Stronger or weaker powers (Full Version)

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Mathusalem -> Stronger or weaker powers (9/14/2005 10:42:47 AM)

On the first screen, when you begin a game, you can set a country as stronger or weaker.
When you choose stronger, does it mean that it's easier to play because the country has more strength and troops, or does it mean that it is for stronger players, and thus the country is harder to play. I thought it was the first option, but when I see the number of my losses in a combat, and the number of enemy losses, I don't know anymore.

Hard Sarge -> RE: Stronger or weaker powers (9/14/2005 1:57:56 PM)

I believe, that each + gives you more troops, each - will take troops away from the starting forces

so all it really does is increase or decrease the starting forces

ericbabe -> RE: Stronger or weaker powers (9/14/2005 5:09:53 PM)

Settings +1 through +3 make the nation stronger, by giving one fully stocked bonus corps for each +; these settings also give an economic bonus to the nation.

The negative settings -- -1 to -3 -- don't take away starting troops but they do give the nation an economic penalty.

Naomi -> RE: Stronger or weaker powers (9/16/2005 5:17:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: ericbabe

Settings +1 through +3 make the nation stronger, by giving one fully stocked bonus corps for each +; these settings also give an economic bonus to the nation.

The negative settings -- -1 to -3 -- don't take away starting troops but they do give the nation an economic penalty.

I didn't really know about the economic impact changing the setting this way would have. May I know how far approximately each scale up would improve?

ericbabe -> RE: Stronger or weaker powers (9/16/2005 4:02:40 PM)

Oh sorry:

-3 = -50%
-2 = -25%
-1 = -12%
+1 = +12%
+2 = +25%
+3 = +50%

This is applied to all resource income.

Naomi -> RE: Stronger or weaker powers (9/17/2005 9:29:14 AM)


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