ravinhood -> RE: WHo uses the tactical system? (7/4/2005 4:47:50 AM)
I therefore challenge him to a new message board game I just made up, and hopefully he will like it. This is not the place to play silly childish games. Therefore you lose. ;) This is a "discussion" forum, not a playground, so run along to your neighborhood park or pre-school playground now. ;) At any rate, after 25 years of soundly beating 99% of most AI's, yes, I'm rather obsessed about AI's being improved and better by this time in history of them. I don't see hardly any more challenge level in them than I did 25 years ago and that's the issues I have with most of them. A few games, rare as someone mentioned above have the ability to program an AI even with handicaps and advantages that remain challenging for years, though these are very few indeed. It doesn't have to be a BLUE, but, it should at least provide years of challenge on the most difficult level of play. It should be so hard that only the very best and unfaultering play would beat it, one mistake and "you could lose". My obsession is not with "losing", it's trying to find computer games which I can lose to "once in a damn while" so I can play them more than once and enjoy them more than once. I have a library of useless games with horrible AI's that just collect dust. Hell I play Monopoly more than most other games, simply because I find it challenging. Even The "Game of Life" or "Sorry" has a more challenging AI than most of these games released nowadays, that's terrible that some "kiddie" games have better AI's than these supposedly "adult" games do. That "Sorry" AI is ruthless and will send all your pieces back to the start in a heartbeat. heh. Winning a game of "Sorry" brings much satisfaction, winning most of these wargames brings another yawn. My theory is, if you don't complain about it, it never gets fixed or looked at, so I will stick to my theory. I want improved AI's, I want harder higher difficulty levels and/or player controlled difficulty settings in more games like CM/SPWAW have. ;) My idea of a great difficulty challenge that never ends is to program the combat/defensive/morale/research and/or resources stats of the game to increase after each human victory. There would be no difficulty settings beyond Hard, or Hardest or Extreme, but, the game would still provide a continued challenge even beyond those settings by being programmed to increase some factors if/when the player defeats the pre-programmed difficulty settings. Seems like it would be a pretty simple addition to the end game routine, player wins add ( increased variables) to next game start.