Top at glory but lose (Full Version)

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hmicc -> Top at glory but lose (7/24/2005 5:41:44 PM)

I just finished a game as prussia. I had over 4500 in glory points. Next best was turkey at 2900. However, I failed to acheive the glory to win the game at the end of the time limit. I had set the time limit at the beginning with the one with the highest glory to be declared the victor. Wassup?

Joram -> RE: Top at glory but lose (7/24/2005 7:48:46 PM)



I just finished a game as prussia. I had over 4500 in glory points. Next best was turkey at 2900. However, I failed to acheive the glory to win the game at the end of the time limit. I had set the time limit at the beginning with the one with the highest glory to be declared the victor. Wassup?

I just had this exact same question. I was also Prussia. Set the scenario to highest glory and think my nearest competitor, Britain, was about 800 pts behind. Time is up and it says I didnt amass enough glory!!!! Is the scenario victory condition getting confused with the amass 5000 glory or is it something more insidious?

By the way, I am absolutely, positively, 100% sure I chose "Highest glory" as the victory condition. :)

ericbabe -> RE: Top at glory but lose (7/24/2005 9:36:16 PM)

This is a documented bug. It should be fixed in the new patch.

It didn't get caught in beta testing because I think I broke it at the last minute while fixing a bug in the m-player victory screen.

Thanks for the reports!


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