Algeria fix. (Full Version)

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carnifex -> Algeria fix. (8/13/2005 5:35:43 PM)

Go into your CoG directory, and edit players2.txt - it's found in the following locations:


Search for

Algerian	Frank	171
and replace with

Algerian	Frank	170

This will set the Algerian capitol to Algeria, not Banka.

I disavow any effect on saved or multiplayer games.

Edit: good luck conquering it otherwise ;p

Mynok -> RE: Algeria fix. (8/14/2005 9:37:48 PM)

Thank you sir! That should stop the traitorous Bankanians from seceeding from Tripolitania, too.

carnifex -> RE: Algeria fix. (8/23/2005 5:58:50 PM)

Need to change another item for the Algerians, otherwise you will never see the Algerian Corps reinforce [:D]

Edit the start2.txt file, look for Algerian Corps, and change it and all of it's subordinate units' "location" to "170".

Mr. Z -> RE: Algeria fix. (8/23/2005 6:23:36 PM)

Good heavens--Banka has been the capital of Algeria this whole time??? How have I missed this aspect of the discussion?!

Indeed, that would help fix a lot of things!

Eric, better check the capital of Venetia while you're at should be, uh, Venice!!!

ian77 -> RE: Algeria fix. (8/23/2005 6:30:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: carnifex

Need to change another item for the Algerians, otherwise you will never see the Algerian Corps reinforce [:D]

Edit the start2.txt file, look for Algerian Corps, and change it and all of it's subordinate units' "location" to "170".

Would a similar "fix" work to stop all Polish troops being built in Warsaw, and backing up the production queue for years? Can we set polish troop creation to other provinces?


carnifex -> RE: Algeria fix. (8/23/2005 8:59:09 PM)

no, my change is purely to fix the troop replacements - not new unit production

carnifex -> RE: Algeria fix. (8/23/2005 9:07:16 PM)


Good heavens--Banka has been the capital of Algeria this whole time??? How have I missed this aspect of the discussion?!

Obviously you have never put Pechlivan Khan with his elite Janissaries on a stinking boat full of sweaty Turks, sailed it over to Algeria and tried to conquer it but couldn't because it turned all kinds of funny colors and stripes. [:D]

Naomi -> RE: Algeria fix. (9/15/2005 1:57:01 AM)

Thanks, tho' I started a game still with the problem hanging on. Are you sure the fix won't apply to the saved game?

gustavus -> RE: Algeria fix. (9/15/2005 2:56:08 PM)

Hi Naomi!

As far as my experience goes, all changes regarding the textfiles is applied to all savegames, fx. if you start a new game, then save it and edit say target.txt those changes comes in effect when you load your savegame.

ericbabe -> RE: Algeria fix. (9/15/2005 3:25:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: gustavus
Hi Naomi!

As far as my experience goes, all changes regarding the textfiles is applied to all savegames, fx. if you start a new game, then save it and edit say target.txt those changes comes in effect when you load your savegame.

This should be true for most files with the exception of files that are simply used to build startup information, such as start2.txt, relstart.txt, and provstrt.txt.

Naomi -> RE: Algeria fix. (9/16/2005 3:23:16 AM)

Thanks for clarifying. I saw after my fixing that Algeria fell into the hands of a nation.

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