Use of TKs for replenishment (Full Version)

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Freddy Fudpucker -> Use of TKs for replenishment (7/2/2005 6:27:43 PM)

The Japanese AI is suddenly having a lot of success with its subs under 1.6 and I'm losing AO's fast. I'm wondering why I can't use TK's as replenishment vessels when forming a replenishment TF?

Will it work just as well to form a TK transport TF and use the refuel at sea option button in the same way replenishment Tf's work?

Feinder -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/2/2005 6:30:45 PM)

Works the same. It -might- be that and AO uses -less- ops points than a TK, to refuel a ship (and could thus refuel more ships per turn). However, I'm not sure if this is true. I believe that the game treats TKs and AOs as the same.


castor troy -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/2/2005 8:11:25 PM)

No you canīt use your TK for replenishment, or only to refuel from their own fuel tanks, but not from their freight.

Knavey -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/2/2005 9:49:57 PM)

KB has a TK TF that follows it initially, so I do know the IJN has the capability to do it.

Tanaka -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/2/2005 10:20:32 PM)



KB has a TK TF that follows it initially, so I do know the IJN has the capability to do it.

nope this is an exception to the rule. dont disband this taskforce!

Knavey -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/2/2005 11:41:01 PM)

Well...that is interesting!

Too bad I disbanded the TF for my opponents. 1000 GP bombs tend to do that. Gotta protect those oilers (or at least don't sail them within bombing range of Midway).

Bliztk -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/3/2005 7:11:20 AM)

I have used AKs loaded with fuel as the allies to refuel my carrier TFs in stock scenarios. For example the ones that begin the game at Canton Island and near Noumea, so I`m not sure about that only AOs can refuel TFs.

Mine spent fuel and PPs to refuel TFs, had in one moment a TF at Noumea that first refueled from TK and then refueled from port, but had done refueleing with AKs at sea

Iridium -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/3/2005 7:45:00 AM)

I just can't picture people lugging 55 gallon drums of fuel oil from an AK to a ship...[:D]

michaelm75au -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/3/2005 7:57:33 AM)

fuel from the AK's bunker (or any ship with large bunker) can be transferred to other ships via replenishment at sea. I doubt that the "fuel in storage as cargo" was unloaded to fuel the other ships.


SuperKing -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/3/2005 8:00:55 AM)

If you use "refuel at sea" option,you can refuel from any ship.

Freddy Fudpucker -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/3/2005 12:13:20 PM)



If you use "refuel at sea" option,you can refuel from any ship.

Yes, but to refuel my CV TFs or Bombard TFs I need to know I can refuel from a TK or AK's cargo. I don't think siphoning the tanks of a couple of gunboats is going to enough![:)]

Knavey -> RE: Use of TKs for replenishment (7/3/2005 10:01:02 PM)

I am not sure that refuel at sea works in all cases. TKs in a TF with AKs will not refuel from the longer ranged least, that has been my experience.

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