ericbabe -> RE: Background Music (7/4/2005 8:28:39 PM)
In the Music directory there are files named Msc1.wma to Msc31.wma, Sad1.wma to Sad8.wma, Win1.wma to Win4.wma, and also LoseBattle, WinGame, Eroica2. Replace these with other .wma files to change the music. We are hoping to find some martial Napoleonic era music to license for the battles, but haven't had any luck so far. I think the solo violin music is perfect for the strategic mode -- I would only change it by adding some solo Handel and Boccherini. We tried many full orchestral scratch tracks but to my aesthetic sense they seemed canned and distracting. I have some other strong opinions about how music should work, opinions which I shan't inflict upon these forums; suffice to say, I went with my own preferences. Since it's trivial to substitute your own prefered music for the COG scores this shouldn't ruffle anyone too much. I would, however, infinitely prefer drums and horns for the battles. If anyone knows where I can license some quality period Napoleonic martial music, please to let me know (email Eric