Hard Sarge -> RE: i need a trick to save luxuries and textiles (8/4/2005 2:27:28 PM)
in my Current game, I sort of got a chuckle out of Russia, on the first turn, DOW on Portagul, LOL, that was silly, what is Russia going to do down there so I sent a little money there way, then UK and I got into a little bidding war with them, the a few months, later, I get asked if I would protect them, sure, NP Dude Russia got mad at me, but I told them off, and they slunk alway with there tail between there legs I like to throw 5 bucks or so at a Minor, I know I will not have a chance to get, then watch all the other sides, start throwing all there money into it BUT it does seem like the side with the highest level, doesn't get to be the one asked for help when they need it HARD_Sarge