Home40 -> RE: NEWS FLASH !!!! (7/23/2005 10:35:10 AM)
An interesting day, all told. Most interesting was the young Western Oriental Gentleman's protracted condemnation (to camera - Sky News) of these absobloodylootly NOT Muslim, Islamic terrorists. It was very impressive (had me going) how he insisted that these were anti everything Islam stands for, how people like that were being wrongly associated with people like him in the minds of others and that these people must be the work this or that or the other or possibly the guess whos. So, no organic connection to be assumed between mainstream and extreme Islamic interests. It was the guess whos. Guess what, no guess again... . Ahh, what we are capable of when we feel sorry for ourselves. And the mainstream feel victimised by wrongheaded backlash and so... . Shot a bomb-thrower [yawn] h40