Craw -> (12/12/2001 5:39:00 AM)
I ran into this problem, but it seemed to just dissappear! At first, I thought I had a corrupted download, so I downloaded it again. (Cable Modem makes life niiice.) Same "Insert Disk Two" problem as before. Rather than just give up at that point, I looked to see where the file might be hiding, thinking if I copied it to a floppy, I might fool the install program into continuing. What I found was that I had not properly extracted all the files from the .zip file. I had simply run the .exe from inside my unzip utility, thinking it would extract all files automatically. I then created a new folder and extracted all the files to it. I ran the installation from there and it worked fine. I don't know if this will help anyone else, but it is worth a shot before resigning yourself to wait for a CD.