CV pilot not killed by the sink of CV in deep sea (Full Version)

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fdeutsch -> CV pilot not killed by the sink of CV in deep sea (7/10/2005 10:56:13 PM)

In my pbem, I lose CV Entreprise. All planes were destroyed when she sinks. But when I checked on top list pilot the 3 CV pilots are not reported as MIA or KIA.
So will they return with the CV rebirth [;)]?

Yamato hugger -> RE: CV pilot not killed by the sink of CV in deep sea (7/11/2005 4:06:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: fdeutsch

In my pbem, I lose CV Entreprise. All planes were destroyed when she sinks. But when I checked on top list pilot the 3 CV pilots are not reported as MIA or KIA.
So will they return with the CV rebirth [;)]?

Probably. Keep us posted. I'd like to know.

SuperKing -> RE: CV pilot not killed by the sink of CV in deep sea (7/11/2005 10:35:25 AM)

is it only enterprise pilots,or Lexington too?[:D]

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