carnifex -> RE: Best starting country/scenario for a beginner? (9/21/2005 11:06:26 PM)
As Sweden your main feeding ground should be Russia. Take Denmark, build up the army just a bit, declare on Russia and concentrate your army in your capital to take advantage of the river crossing from Finland, the forest, and the inherent forts. Soon a very large but low morale Russian army will begin to break on your high morale troops. If you're lucky it won't arrive all at once either but in nice bite-sized pieces. Afterwards, if the battles haven't forced a morale-based surrender, march slowly into Russia. Great thing about fighting them is that they can't outflank you and make a rush for your capital. Take St Pete from them, then either harass the Prussians for some coastal provinces, or just wait until it's time to hammer on the Russians again, preferably while they're busy with the Ottoman Jerks. From St Pete you can be in Moscow in one turn.