CoffeeMug -> RE: SOP: Hold fire if fired upon (8/17/2005 1:22:19 PM)
ORIGINAL: embis In the second situation...if they have fired on me they know where I am so I am not giving away my position. You cant use indirect fire with anything except arty in FPG so, unless the firing unit is arty, they must have seen me and therefore I would want to whallop them pronto before they kill me wouldnt I? Hmm, perhaps I did not make myself clear. If you use the "open fire when enemy is x meters away", you certainly give your position away without reducing the enemy enough. Perhaps he can evade your fire. What will happen then is, that your position will be hammered be enemy arty. Remember that the red side has an advantage of 10 to 1 on arty. Your platoon has to evade the arty fire and cannot continue the fire fight. Under arty protection, the enemy will continue to attack and close-in on your position, while you cannot do anything against it. Now you use the "hold fire when fired upon". You are standing in your position. The enemy will detect you at some point, but this distance will be much closer than when you have declared a firing line. Lets say 1500 meters, because detection during movement is quite difficult for the reds. They open fire and odds are good, that the first rounds will miss. Now it's your chance to answer and with a much closer distance your chances to destroy the enemy formation can (!) be better than above. Perhaps you make a little test to try it out. Cheers, CM