BossGnome -> Some rather strange territorial concessions... (9/20/2005 9:13:31 AM)
I tried a game as France, in the equal 1820 setting. After Russia gets too ambitious and tries to threaten Poland (of which I am the protector) I manage to form a massive coalition of Sweden, Prussia, Turkey and myself to go kick Russia's butt, and hopefully weaken her enough to prevent her from doing much more major harm in the future. As concessions, I grab 1 russian territory to make my Polish state bigger, and demand heavy economical reparations. The prussians demand an adjacent territory to East Prussia, and (this is a little strange) Kiev[&:]. Sweden, on their part, do not demand a finnish Province (like I would have thought, but instead a province two provinces removed from the finnish provinces, essentially in the middle of nowhere![&:][&:]... Turkey (and this is not the first time I have seen the demand this concession from russia) do not demand galicia, or Sevastopol (which would have made sense) but a territory adjacent to poland, 1 hex removed from the turkish border and, also essentially, in the middle of nowhere. I am confused. Later on, Prussia attacks me, along with Spain and England as allies. I immediately surrender to prussia, knowing that I most likely have the armies to take spain and britain on, and probably obtain a surrender from Spain. Prussia demands, not the liberation of some independant states adjacent to itself, not a province close it itself, but a province next to ile de france!! What the hell? in the event of a declaration of war I could just grab that province easily! And its not like he could reinforce it well... In another game, totally different this time, as turkey I watch France demand (again) Kiev, of all provinces! And sebastopol as Russian concessions... What is going on here? From my growing experience I have figured out that computers will "prefer" to obtain several provinces. Kiev and (Volhinya i think), are two prime examples. However I finnd this totally idiotic and unhistorical. In the napoleonic wars, no one asked for a piece of land in the middle of the enemy's country after a settlement! Most of the concessions were made in order to a) extend one's own borders or b) weaken one,s hold over minor powers. Why do the computer's attitudes not reflect this in the game?