Hanal -> RE: Frank...David....Eric...Marc...Anybody? (7/23/2005 12:58:20 AM)
Well back when Frank moved his Adanac game over to here, he made it very clear that all preorders will be honored....as far as the delay in the game, it went through an overhaul once MATRIX staff became involved which caused the first major delay. In the most recent (by recent I mean 2 months ago) posts by Frank, the game was just about ready for beta testing. That is when this site basically grinded to a halt. It was mentioned here that Frank became involved with the other Napoleon game which Matrix is producing, hence another delay... The main thing that bothers people is that there is absolutely no communication from anyone about this game.....I purposely titled this post with their names, and I have seen some of them post in other forum topics so they must have at least run their eyes down the screen and saw this post, and yet still silence. Now I realize this is only a game, and though I almost preordered it I never got around to it, so a simple shrug will be generated by me if the game never sees the light of day. However, those who did preorder have more of a right to question what is going on than I do, and hopefully everyone will be provided a response...some day...