JavaJoe -> RE: News from the Beta - some decisions (10/7/2005 1:37:07 AM)
ORIGINAL: NeverMan quote:
ORIGINAL: Pippin quote:
I wonder if the games will end up with GB and Fr allying? Ummm... I wonder. I have seen GB and FR play as allies even when the rules forbid it. You will never stop 'fake wars', even if technicaly you state Britain has to always be at war with France. True, but this is based on trust...... which is easy to break. If French fleets are left ungaurded what's to stop him from backstabbing GB (who he is already at war with) during the Naval Phase (supposing that GB choose to go before France) instead of having to declare war against GB and giving GB a chance to due something about it? If GB is always thinking this backstabbing in the back of his mind, then he can rarely afford to go first in the Naval Phase, which takes away from being GB and it's power, which is a small reason why VPs are so high for GB. There REALLY is a big difference. I guess you would really have to be a veteran of EiA to understand this. EDIT: without the Unconditional and VERY harsh surrender conditions, they could easily due conditional surrender with royal marriage and whatever, blah blah blah... Personally, just personally, I think it really throws off the balance of the game and if I played in a game of this kind then I would bid SUPER high for GB. They could also just make an informal peace, ally, then rack up the PP's against all the other players. French troops on Britsh ships. The other aspect of this, it tends to keep GB at war with France even though GB's allies may get a surrender from France. It forces term C.6 (to remove Napoleon) ALL powers must choose this for it to take affect, therefore if let's say Prussia doesn't choose this as a condition then GB can't make peace with France. Forcing them to specific surrender terms avoids that from happening. Although in multi player games a house rule can fix this without a problem. I'm not sure how the AI will handle this....