.

Terminus -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 2:49:29 AM)

To close out this thread (from me, anyway), it seems to work for now.

Alby -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 4:30:45 AM)

I changed a bunch of sounds
things seem more "Insync" and smoother now...[:D]

Wild Bill -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 6:11:25 AM)

I downloaded it as soon as I saw the announcement. I've only barely tinkled with it. So far I get no sound in computer vs computer. When a human player is involved sound is fine. Graphics are nice. Seems to be a nice selection of scenarios and so many possibilities. I hope to move some of my old SP3 campaigns into SPMBT, especially the Vietnam campaigns (Air Cav, Blackhorse, and Riverine).

I'll work with it some more after Origens. I'm glad to see a modernized Steel Panthers in Windows mode. It gives yet more life to the old girl.

A big step forward.


KG Erwin -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 6:44:21 AM)

Hey, if this could result in a Great Battles of the Vietnam War series, then I think it's worthwhile pursuing. My second favorite unit of all time is the 1st Air Cavalry Division--they were pioneers in their style of warfare, and gained immortal fame in the battles in the Ia Drang area (subject of the movie "We Were Soldiers").

Wild Bill -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 3:15:03 PM)

The two systems are are different and I'll have to play around for awhile to get accostumed to the differences and the nuances of play.

BUt it is on my to do list and before the end of the year I hope to have at least a campaign on "The First Team" (Ist Cav) completed and ready for play.

Thanks for the encouragement

Alby -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 4:25:30 PM)

I sem to remember theis scenario from SP3....
called LZ xray I think???

Man I am old!! [:(]

Wild Bill -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 8:00:37 PM)

ACtually it is a campaign, including LZ XRay (We Were Soldiers Once, and Young) and a number of other engagements in which the 1st Cav. It affords some good fighting and alittle history on the 1st Cav, known as "The First Team." Yes it goes back aways [;)]



junk2drive -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 8:31:07 PM)

Included in the DOS MBT scen 095:
Ambush at LZ Albany*
Date: November 17, 1965*
Battle Location: LZ Albany, Ia Drang Valley, South Vietnam*
Battle Type: US Army delay vs North Vietnam Advance*
Description: The 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry had been used to reinforce other elements of the 1st Cavalry Division during the savage battle at LZ Xray in November 1965. On November 17, the fighting at LZ Xray essentially over, the American forces were ordered to clear out of the area while a B-52 strike would plaster LZ Xray.*
The 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry was to proceed north-northwest, companies in column, three kilometres through the jungle to a different LZ, this one codenamed Albany.*
As the point element of the battalion reached the clearing the surrounding jungle came alive with enemy forces. The 8th Battalion of the NVA 66th Regiment reinforced by units previously engaged at LZ Xray pressed home a furious attack on the entire length of the American column.*
Notes: Your battalion is strung out in the jungle south of LZ Albany. It includes A, C, D and Headquarters Companies of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry with A Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry attached. The first turns are crucial, if you can survive the initial NVA rush, artillery and air support will become available. Hold the LZ, parts of Bravo Company is being flown in by helicopters and will need a place to land. Also, the battalion and company commanders are inconveniently gathered at the head of the column - try and get them back to their respective companies. Expect a though fight - in reality losses in the 2nd Battalion exceeded 70 percent at LZ Albany.*
Sources: Gwin, L - Baptism.*
Design by: Ulf Lundstrom.**

Wild Bill -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 10:03:19 PM)

SOunds like he did a good job. Still, I'm going to do my own. Kinda like home cooking. I have done a lot of research on that fight, and the one following that was such a debacle, LZ Albany. I think both should be included in the campaign.

I am working with the editor now trying to get comfortable with it. This is quite a game!


Terminus -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/23/2005 10:07:34 PM)

Well, now I've finally gotten it stable, I'm getting into it too. The OOB files are, in a word, comprehensive... Although there's still a few faults in the Danish one! [:)]

rich12545 -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/24/2005 12:51:14 AM)

It will be interesting to see what winSPWW2 is like. I remember posting in the Depot last year that it could, if done well, make SPWAW obsolete. We'll see.

Terminus -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/24/2005 12:55:44 AM)

Then they'll have to do it REALLY well!

Kevin E. Duguay -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/24/2005 7:41:21 AM)

Tanks can move in reverse. That alone is a big improvement.[;)]

stevemk1a -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/24/2005 8:40:31 AM)

How exactly do you do the reverse movement in winSPMBT? ... explicitly!! (I'm too damn lazy to look this up [;)

Edited cuz I'm too drunk to spell SPMBT correctly!

DoubleDeuce -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/24/2005 4:10:04 PM)



How exactly do you do the reverse movement in winSPMBT? ... explicitly!! (I'm too damn lazy to look this up [;)

Edited cuz I'm too drunk to spell SPMBT correctly!

I know it involves the "8" key but I have sadly not had the chance to try it out. Too busy designing. 3 days since release and I have still yet to play a scenario. [:(]

DoubleDeuce -> RE: Windows SPMBT!!!!!!!!! (6/24/2005 4:16:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: rich12545

It will be interesting to see what winSPWW2 is like. I remember posting in the Depot last year that it could, if done well, make SPWAW obsolete. We'll see.

I don't know about obsolete. SPWAW has some features that cannot be replicated in SPMBT/SPWW2. When you dig into them, SPWAW and SPWW2 are very different games. I do think the biggest thing holding SPWW2 back from being at least equal to SPWAW was the DOS environmment.

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