Ralegh -> RE: How do I transport troops? (7/9/2005 3:23:28 AM)
[Edit] Some side notes: + if you sail into a port which you own (or is owned by an ally) and then end your (naval) movement, your troops can disembark and keep marching the following month. + bewary - your fleets will move much more slowly when they are laiden with troops: about 2 sea areas a month? + some beta users had difficulty with the interface here: think of land forces moving before naval forces (they don't, but this will help you issue orders that will actually be caried out). So: - move the fleets into the province, end turn - load the troops and sail out, end turn - sail to destination sea zone and end turn - disembark the troops + while on board the fleets, your troops will be foragining in a zero zone. To pay for supply, create a sea supply chain...