Anendrue -> RE: When? (1/8/2010 4:28:39 PM)
ORIGINAL: bo quote:
ORIGINAL: abj9562 quote:
ORIGINAL: bo I thought maybe Crusssdaddy could have said what I have been feeling all along nicer, but I think the niceness has run its course. I can imagine what all the good olde boys who back Steve and Matrix to the hilt will say, which will be their typical defending of the very long delayed and way overdue MWIF. Not to be be too negative but the offer to buy the game in an above post is a sure bet that that poster will not have to put out any money in 2010. I believe with my heart and soul that the mollycoddling by a lot of you posters that has gone on here for the last five years has caused all the angst that everyone is starting to feel about now, and anyone here who says that there not fed up in their heart with delay after delay of this conversion to the computer is a deep profound PROCRASTINATOR. And after reading that last report from Steve I believe this will not be done this year, I do hope I am proven wrong for the sake of all the very fine posters and game players who try very hard to hold their emotions in check about what is going on here with Steve and Matrix and the terrible delays, maybe some of you fine gentlemen that post here should read a pamphlet by Thomas Paine called "Common Sense" and common sense tells me that something is very wrong here about this conversion, jump all over me if you want I expect it but please use your common sense about this before you blast me. Bo I see that you edited your post from calling everyone who disagreed with you from a LIAR to a PROCRASTINATOR. Those of us who receve this thread by email know what you put in your original post; but we also just consider the source. I appreciate it if you would reconsider the source, I am honest with my feelings to the core ABJ, I dont sugar coat, I dont really try to hurt anyones feelings except maybe Matrix for whom I blame for this travesty of time to make a game, I did put liar in there and then thought about it and did something I never thought I would do back down from my feelings and my common sense, and I noticed instead of commenting on the rest of my post you instead tried to discredit me with a change I made to soften my words but now I wish I had not done so. If the shoe fits WEAR IT! Bo Your right I did not comment on your entire post. I took offense that you assume some people are LIAR's. That is inflammatory and derogatory. I feel that everyone has a right to an opinion and therefore did not agree or disagree with your post . Therefore no comment was made regarding the rest of your post. But now you have taken the step of a derogatory attack on me and I do not appreciate that one bit. I am therefore requesting the moderator take action against you. It is one thing to have an opinion and another to intentionally attack someone. I wanted to add this to my post. This is excerpted from the forum rules and the applicable portions are listed below: No foul language or any type of language that would be consider abusive this includes any materials which are knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, sexual oriented, vulgar, obscene, hateful, harassing, profane, racist, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or that otherwise violates any local, state, national or international law or regulation. No Trolling. Trolling is whenever someone is clearly, deliberately posting in a manner for the purpose of angering and/or insulting the other participants of the message board. Trolling could be directed towards one user or a group of users. Trolling DOES NOT encourage further discussion; it only encourages personal attacks and will not be tolerated. No rude or disrespectful posts to or about any forum moderators or Matrix Games Staff. We will not tolerate any forum member acting in this manner.