Castaños -> RE: morale of new units (8/28/2005 2:06:27 AM)
After enjoying the game quite a lot I find the recruitment of new units is not very well balanced. There’s no reason to try to “nurse” any of the initial units, just build up your barracks and the new units will be a lot better than any of the “veteran” units, and I find that this is nor realistic nor fun. I prefer to take care of my veterans and watch them become elite units after years of victorious battles, and that’s something that with the system the game uses is so difficult it is worthless the effort. Instead of using the barracks to determine the morale value of the new units and need labor to recruit them, I think it will be better if: 1. The barracks determine only the number of units that can be trained or recruited in the territory. So, in a province with barracks of lvl 7 you can train or recruit 7 divisions at a time. 2. The morale of the new units depends of the training period you set at the “construction” time. With a unit of infantry, set the minimum time at 1 or 2 months, and a morale base of 2. For each additional month of training the morale goes up .25, to a maximum of 4 or 4.25 for all countries, with the exception of Turkey, that will have a maximum of 3 or 3.25 (They were very inferior to the European armies at that time, they systematically lose every war with Russia and Austria) If I not remember badly 4 or 4.25 is the morale of the “regular” units, I don’t find logic that a newly recruited unit starts with a “seasoned” or “experienced” rating or more, I think that’s something you can only have with combat experience or a LOT of months of training. For that reason I find that this moral will be too the maximum morale you can put to the draftees. If you want to maintain some advantages for England or France they can have a plus in the monthly gain of morale or can have a + 0.5 morale when they finish the training, or a better morale to the draftees. 3. Instead of using labor to recruit units, use the draft pool and lower the population of the province in where the units are raised. I find it makes more sense. 4. At any province you can raise any type of cavalry or infantry unit, if you have the advances needed. Uhlans and lancers were recruited in a lot of different provinces, and with lvl 7 of barracks it’s not an easy job… With minor changes it can work without problems. To raise “light” infantry troops you will need the “skirmishers training” and some countries will have the option to take it only after 1805 (Prussia, for example), to make guard units (other than the one or two regiments every country had at that time) the advance of “guards”, to recruit rifles another advance (available first to England and later on to the other countries) and so on. And for the morale of the units “on the field”, make an advance of .1 for each battle, +.1 if victorious, - modifiers of the replacements. And there is the problem of the sieges… if you starve the defenders they die like flies in the first months, but after that they seem to have food aplenty (maybe they eat the corpses of their fallen comrades?) and it takes a lot of time to starve them to death. Because if you assault them the problem is that the morale of the attackers will always drop with the replacements, and they not seem to gain experience for besieging or assaulting the fortress. Best regards, Castaños P.D. I pray you excuse the faults and grammatical errors, English as you can see is not my native tongue… [;)]