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solops -> Miscellaneous Questions (9/13/2005 8:20:03 PM)

1. Do infantry divisions with the Divisional Artillery technology benefit from improved artillery technologies?

2. Why is there a French frigate in Tyrolia in my game?

Ralegh -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/14/2005 9:11:25 AM)

1. No.

2. Its a bug. - It won't DO anything, and may get redeployed to sea during a surrender (maybe) later in the game. We have some theories about what is causing it, but no firm reasoning - and no fix. If you ever manage to have a save file JUST BEFORE one of these "inland frigates" (as I call them) appears, we would love to have it! Most people (including me) don't notice until the darn thing has been there several months, and all their saves show the darn thing already in place.

ericbabe -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/14/2005 5:13:34 PM)

I'm still not even sure if the inland-frigates are being caused by a treaty, by troop relocations after a war, or by retreats after combat. If we could narrow it down to a general cause then it would go a long way toward solving the problem.

(FWIW, I have my debugger code trapped to break whenever a frigate appears in-land but as this is not a common bug it's never actually happened to me in any games I've played personally.)

Hard Sarge -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/14/2005 5:20:57 PM)

now maybe they will believe me when I say I have never seen it either :)

gustavus -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/15/2005 3:01:43 PM)

In Start2.txt some of the inland cities have port values, fx. Paris has a value of two as do others.

ericbabe -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/15/2005 3:24:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: gustavus
In Start2.txt some of the inland cities have port values, fx. Paris has a value of two as do others.

The engine actually ignores these port values. What matters is whether a city is given as a regular city or a port city in the unit type.

Naomi -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/16/2005 3:43:15 AM)

I'd like to raise a recently found problem by the way. The first moment I conquered Corsica, the besieging units vanished along with the depot built there, and the fleet I sent there to carry them out vanished too. Although I was reassured that they were still existent by inspecting the province, there was seemingly no way to claim back such lost "belongings", even if clicking "+" continuously didn't let me choose them. :p

A long enough series of turns later, I tried to risk another fleet by sending it there to get the land units away, using the "inspecting" screen to load the divisions onto that other fleet. Thanks to I-didn't-know-whom, the fleet took them back to me. Later on, I proceeded to order out all the component vessels of the previous fleet by dint of "auto-join". Finally, miraculously, the fleet, left empty, reared her head again.

*(~,~)* < I wish this Burmuda-Triangle case wouldn't occur often enough.

ericbabe -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/16/2005 4:05:02 PM)

Did you try CTRL+Right Clicked on the province?

I think we need a new stack symbol for small provinces with many groups that duplications the effect of CTRL+Right Click....

Mr. Z -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/16/2005 6:41:57 PM)


I think we need a new stack symbol for small provinces with many groups that duplications the effect of CTRL+Right Click....

We'll just put it in the manual/errata!

Naomi -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/17/2005 9:33:05 AM)

Thanks, I got it just now.

Castaņos -> RE: Miscellaneous Questions (9/17/2005 1:41:49 PM)

The inland frigates/fleets in one of my games came from a retreat after battle.
As Spain I conquered Portugal, and his fleet was in Lisbon.
My fleet was blockading the city, and after conquering the province I put my fleet in Lisbon, so a battle happened with the portugese fleet.
I won, and the portuguese fleet appeared in Madrid... curious enough...

Best regards

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