I thought this was a bug at first (need help) (Full Version)

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Stukadawg -> I thought this was a bug at first (need help) (5/13/2001 1:59:00 PM)

I was playing not even 15 minutes ago when all the green on my screen started turning red. It looked like a TV when it gets splashed by a strong CB signal. I immediately saved and rebooted and was about to ask if it was a bug, but it happened again just a few seconds ago (in Internet Explorer). Do you think I might be needing a new monitor (the one I'm using is about 5 years old), or does it sound like something I should ask Creative Labs (vid card) about? By the way, I'm on my second day trying to weed these British soldiers out of their foxholes. Artillery, mortars, engineers with flamethrowers... Tough little bastards they are. Thanks, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStukadawg.

Pack Rat -> (5/13/2001 2:17:00 PM)

If you can borrow a monitor from someone, that may help weed out the problem. If your monitor is software driven check for an update and be sure your settings are where they should be. You also might check your version of DirectX, it's an easy update. It never hurts to keep checking your vidio cards maker for new updates. Tracking down a video problem is no fun, good luck.

Voriax -> (5/13/2001 2:31:00 PM)

I had a similar kind of a problem with my monitor...actually I had obtained it as broken. It also lacked green colour occasionally. Turned out that it had couple cold solders in its 'mainboard'. Also you could try twisting your monitor cable and see if that has any effect, it may be that there is an almost broken connector in that cable and when it twists into a right position the colour vanishes/flickers. Voriax

Cirrus -> (5/13/2001 4:58:00 PM)

I'd bet my money on faulty monitor too. I have in my closet similar monitor. Green color does not function and the picture appears in red.

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