Hard Sarge -> RE: Now I'm drooling... (10/13/2005 2:41:54 PM)
yes, I can agree with what you are saying, intercepting is natural, and normal, but like in Maddon football games, a blitz is normal too, but a blitz with a stunt on the same side of the field works better the thing with patrols, is you can set up you defence in afvance of the attack being seen, , at times the first sight of a raid you see, you got what 21 minutes of delay to wait till the planes take off, most times, that is going to cut it close (of course, if you set up a patrol, you still got the same delay) if when you knew something was going to be coming, and started your patrols, they would be in place or getting there when the raid was spotted, then you got time to do something (which also, it can get hairy when everything but the sink is coming at you at the same time) okay, with the OOBs and the editor, one of the changed made was to up the movement allowed on the 2nd day of the campaign to 500, instead of 200, moving is easier don't really think the AI cares much if you have Flak or not at a target, if it wants to attack, it will but so saying, 20 light guns at a AF, are going to tear up a large sweep (a small sweep, may get in and out with out much damage, but a 2nd and 3rd group are going to take good damage, more then 3rd units in the same sweep, are going to get pounded) (JC over the years, really made Sweeps dangerous, mainly to counter me, as I was the main force behind pushing for sweeps, also, the attacking landing planes, was toned way down, I bragged about catching 2 Gruppen landing at the same time, next OOB, you couldn't do it anymore, oh but that was sweet) {in fact, let me brag, 2 P-39 FGs and a GB P-40 squadron in the south caught 2 full JGs landing at one of the side islands off of Italy, shot down some 60+ planes, then to add insult, they attacked the base and shot up the rest of the Gruppens, it was pretty) sorry got sidetracked for the GE player, yea, put light Flak up on the coast, radar and V-sites are going to draw lots of low level planes (whatch, there was a bug about 255 guns on a target, not counting once it reached 255, it started counting over again (I forget if we fixed that one or not) use the big guns for for key targets, and then for choke points, where you think the AI is going to have to fly (amsterdamn is a good place for one) you know off the bat, that U-Boats are going to be a key target very soon after the start, so load them up with the Heavies and RR flak, even to the point of stripping other targets you may want to guard the coast, but really should pull back, let the Allies have the coast, too easy to be trapped there, and most of France can be left on it's own too (I have trouble doing that also, I still try and fight) do you have the 106x5 patch, 106a OOB ? you will still catch the FR if you play the same why you did before, but they do have other good things in them