Charles2222 -> RE: Spoilage in Japan (8/4/2005 7:22:02 AM)
ORIGINAL: Lord_Calidor It looks like Japan doesn't suffer from spoilage, after all. I started a Scen115 (official Scen15 converted for use with Andrew's map) and left everything on default, didn't expand or convert anything. I chose to watch supply situation on Hokkaido since it's isolated from the rest of the Islands, and it has just 4 bases. Supply expenditure was spot on, according to manual, with repairing of factories, everyday maintenance costs and airplane ops expending supply. There was no unexplained supply drop in any of the 4 bases, even in Asahigawa, size 1 base. From the turn 2 onward, there was regularly about 20 - 25.000 supplies there, and according to spoilage chart everything in excess of 8.000 should be ruined. I run it until 1.1.42. and there was absolutely zero supply spoilage. I was also watching fuel situation in Haiphong, a level 9 base. Starting 180.000 fuel dropped just to 166.764 and stayed there for as long as I run the test (there were no fleets sailing/refueling anywhere in Indochina/Malaya). So either starting bases don't suffer spoilage, or it's broken alltogether. I haven't been quite so scientific about it, but I had not noticed a drop either, but then I'm putting forth effort to conquer it, such that it might be too minimal to notice before I get it low enough for no spoilage. You are possibly making one mistake here, though, and that is that you do not know just at what intervals the spoilage occurs. Whether it's working or not, it certainly "should not" blast all the excess away in one day, or even within the 3 weeks of your test most likely, but to not see it move at all is another matter. Maybe the spoilage is monthly or quarterly though.