jchastain -> Leader Promotions (7/7/2005 8:07:58 AM)
Currently in the game, leaders can die and new leaders can be created. I've seen some die. I'll assume for now that new 1 star divisional commanders with random stats can be promoted, but I haven't seen it. That's a start. Now let's talk about the full evolution of leaders. After a major battle, each 1 and 2 star leader on the winning side should have a small chance of being given an extra star as a promotion so that they can command a larger formation. Whenever a 2 or 3 star leader is killed, there should be a 25% chance of an immediate battlefield promotion whereby a leader of one rank lower is given an additional star to take over the command of the leader killed if such a leader is available within the same battle. If we really want to model leaders well, let's give them a chance to learn something during battle. Give every leader a small chance that their stats will raise after each fight. And if you want earlier scenarios to have a greater chance of evolving more historically, then you could assign a hidden learning value to each commander that impacts their likelihood of receiving such stat bumps. In that way, a young Napoleon could rise in ability and rank (though he would never get his 4th star under my system as I wouldn't allow generals to be promoted to chief of state).