FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (Full Version)

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mac85 -> FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/13/2005 1:40:17 PM)

A thread for our PBEM game for anyone who wants to post!

Players are:
Britian - munited18
Sweden - Guenter
Prussia - Jordan
Austria - samthesham
Russia - MarcelJV
Turkey - Krec
Spain - bimbo1555

The first turn will be sent 5pm GMT 13/07/05

Edit: As I am first in the turn queue I shall put a synopsis of the results of each turn in here to wet the appetites of those who are later in the round. Good luck everyone (I think I'll need more of it than anyone else!).

munited18 -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/14/2005 5:21:17 PM)

Spectators noticed an increase in activity around the War Ministry building today. There were many couriers running to and fro. There were even reports that some were foriegners. French and Spanish spies would likely love to hear about that!
There was a major reoraganiztion of the army today. However, the Naval Department was strangely quite, which as any investigator worth his salt will tell you, means that something is definetly afoot out on the distant oceans. I would hate to be a sailor in the service of the French and Spanish I tell you!

There was a lot of activity throughout the land has development is underway to improve the everyday lives of our people. Although they do not see the war that rages around the world, they do produce the men and material of that war. Therefore, the Crown has undertaken a massive provencial development project that will undoubtly last for years. There are concerns about where the finances will come from. An unidetified source has stated that the Crown will finance the projects with Francs and Dollars taken from our Empire's enemies!

Another source has said that a MASSIVE naval invasion is being planned, but the source did not reveal where. He only said it would be in the south. But the south of what? As Stated earlier, the Naval Department is strangely quite on all matters. Also, it appears that all of the foreigners that have been seen about have come from allies and neutrals alike. What are they proposing or wanting? Are they demanding or requesting? The intrigues grows..

Jordan -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/14/2005 11:56:52 PM)

Office of the Foreign Ministry,

The halls of the foreign ministry have not seen such a presence of foreign dignitaries since the illustrious days of the great Frederick. Threats and persuasion abound, all come to ply Prussia from her peaceful ways. Great rewards for cooperation; devastation for opposition. Strangely, the representatives of the Czar remain absent. This troubles His Majesty...for after each diplomatic exchange with each representative, his majesty asks, "What are the Czar's plans?"

Already there are reports from the provinces - from Poland, from the Rhine, from merchants of the Baltic - bayonets are gleaming in the noon day sun. It is only a matter of hours before the armies of France and Spain meet the forces of Austria, Russia, Sweden and Britain on the field of battle. Europe holds its breath.

Prussia must prepare. A moment of great consequence is upon her. But for what? For whom?

samthesham -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/15/2005 5:23:16 AM)

In Vienna, Francis II, the Holy Roman Emperor, sits alone in his study. The greatest coalition the world has known is in motion. Without doubt, this will mean the end of the Corsician ogre. One thing is certain: the French will take up a defensive line along the Rhine. Austrian armies one the border will be adequate to handle any nuisance raids. In the meantime, the Russians, English, and Swedes are all moving.

And yet, his great mind is uneasy. Could it be his secret admiration of this so-called Emperor? Is it the Prussian hesitation? His personal aide, Herr Schickelgruber,
brings in his nightly glass of wine. Francis mutters: "the Prussians! If we lose, it will be because of the lack of unity! If all German speaking folk were united, who could stand against us?" Herr Schickelgruber, with a look of suprise on his face hestitates, then
thoughtfully backs out of the room unnoticed.....

MarcelJV -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/16/2005 4:48:21 PM)

Winter Palace, St. Petersburg: In the year of our lord 1805, our great czar Alexander has proclaimed that we need to improve our economy, and as a result much labor has been spent on improving the territory of Russia. Create commercial endeavors have begun with our new trading partners. Consideration was given to reduction of Feudal Dues, but this was defered for the rest of the year.

Our new Alliance will move to restore the rightful rules to their place of authority. We have moved in cooperation with our new allies to support and lead this endeavor. We express our hope the other rulers will see the light and join our alliance, in the mean time we will extend the hand of friendship to our neighbours.

mac85 -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/18/2005 3:30:24 PM)

In Paris the commitee of the Revolution see their many enemies gather forces in an attempt to recreate the dastardly monarchical shackles that the great French people have thrown off. Rumours abound of great armies marching toward Ille de France but nothing is heard of the Grande Armie. The British fleets also pose a great threat to the sovereignty of the great Republic. In its dire need France must turn to its Spanish allies and all right thinking people to destroy these tyrannical forces and survive.

mac85 -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/25/2005 12:38:19 PM)

Turn 1 report

Is this the beginning of the end, or merely the end of the beginning? Only minor skirmishes took place with one exception. Rumours abound of the destruction of Villeneuve's fleet off Cadiz though the French War Minister has denied this stating that many British ships were sunk. Austrian and French forces skirmished on the border and there are reports of major forces gathering in the Southern German states. Reports that a Russian army has entered Styria are unconfirmed.

Not much more to add from what I can see in my turn. Perhaps the British can shed more light on the world situation!


munited18 -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/25/2005 5:33:55 PM)

The greatest admiral of our time, has once again humbled the French. This time he has done it off the coast of Gibraltar. It was a harsh battle that would leave over sixty ships burning or beneath the waves. However, Nelson refuses to rest on his laurels. He is reported to have remained at sea, ingoring advice of returning to port to repair and refit. He was able to make up some losses from the French prizes he took. However, there are reports from Naval circles that are saying that, with a Spanish fleet still out there, this could be a huge blunder.

The stream of diplomats from all over Europe contiue to pour into London trying to get a word in with the King. There was even a French diplomat here begging for a Cease Fire. However, he was rejected and thrown out without ever getting an audience with even Lord John, let alone His Majesty!
There are rumors that Prussia is seeking peace and cooperation with our government, but no word has been made publicaly to the validity of this claim. However, there is proof that we have begun trading very actively with Russia. Perhaps this is to ensure that our ally will be able to continue the fight on the continent.

Recrutiing depots are full and training is going on fullbore throughout the country in preparation for some sort of MAJOR campaign by the army. However, there has been no word on where this action could take place. However, sources close to the planning have leaked that the operation is being call "Thunder". There is specualtion that this is tied closely to Nelson's decision to remain at sea. However, I must stress that these thoughts can not be independantly verified. Where will this storm break?

Naomi -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/25/2005 7:50:45 PM)

Waiting for sequels.

Mynok -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/25/2005 11:52:36 PM)

Do you mean followups? [:'(]

samthesham -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (7/27/2005 9:38:16 AM)

So far so good. Apparently, France probed into Venetia and retreated without loss in
a sucessful effort to forstall an offensive in Italy. I had ordered an offensive into
adjacent provinces, but there were a couple of bloodless battles in Venetia.

I don't see a lot of details here: I would like to know (in order to understand the
game better) what france saw..

However, in Numemberg, Austria trapped and captured an entire cavalry division
without loss.

We have put one Italian army on depot support. The people are happy, so we deceided to
remedy that situation by raising taxes.

MarcelJV -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (8/5/2005 7:37:25 PM)

The east has seen a new era in cooperation. our friends and neighbours have joined in with us in our call for peace, well at least for a little while. We may now proceed with the current war knowing are borders are secure.

The great Russian Armies have marched to the aid of our ally Austria and are positioned as requested. Fearing death from Winerschnitzel we have brought along stores of good Russian food. (Setup depots)

The Czar has taken this opportunity to lead our troops in to battle, just as soon as we figure out where the enemy is. Troop build up has commenced in the home lands to support our current armies as well as prepare for possible diabolical treachery from other nations.

Good to see our allies have won a good naval battle, to bad they lost an even bigger one though and then sensoring the news about it. The Russian navy will set things to rights. Now which way is west? Oh, yes where the sun comes up. Good off we go then.

More to come.

Jordan -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (8/5/2005 9:22:38 PM)

Office of the Foreign Minister
Prince Karl August von Hardenberg
November 1805

It has commenced and the angry waters of war threaten our shores. Brief reports of skirmishes in Italy, in Bavaria and on the high seas stream into Berlin. More troubling are the refugess streaming from Hannover. Bonaparte has redoubled his efforts to reduce the possession of his rival King George to a Gallic satelllite. The army of Batavia has joined the corps of Bernadotte in the siege of Bremen.

Good news from the east. The emissaries of the Czar have appeared and made their purpose clear. They relayed the Czar's intention to fully prosecute the war against Bonaparte. Such intentions paved the way for a compact between our two nations. Long may it prosper.

Our good King desires not war yet Prussia must continue to prepare for what seems the inevitable, Gallic storm. Stores are stockpiling for the creation of higher formations for our numerous unattached divisions. Culture is being advanced to boost the morale of our people. Barracks are being built to raise the quality or our troops. Numerous trade and diplomatic missions have been sent to our West German and Danish neighbors.

While the siege of Bremen and the appetite of the French occupy the thoughts of the people, all eyes turn to the fields of Bavaria and Italy.

Jordan -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (8/5/2005 9:26:49 PM)

Hah...apparently our good Prince Hardenberg didn't pay attention in his geogrphy class as a kinder...Berlin not Vienna

samthesham -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (8/7/2005 6:04:36 AM)

Battles turned a bit sour this month, but the french are taking
casualties and, hopefully, going broke.

In the meantime, the Alliance's "secret strategy" is about to unfold.

Overall, Francis is pleased with the war's progress


MarcelJV -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (8/7/2005 2:42:07 PM)

Moscow: Russian perperations for the coming battle continue at a rapid pace. Peace is confirmed both to our south and west, now for the north.

More troops move to join the ranks of the army, as the militia take to bring in the harvest. Suddenly the British fleets are absent from battle, but we assume this is more of a hide and seek game by the French then the British not looking for battle. The our naval forces have advanced, but we are not sure exactly where they ended up.

The nasty man Talleyrand has disrupted trade with Britian. I would hope Britian will boot him out soon.

mac85 -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (8/18/2005 6:06:37 PM)

The Austrian capital has fallen to the mighty French army. Surely it is now only a matter of time before the Austrians surrender leaving the allies exposed to French dominance!

In other news a patheticaly small British army has landed in the low countries. It's annihilation is at hand.

"I'm a bit overexcited 'cos I thought I'd have lost by now!"



MarcelJV -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (8/18/2005 6:33:37 PM)

The sounds of battle were every where and so it seemed where the French. The Russian army beat off assualt after assualt inflicting devastating casualties on the French. The battle swong back and forth until unexpected the austrians arrived. Kutosov felt better but just after the Austrians arrived they walked in to a French assault on the far rigth and within an hour were in head long flight from the field. The resulting casualties to the austrian was frightfull. The Russian army began an organized withdrawl, stepping back slowing and continuing to beat off the French attacks. Night fall saw a well organized departure from Vienna and a search for our lost Austrain friends. They were found cowering in a neighbouring province. Kutosov was hearding muttering something about how it would have been better if the Austrians had joined the army from the start and not marched to the battle as they prevented Platov and his army from reinforcing the battle.

The coalitions first battle together was anything but a success. Considerations was given to all possible actions.

Kutosov advocated retreat, Alexander attack, the Austrian's had other ideas still. What to do?

samthesham -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (8/30/2005 4:52:46 AM)

Even though the French have captured Vienna, which has lowered
Austrian Morale, the war has basicallly stalemated into Siege
warfare, during which the Austrians are giving better than they are getting.


BossGnome -> RE: FBSPARTS AAR - a pbem game (9/5/2005 3:29:45 PM)

any maps to go along with this?

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