Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (Full Version)

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marky -> Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 9:02:40 PM)


now THIS guy was good eh?

sad tho[:(]

Terminus -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 9:03:47 PM)

Stop spamming!

marky -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 9:05:03 PM)


u sir have insulted my honor!

i chellenge u to a duel!


jus thot it would be good to post a warning to all the hardcore gamers lol[:'(]

CapAndGown -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 9:18:51 PM)

Somehow I doubt that 50 hours would be enough to even finish 6 months of scenario 15. [:D]

marky -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 9:34:36 PM)


Mark VII -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 9:36:32 PM)

My wife emailed that to me yesterday under the heading 'warning'. When I got home from work she asked if I had read it, my response:"Yes, don't play 50+ straight hours of wargames without it...thanks"

Rob322 -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 9:37:14 PM)

Sad? Actually this nitwit is a decent candidate for a Darwin Award. Losing your life over playing a video game isn't sad, it's stupid. [:-]

Nikademus -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 9:50:40 PM)

totally stupid.

Then again before i feel all superior, i'll just conveniently forget that time i almost gave myself a coronary after "losing it" many years ago after a particularily unlucky turn of [the original] Steel Panthers.

After i came down i realized just how dumb it would be to die from such an event and from then on i never "lost it" over a bad wargame turn again though there have been plenty of cuss words whispered in the years following. [:D]

Mike Solli -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 10:07:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: cap_and_gown

Somehow I doubt that 50 hours would be enough to even finish 6 months of scenario 15. [:D]

Hell, I can't do the first turn for the Japanese in 50 hours.

AmiralLaurent -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 10:31:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli


ORIGINAL: cap_and_gown

Somehow I doubt that 50 hours would be enough to even finish 6 months of scenario 15. [:D]

Hell, I can't do the first turn for the Japanese in 50 hours.

So you probably never finished one because of the new patches necessating a restart [;)]

rockmedic109 -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 10:32:43 PM)

I think there is a sentence missing in the report.

"Drugs may have been involved."

If being awake for 50 hours {taking naps in that time} were enough to kill you, I would have died a long time ago. So would most of the people going through Ranger School or a few other of the Armed Forces schools.

The only two scenarios giving this any believability are drug overdose or Pulmonary Embolism {blood clot forming in lower legs due to non-movement for long period of time--then breaking off and lodging in a lung}. Perhaps a case could be made for Congenital heart defect.

Terminus -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 10:34:57 PM)

Apparently he did get up to go to the bathroom more than once. Wouldn't that be enough to stop bloodclots in the legs?

Rob322 -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 11:17:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: rockmedic109

I think there is a sentence missing in the report.

"Drugs may have been involved."

If being awake for 50 hours {taking naps in that time} were enough to kill you, I would have died a long time ago. So would most of the people going through Ranger School or a few other of the Armed Forces schools.

The only two scenarios giving this any believability are drug overdose or Pulmonary Embolism {blood clot forming in lower legs due to non-movement for long period of time--then breaking off and lodging in a lung}. Perhaps a case could be made for Congenital heart defect.

The other thing is that this could be an internet rumor/myth that got picked up by the wire services on an otherwise slow news day and broadcast. Wouldn't be the first time.

Mike Solli -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 11:26:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: AmiralLaurent


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli


ORIGINAL: cap_and_gown

Somehow I doubt that 50 hours would be enough to even finish 6 months of scenario 15. [:D]

Hell, I can't do the first turn for the Japanese in 50 hours.

So you probably never finished one because of the new patches necessating a restart [;)]

Finish??!! You're supposed to finish this game?

Terminus -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 11:27:44 PM)



The other thing is that this could be an internet rumor/myth that got picked up by the wire services on an otherwise slow news day and broadcast. Wouldn't be the first time.

True enough, but some of the online gamers in Asia are INSANE!

RUPD3658 -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/11/2005 11:32:28 PM)

This is why I need my wife to bring me food and drink while I am playing. [:D] I have done 12 hours in a day.

YankeeAirRat -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 12:05:29 AM)

Snopes dot com has it as a listing of false. They say it has popped up here and there on the internet with various changes for since about 1998

marky -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 12:17:13 AM)



This is why I need my wife to bring me food and drink while I am playing. [:D] I have done 12 hours in a day.


ive spent days on my computer wher i literally havent turned my tv on at ALL, and as much a tv nut as i m a computer nut[:'(]

1 time i think i did 10 hours STRAIGHT or more


Big B -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 1:42:23 AM)

"Taking short naps" is NOT staying up for 50 hrs straight,
I agree with rockmedic109 - there was something else going on here..


Terminus -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 1:47:41 AM)

If, in fact, it's NOT an Internet fable...

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 2:22:25 AM)

I think you may have hit the nail on the head. That would be my guess as well.[:(]

ORIGINAL: rockmedic109

I think there is a sentence missing in the report.

"Drugs may have been involved."

If being awake for 50 hours {taking naps in that time} were enough to kill you, I would have died a long time ago. So would most of the people going through Ranger School or a few other of the Armed Forces schools.

The only two scenarios giving this any believability are drug overdose or Pulmonary Embolism {blood clot forming in lower legs due to non-movement for long period of time--then breaking off and lodging in a lung}. Perhaps a case could be made for Congenital heart defect.

Tom Hunter -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 4:15:51 AM)

And look, it seems to be epidemic:

A Russian teen died from a stroke after playing PC games for 12 hours in a computer club. Doctors were taking lifesaving efforts for several days, but could not save the boy. The autopsy showed the young gamer's brain to be totally destroyed.


A 24-year-old South Korean man died after playing computer games nonstop for 86 hours, Korean police have said.

The jobless man, identified by police only by his last name Kim, was found dead yesterday at an Internet cafe in Kwangju, 260 kilometres southwest of Seoul, they said.


Man dies playing all-night computer game

ANANOVA:A guy died from playing Half-Life cs! Oh my god.

Here is the headline you will not see:



mogami -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 6:04:54 AM)

Hi, All I can say is "Ha"
When I got my copy of UV I played for over 40 hours before passing out
I play WITP 12 hours per day everyday and have been doing so for over a year and before that I tested at least 16 hours per day 7 days a week.
However there are people who play golf just as much or couch potatoes who watch TV just as much or porno hounds who spend 20 hours a day in the castle of Doctor Jerkinstein.
If I was not playing WITP I would still be awake. If I had no computer I would read 20 hours a day. When I run out of gas I sleep for 12 hours but most of the time I can get by on just 4. I also get to where I am awake for 6 hours and sleep for 2 or 3 so in a 24 hour period I am up 18 hours but get 6 hours sleep.
When I was a chess hound I played chess for 16 hours a day. (Go to a tourny a player can spend 12 hours at the board in 1 day and have to repeat this for several days)
Now that was tiring. (It was a lot more effort to play chess for 16 hours compared to WITP for 16 hours)
I think all these reports are pure BS. Now a person might have died while playing the computer but he died from causes other then playing the computer. (King George III died taking a dump but not from taking a dump)

Captain Ed -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 6:47:03 AM)

Anybody notice anyone missing from the forum[:D]

ilovestrategy -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 6:47:08 AM)

My record for playing is 20 hours while playing this online roleplaying game called Ultima online. The things gamers will do to Grandmaster blacksmithing [8|]. But from playing console games for 15 years and comp games for 10, I can tell you from experience you can't die from it. Ive sat down on my couch and watch movies for hours and hours with no side effects. Well, an irrirated wife could be counted as a side effect...

Bodhi -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 6:52:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy
Ive sat down on my couch and watch movies for hours and hours with no side effects. Well, an irrirated wife could be counted as a side effect...

You just have to learn to shift a bit as she cleans around you, that gets rid of that side effect. [:D]

ilovestrategy -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 6:57:10 AM)


Mike Scholl -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 7:02:36 AM)

Most foolish I've ever been was a 39 hour session of the original CIVILIZATION over a day off.

Of course, I had just come home from work when I started, and had to go back when I finished.

Ah, to be young and stupid again......

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 7:57:07 AM)

Previously healthy 28 year olds dont die of "heart failure"

The guy was amped up on something and probably had a fatal arrhythmia ...or perhaps his massive spread butt got stuck in the stall in the bathroom and his died of ashyxiation.

Tom Hunter -> RE: Man dies after 50 hours of computer games (8/12/2005 5:40:04 PM)

Speculate all you want, this guy is not dead because he never lived. They don't even have his name, there are no pictures, they don't say where he was playing the games.

Lee means nothing, its like Smith

Naming the city means nothing either

They don't name the actualy game parlor, because there isn't one

They don't have photos because there is no place to photograph

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