Civilization II (Full Version)

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ralf smith -> Civilization II (10/12/2005 12:38:12 AM)

Are you still playing in it. Lets discuss this wonderfull game.

Wuotan -> RE: Civilization II (10/12/2005 1:15:45 PM)

A wonderful stable, pure and funny game (we do it over a LAN)... who needs CIV III?
I wrote you a message (adressed to "opera").



Pippin -> RE: Civilization II (10/12/2005 4:32:12 PM)

With the number of hours I have poured into Civ II and III, I could have writen twenty novels by now. I refuse to install them again!

ravinhood -> RE: Civilization II (10/13/2005 9:47:41 AM)

Install them again? How could you ever bring yourself to uninstall them in the first place?? Of all the games I have Civilization has never met the uninstall button, oh it's had it's erases because of reformatting hard-drives, but, life just wouldn't be the same without a Civilization on my computer. Along with Alpha Centauri (another very addictive game), Colonization 95 (yet another very fun civilization type game).

If I could only take one game to a deserted island or a never ending space flight, Civilization II would be my choice. Alpha Centauri a close 2nd.

And I agree CIV II is still the best of the series, III didn't feel as challenging by the AI (heh what else is new), but, I did like the resource trading of CIV III, but, hated the diplomacy and spying of it, I like my units/icons for diplomacy and spying, that abstract way of CIV III suked oodles of noodles. And the talking council members of CIV II is the best feature of them all, sure missed them in CIV III, especially the attitude and military advisors. CIV III also played too fast, I liked being able to slow down tech times in CIV II so there was more encounters with different era military units instead of having modern tanks before bc turned into ad.

CIV IV LOOKS good n all, but, I fear they are too interested in the graphics effect of it and have left out or changed a lot of the good that used to be in Civilization. I didn't like reading that the resources would be more equally divided in CIV IV, that was the fun of CIV III trying to either get a trade agreement for them or fight for them. I see more dumbing down in CIV IV and making things too easy, geared toward the 12-13 year olds who musta whinned that CIV II & III was too hard. Heh, they should go back and play the origional Civilization if they wanna see hard, where the AI made a beeline for you like you was honey. haha

Now, Pippin you go right now and reinstall Civilization and get Alpha Centauri and Colonization 95. ;)

bluermonkey -> RE: Civilization II (10/13/2005 12:43:56 PM)

I poured hours and hours of time into both civ2 and civ3. Civ2 at one point threatened to take over my life; has there ever been a more addictive game? Civ3 was in some ways better, in others it wasn't. I liked the resources and the bombardment capability given to some units, but it seemed to be a souless experience playing that game. I dunno' how to explain it, but it just didn't feel as good playing it as when I played civ2.

I don't like the look of civ4 either...

Wuotan -> RE: Civilization II (10/13/2005 1:09:27 PM)

Yep; "CIV II plus"... give me just some little spoilers, add some diplomatic features... i donīt understand that much of programming, but in my opinion those changes
should be "quite easy" to do.

As i wrote to the starter of this thread: at is a large CIV II-Section (still very, very alive) with lots of people claiming the same issues as we do
it here. They spoke about a letter to the owner of the code, but one buddy sayd that
he would DOUBT THAT THE SOURCE-CODE IS STILL EXISTING IN SELLABLE FORM... sounds not that unrealistic; very, very sad.

Here, in germany, the game-magazines who test games are simply mad to judge
about every game in the manner "Graphics: 70 %, Sound: 10 %, Fun: 10 %, Playability: 10 %". Yes, this may work for 3D-Shooters... but not for a game like
CIV II. Personally, i donīt need walking (and talking!!!!) settlers, moving wheels on chariots and other bullsh.... CIV IIs interface may look a little bit like a MS-Office-Program, but in such a complex game with dozens/hundreds of units you canīt beat it (my opinion)... clear, simple; pure information when you need it.

As i sayed, it could be PERFECT if it would be spoiled a little bit. Will play it for the rest of my live (even if it would need a Windows32-Emulator in the future to run).

Greetings, and Hail to all CIV II-Fans (we will have a LAN-Session this weekend, with
lots of drinks and thousands of years writing history)...

TL. from Lower-Saxony

Zap -> RE: Civilization II (10/13/2005 1:31:31 PM)

I had heard a lot of praise for this game from Ravinhood. Just reading now, your posts worry me about the addictive factor. I want to stay married!

Since I am waiting for Matrix WWII games, still to be published, I have time to delve into other games.
I did own (for a short while) and play Age of Empires II, hope Civ. is better than that game. I did not enjoy that game at all.

Wuotan -> RE: Civilization II (10/13/2005 2:16:51 PM)

By the way, Zap: itīs turnbased; but believe me/us: nothing of this kind had ever been THAT delicious!

Have fun!


Pippin -> RE: Civilization II (10/13/2005 5:08:12 PM)


Now, Pippin you go right now and reinstall Civilization and get Alpha Centauri and Colonization 95. ;)

Nope, not going to do it. Though, I am planning to master Rising Sun in the meantime.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Civilization II (10/13/2005 9:41:43 PM)

Has anyone ever taken the time to read my sig over the last few months? [:-][:D]

Wuotan -> RE: Civilization II (10/14/2005 8:13:10 AM)


ravinhood -> RE: Civilization II (10/15/2005 2:45:35 AM)

Not to go OT (too much hehe), but, I'll tell you another game that keeps me coming back for more and that's TROPICO, I just can't pick out why I love this game easily, I think it's because of all the ways you can setup your generals personalities and try to survive as long as you can, I have one game going to almost 500 years now, but, the military has finally had enough of me and I get coup attempts quite often now. I find trying to survive as a capitalist/intellectual the hardest since the game seems to favor militarist/communism moreso (at least it appears easier). And I always piss off the environmentalist lol having like a 19 in environment before I start beautifying the land again sometimes, sometimes I never do it. lol

If you've never played this game you should try it, for a city builder I think it's the best one out there. It just offers so many choices in how to play, literally thousands of choices.

So, if I could have TWO games on a deserted island, Civilization II would be one and Tropico the other. ;)

Warfare1 -> RE: Civilization II (10/15/2005 3:30:34 AM)

Civ II is definitely one of my all time favourites. It has never left my hard drive...

Other great favourites are: Heroes of Might & Magic III and MTW VI.

In Medieval Total War I loaded up the "Fall of Rome" Mod and am having a blast fending off those restless barbarian types that keep hooting and hollering outside my territorial boundaries... [:D]

Pippin -> RE: Civilization II (10/15/2005 3:54:29 AM)

After Sid made the Civ series, I had thought his Pirates would be pretty good too. Unfortunately... I found Pirates to be very tedius. Since when is learning dance step moves part of fun strategy?

ravinhood -> RE: Civilization II (10/15/2005 6:49:49 AM)

Just like everyone else just about Pippin, I think Sid was "persuaded" to add that dancing crap to the new pirates because of the new age "action gamer" today vs the true strategy gamers.

The origional Pirates didn't have that and wasn't tedious at all, I played several campaigns of the first version. No silly puzzles, just straight forward privateering and conquering cities and getting treasure trains and finding lost relatives.

Todays rts crowd has brought many unwanted changes to a lot of strategy gaming sadly at the demise of good turn based true to life strategy gaming. Though Matrixgames/HPS are still holding the torch for good turn based strategy games, Matrixgames have stepped over into this action oriented rts genre as well and now "sports" games too. But, what can yah do, if you're trying to keep your head above water and yourself in "suits" I guess you have to sort of go with the flow and produce a little of everything to keep a steady income to produce the few and far between turn based strategy games that most of us enjoy the most.

Civilization keeps changing over the years as well. If you will notice it keeps getting more "graphic" oriented and "dumbed down" so the casual 12-13 year old will buy it. CIV II is the strategy gamers CIV, everything afterwards has been less while looking like more.

Excluding graphics, compare CIV III with CIV II and look what more you got and what less you got. You got more factions to play against, but, you got less activity out of them. You lost two units; Diplomats and Caravans, but, you gained a Hero unit. You had to "pay" for a "chance" at stealing or sabatoging another civilization, instead of going for it with your own individual diplomats/spies. You got resources to trade, that was a plus I'da like to have seen in CIV II. CIV II you can adjust just about everything, in CIV III you can hardly adjust anything. You have "zone of control" in CIV II, you lose it in CIV III, in CIV III you have to build a wall of units to block invading forces, in CIV II you could play units in "strategic points" to block movement/invasion. CIV II gave us "talking council members", now while to some of the older crowd this might not be fun or important, but, I got a kick out of it everytime. CIV III just gave you text to read. CIV II ai would backstab you in a heartbeat, CIV III ai makes a pack with you and rarely backstabs you unless you do it first. CIV III did add embargos and fairly decent alliances I will give it that, but, in CIV II with only 7 factions alliances just didn't seem necessary. And that's just some of the things I can think of off the top of my head, but, like someone else said, something about CIV III just didn't bring the game alive as much as CIV II did. CIV II made you really think about what to build and when to build it since units as well as city production depended on shields. In CIV III it was pretty easy to do both, not a lot of thought required, just keep the money flowing in from the city production and you could build lots more units (which you needed to build that wall I spoke of earlier).

Things I would have liked to have seen in CIV II from CIV III
1) The resources to trade and need to build units and keep citizens happy.
2) The embargo system
3) The ability to have double the civilizations in the game 15 I think it was.
4) The different victory conditions.

That's all CIV III really brought to the table as far as I'm concerned with making the game better, the other changes were bad and took too much strategy away instead of adding to it.

Cmdrcain -> RE: Civilization II (10/15/2005 12:40:26 PM)



After Sid made the Civ series, I had thought his Pirates would be pretty good too. Unfortunately... I found Pirates to be very tedius. Since when is learning dance step moves part of fun strategy?

Hummmm The Original Pirates was fun to play,
I've not tried the New one simply due to the Graphic card required, I'm stillusing an older all in wonder radeon 7200 based 32MB card, just don't spend to upgrade a card for just one game, so Pirates lost those like I with its greater graphics demands.

It would be nice to have the Original Pirates back, I recall through when I had it it was a commodore 64 version.

Cmdrcain -> RE: Civilization II (10/15/2005 12:42:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: ralf smith

Are you still playing in it. Lets discuss this wonderfull game.

Still play Civ II at times, Also have Civ III and Civ Conquests all have their pluses and minuses..

Civ III/conquests has a easy to use editor..

Pippin -> RE: Civilization II (10/15/2005 8:13:33 PM)


Hummmm The Original Pirates was fun to play,

Ohh, the new one is funy to play too! If you are one who loves to play that Britany Spear's Dance Beat game.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Civilization II (10/15/2005 10:23:00 PM)

I have had Civ II installed on 3 or 4 different machines since I first bought it back in the mid ninties. I dread the day when it won't fit on an operating system! [X(][X(][X(].
I aways play the communists, I LOVE the no corruption feature.

rhondabrwn -> RE: Civilization II (10/16/2005 8:48:56 AM)

Any chance of Matrix acquiring the rights to Civ II?

Wishful thinking, of course [:(]

Tankerace -> RE: Civilization II (10/16/2005 8:54:38 AM)

CIv II was the best of the Civs, but since my disk got scratched up Im using Civ 3 Conquests. Not quite the same as Civ II, but pretty close.

"We back our threats with nuclear weapons"

I remember one game, I was the Americans, and the Spanish kept threatening me with nukes. Finally, they nuked the Hell out of me, so naturally I nuked back... And this was on the historical earth map. So..... Spain was forced to go into exile in Africa, while I conteted myself with the Pacific and South America.

I didn't even see it coming, it was BOOM and suddenly WWIII. So now in every Civ game I build a huge nuclear force, a huge army, and I squash trouble as soon as it starts. Don't like to use nukes, but I deploy enough to wipe out at least 3 entire opposing CIvs.

Cmdrcain -> RE: Civilization II (10/16/2005 9:52:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tankerace

CIv II was the best of the Civs, but since my disk got scratched up Im using Civ 3 Conquests. Not quite the same as Civ II, but pretty close.

"We back our threats with nuclear weapons"

I remember one game, I was the Americans, and the Spanish kept threatening me with nukes. Finally, they nuked the Hell out of me, so naturally I nuked back... And this was on the historical earth map. So..... Spain was forced to go into exile in Africa, while I conteted myself with the Pacific and South America.

I didn't even see it coming, it was BOOM and suddenly WWIII. So now in every Civ game I build a huge nuclear force, a huge army, and I squash trouble as soon as it starts. Don't like to use nukes, but I deploy enough to wipe out at least 3 entire opposing CIvs.


AI can be nasty like that but besides Own Nukes, deploying anti-missle defenses can be good,
then if AI shoots not always will a city get nuked
and if AI hasn't deployed own anti-missle defenses you can hurt it.

ravinhood -> RE: Civilization II (10/16/2005 9:05:42 PM)

Heh, my favorite thing to do when playing the space race game (which the ai in CIV III never seems to even try to do), is build up a nice nuclear force and when I launch into space I also launch every icbm, and nuclear missle I have. lol It's the most hilarious ending to the game I've done. I have nuclear subs all over the map too. It's fun to blow up the world when the game is over, but, I think I take a nice hit to my game score doing this don't I? lol

ilovestrategy -> RE: Civilization II (10/19/2005 9:16:50 AM)

one time in Civ 2 I was playing the Romans. Spain declared war on me and being the sneaky little bastard that I am, I naturally sent a tireme across the ocean with a diplomat and a legion and bribed one of the spanish cities to join me! [X(] . They hit me with everything they had and by the time I finally broke out of that city I was up to armor and howitzers! [:D][:D][:D][:D]

Tankerace -> RE: Civilization II (10/19/2005 9:20:44 AM)

I've been playing Civ3 as the Romans... tough bastards. I already knocked off two Civs, and knowing that Spain is a pain in the ass, I launched a "Roman Blitzkrieg". Their Spearman, Warriors, and Early Musketmen died bravely under the treads of my tanks, the shells of my battleships, and the bombs of my airplanes.

Of course, now the problem. I made peace with them (after kicking them off my continent, and now America, The Iroqouis, and Spain are POed at me. Bad news, they have planes too. Good news, there is a big ocean, and I got nukes. I also have three cities on their continent, and a crapload of tanks, mech infantry, bombers, fighters, nukes, the whole works. Interesting to see how the "Cold War" is going to play out (needless to say, I will NOT host UN elections, that would be bad.)

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