RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (Full Version)

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hawker -> RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (11/7/2005 11:58:35 PM)


Today is a glorious day for empire!!!!
KB engage in Jawa area noumerous ships and plains.I love this Zero bonus,everything is desstroyed,sink or on the run[;)].
Tomorrow we will stay in area to bombard Soserbaya.I am confident now.He manage to put two bombs on Kaga but sys damage is 5[:D].

Day Air attack on TF at 26,67

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 77

Allied aircraft
CW-21B Demon x 2
Brewster 339D x 6
T.IVa x 6
Martin 139 x 9
Beaufort V-IX x 3
P-40B Tomahawk x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed, 5 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
CW-21B Demon: 2 destroyed
Brewster 339D: 5 destroyed
T.IVa: 5 destroyed
Martin 139: 6 destroyed
Beaufort V-IX: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
P-40B Tomahawk: 8 destroyed
Hudson I: 1 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CV Hiryu
BB Fuso
BB Nagato
Day Air attack on TF at 26,67

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 75

Allied aircraft
CW-21B Demon x 19
Brewster 339D x 45
T.IVa x 5
Martin 139 x 17
Beaufort V-IX x 18
P-40B Tomahawk x 17

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 18 destroyed, 6 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
CW-21B Demon: 19 destroyed[:D]
Brewster 339D: 42 destroyed[:D]
T.IVa: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged
Martin 139: 4 destroyed, 3 damaged
Beaufort V-IX: 4 destroyed, 3 damaged
P-40B Tomahawk: 10 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CV Kaga, Bomb hits 2,sys 5[:D][:D][:D]
CL Kitakami
BB Hyuga
CV Akagi
BB Yamashiro
BB Ise
Day Air attack on TF, near Soerabaja at 23,66

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 45
D3A Val x 63
B5N Kate x 69

Allied aircraft
Hawk 75A x 7
Hurricane II x 30

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
D3A Val: 5 damaged
B5N Kate: 1 destroyed, 4 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hawk 75A: 6 destroyed
Hurricane II: 28 destroyed

Allied Ships
DD Jupiter, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CL Java, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
DD Witte de With, Bomb hits 1, on fire
DD Kortenaer, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Whipple, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Stewart, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Piet Hein, Bomb hits 1, on fire
DD Parrott, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
DD Isis, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
Day Air attack on TF, near Soerabaja at 23,66

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 14
G4M1 Betty x 15

Allied aircraft
Hurricane II x 2

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane II: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
AK Empire Moonrise, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
AK Empire Ranger, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
AK Empire Scout, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
AK Empire Bay, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
As you see,everything goes up in smoke[;)]
More to come soon

hawker -> RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (11/8/2005 5:56:41 PM)


I ws extremly lucky this day.KB attack port of Soserbaya sinking ships there.I manage to sink several DDs one CL and submarine.
He engage KB with Beuforts and other obsolete plains from Soserbaya and somehow manage to break Zero protection with heavy losses on his side,but two torpedoes struck Akagi[:@].
Becouse i was west of Jawa i am making great gamble,all KB will cover wounded comrade to safety,that means that i must repeal another attack.Becouse of damage Akagi taken(flt 50,but right now no fires and sys at 14)i must take shortest route to Balikpapan.
Akagi was escorted by two deastroyers and covered with KB.All fighters on KB are on 90 CAP.
Akagi can make 20 knots so we rushing to Balikpapan.The night falls and his damned PT boats rush to engage my ships.Two BBs hit by torpedo but minor damage.I am survive the night!
Day is come and he lunch attack from Soserbaya,zeros this time did a good job and he score only one hit with bomb on Yamashiro and one DD is hit.Tomorrow CVs are on safe.
I am really furious right now,Akagi will be away approx two months becouse of repairs[:@].
He has 48 units on Jawa[X(],that means India is unprotected.As soon as Singapore falls i am going for India,he will pay for his ignorance.
Manila is bombard every day and soon will be only dust.

Night Time Surface Combat at 25,68

Japanese Ships
CV Shokaku
CV Zuikaku
BB Hiei
BB Kirishima
CA Tone
DD Akigumo
DD Kagero
DD Oyashio
DD Isokaze
DD Shiranuhi
DD Umikaze

Allied Ships
PT TM-10, Shell hits 72, and is sunk
Night Time Surface Combat at 24,68

Japanese Ships
CV Shokaku
CV Zuikaku
BB Hiei, Shell hits 5
BB Kirishima, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
CA Tone, Shell hits 1
DD Akigumo
DD Kagero
DD Oyashio
DD Isokaze, Shell hits 1
DD Shiranuhi
DD Umikaze

Allied Ships
DD Van Ghent, Shell hits 10, on fire
PT TM-9, Shell hits 16, and is sunk
PT TM-11
PT TM-12
PT TM-13, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
PT TM-14
PT TM-15
Day Air attack on Manila , at 43,52

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 16
Ki-27 Nate x 45
Ki-21 Sally x 153
Ki-48 Lily x 36
Ki-49 Helen x 25

Allied aircraft
P-40E Warhawk x 2

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21 Sally: 2 destroyed, 12 damaged
Ki-48 Lily: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged
Ki-49 Helen: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed

Allied ground losses:
497 casualties reported
Guns lost 8
Vehicles lost 2

Airbase hits 25
Airbase supply hits 16
Runway hits 102

pauk -> RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (11/8/2005 6:53:43 PM)

oh, that was bad one... that's reason i never stay so long in dangerous area (I learn this lesson on my skin too unfortunatly). Even mighty KB can be wounded with lucky punch....

hawker, do you have some time to post some screens (air losses, naval losses, oil&resouce situation and general overview of the theatres)... ?

hawker -> RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (11/8/2005 8:15:45 PM)

This shows you situation arround Jawa


hawker -> RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (11/8/2005 8:26:13 PM)

This is situation on NG:


pauk -> RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (11/8/2005 8:48:58 PM)

thanks, if i'm not too greedy, what about ac losses?[;)][:D]

(and for us with dial-up you can always cut unnecessary part of the screen[;)])

hawker -> RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (11/8/2005 11:38:30 PM)



Troops in Singapore resting before attack,probably one more week.
In Burma 33rd div. will tomorrow enter the Moulmein while other division and tank brigade will arrive 1-2 week later.


hawker -> RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (11/8/2005 11:47:53 PM)

KB reach Balikpapan,refuel and set sail for Pacific at high speed.I want to make some surprises there[;)]
Akagi is 4 hex from Balikpapan,flt 60.I think i will save my precious carrier.
Invasion force for PM are on the sea,i will also take Buna and Lae.

This is current situation in points,


hawker -> RE: My war against Gen.Hoepner (11/9/2005 10:14:09 PM)

Nothing new today except i bombarding to pieces Manila and Singapore.
After 21st div. come to Manila we attack.Manila will be overrun with 6 divs,4 tank regiment and 1000 arty pieces.
This is my plan for Australia after PM falls.
Tell me what you think,i need help on this one.


hawker -> PM is japanese (11/10/2005 9:32:16 PM)



After another deliberate attack on Singapore we manage to gain 2-1,forts are now four.I think that Singapore will hold for four days.It holds too long,but i am confident now.


Last day my recons saw 100+ bombers on the airport of Batavia,nells from Palembang go for attack but airport was empty.He probably move planes to Soserbaya.He reckoning with B-17s,that means he is going for my oil and resources[;)].
Palembang and Balikpapan are full of zeros,each has 150+ fighters.


21st div unloading in San Marcelino,after this guys arrive in Manila we start our attack.Manila has 2500 AP.


PM fallen after one charge of dreadfull SSD and 2nd division.Now i will develop PM to maximum,and Lunga too.

Ground combat at Port Moresby

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 30163 troops, 304 guns, 7 vehicles

Defending force 4966 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2

Japanese assault odds: 8 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Port Moresby base !!!

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
Catalina I: 1 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
249 casualties reported
Guns lost 4
Vehicles lost 1

Allied ground losses:
388 casualties reported
Guns lost 8

Ground combat at Singapore

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 119948 troops, 930 guns, 17 vehicles

Defending force 66636 troops, 404 guns, 20 vehicles

Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 5)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 4

Japanese ground losses:
2350 casualties reported
Guns lost 57
Vehicles lost 2

Allied ground losses:
2205 casualties reported
Guns lost 82

Here is the nice screenshot around PM,


hawker -> RE: PM is japanese (11/10/2005 9:48:18 PM)


All plans for Australia are rejected by imperial command.We now developing the new plan.
There is are two main battlefields to concern:
-SW Pacific


This island is must be taken.Plan is simple.
After we liberate Manila and Singapore seven divisions,5 tank regiment,4 eng. units will be deployed for quick conquest of Jawa


This will be our last attack before going to defensive.
Eight divisions with support units will go for Noumea.I plan to invade north tip of New Caledonia and start bombard from there.
After Noumea is ours,Luganwille will fall too.
Then i will determine defensive perimeter,
-Wake: level 5 AF with two squadrons of bettys and two ditais of Zeros.
That will be front bases.
Supply rear bases,
KB will be stationed in Rabaul for quick response on everythig he do.
With any luck i will be able to hold this perimeter and prolong the war.

hawker -> RE: PM is japanese (11/11/2005 5:26:46 PM)


Today is a great day for empire of sun!
Singapore fallen after our last charge,62396 prisoners taken and promptly executed.
25 army already planning for Soserbaya.
Manila soon will fall too.After two weeks of bombardment troops get orders to deliberate.Soon,very soon i will have nine divisions to fight[:D].
KB sailing for Taan.Then will be dispatched to Jawa again to support our landings there.
This evening i will post my plans for Jawa on screen.
Stay tuned.

Ground combat at Singapore

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 115312 troops, 792 guns, 15 vehicles

Defending force 57733 troops, 153 guns, 16 vehicles

Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Singapore base !!!

Japanese ground losses:
1277 casualties reported
Guns lost 18
Vehicles lost 1

Allied ground losses:
62396 casualties reported
Guns lost 318
Vehicles lost 3


hawker -> RE: Manila (11/14/2005 7:31:24 PM)


OK,after several days "on the road" i am back in bussines.

Manila is attacked today,we manage to get only 0-1 but one fort destroyed.Two more to go.Now i must rest troops several days before next attack.
Defensive perimeters are building everywhere.
KB approaching Taan.After refuel KB will go to Jawa.
You will see plan for Jawa below.

Ground combat at Manila

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 172724 troops, 1227 guns, 547 vehicles

Defending force 84923 troops, 782 guns, 192 vehicles

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2

Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese ground losses:
7509 casualties reported
Guns lost 111
Vehicles lost 14

Allied ground losses:
3822 casualties reported
Guns lost 138
Vehicles lost 8


hawker -> Problems!!! (11/15/2005 5:35:23 PM)

I think we have a problem,maybe we play on diferent maps!!!
I need your help,
i assume that GH posts screenshots in his AAR,i need someone to look in his AAR and mine also,see the screenshots and tell us does we play on diferent maps.

pauk -> RE: Problems!!! (11/15/2005 6:16:06 PM)

hi, i think you are playing on the same map - AB? but just to be sure here is pic from his AAR (don't worry, this is the old one, from decembar)


hawker -> RE: Problems!!! (11/15/2005 6:27:45 PM)

Yes AB,but which version,on my map thare is a road between Moulmein and Tavoy,and there is no river crossing south of Yenen.His units south of Yenen seem to approach from "nowhere"

Sneer -> RE: Problems!!! (11/15/2005 6:28:57 PM)

why so many (55) ships lost by japan?

hawker -> RE: Problems!!! (11/15/2005 6:31:32 PM)

Hi Sneer,
Lost ships is most due to his subs.Furthermore,i make several runs into Manila bay and Singapore,there i lost ships.
He sunk only one with aircraft.

hawker -> RE: Problems!!! (11/15/2005 6:42:52 PM)

There is problem,
Pauk sent me partial map around Moulmein,in GH map Moulmein is "river cross hex",on mine there is not.Also,in his mapthere is railway between Tavoy and Moulmein,on mine there is not.

hawker -> RE: Problems!!! (11/15/2005 11:20:45 PM)

I sent e-mail to GH with house rules i proposing.
Here is the e-mail:

I think we must agree with some house rules in Burma becouse,
-If we have same map,i would conquer Rangoon long time ago.
-you can move fast in your map while i cant.
Proposing house rules:
1.You must pull your forces north of Rangoon or left only small garrisons there
2.I cannot move with these forces north of Rangoon(I mean those two divisions which advancing to Moulmein)
3.If you agree with these house rules i will cancel attack on India with 5 division already loaded in Singapore.
4.Attack on India will be postponed four months
Its your move now.

What do you think guys?

hawker -> RE: Problems!!! (11/15/2005 11:22:12 PM)

If he disagree with these house rules i will conquer India and put Yamashita staff in Karachi[8D].

Tom Hunter -> RE: Problems!!! (11/16/2005 10:17:51 PM)

Why bother, you have the right map, he has the wrong map. Hoepner should know about it so that he can fix it, but it does not sound like the game has been affected at all.

I would not have told him about the attack force. He may not be afraid of it anyway, and I am not sure the offer is really relevant.

You want the same maps so that your game plays correctly, not because of strategic advantge to one side or the other. I would just ask him to get on the same map you are using.

mc3744 -> RE: Problems!!! (11/16/2005 11:50:33 PM)

He has overwritten v. 3.0 and now our game is stuck because 3.0 is no longer available on Spooky's or Andrew's sites. [:(]

At least now yours can go on [8|]

hawker -> RE: Problems!!! (11/18/2005 5:52:39 PM)


First of all,i am sorry for not updating this AAR last days but i was constantly "on the road".
I have a hard time even for making turns.Now,this AAR is back to life.
There is no need for house rules becouse GH has upgraded map.
MC,i am sorry[&o][&o]


Everything is ready,next few days 25th army will be loaded on transports and sent to Jawa.
Imperial HQ is decided to land in Merak after that base is taken with our brave paratroopers.
Then 25th army will unload under umbrella of fighters from KB.
Next move will be Batavia,he has some 5k troops in Batavia and base will be taken at first attempt.
Then,i will put fighters and bombers in Batavia and sealed his airfields arround Jawa.After that our mighty armies will march
south and take Jawa.Simple plan.

25th army:
-5th division
-Imperial guards division
-18th division
-35th bde
-4th mixed reg.
-21st mixed reg.
-23rd mixed reg.

After finishing campaign in Philippines 14 th army will join 25th army in Jawa.

14th army:
-21st division
-16th division
-38th division
-7th tank rgt
-6th tank rgt
-4th tank rgt
-3th eng.reg.
-4th eng.reg.
-5th eng.reg.
-5 artilerry units

He start to bombard Balikpapan with B-17s,but it is only little bother[:D].
Manila should fall in one week.I manage to destroy all forts except one,3 days from now i will deliberate again.
PM,Lunga and Rabaul is developing very well,this will be future perimeter along with Noumea.
In china i start my offensive and allies retreating in all fronts.
This theaters will be elaborated later,now i post screenshot with future invasion of Jawa and current point status,


hawker -> RE: Problems!!! (11/18/2005 5:53:26 PM)

Point status,


Sneer -> RE: Problems!!! (11/18/2005 5:59:49 PM)

3 div will be enough for Java
as fara as subs are concerned [8D]
I sunk 27 of them during 5 first day of my new PBEM with Raver
so my conwoys goes unescorted now

hawker -> RE: Problems!!! (11/18/2005 6:13:06 PM)

Hi Sneer,
He has more than 45 units in Jawa according to last report,i plan to overcomitt there.After Jawa i will only take Noumea,then i will go to defensive.(well,except China,and India)[8D]

Sneer -> RE: Problems!!! (11/18/2005 7:11:28 PM)

i fear you overextend your forces
there is no way allies can reinforce Java by more then 1 aus inf bde by Jan 42
so there is nothing what 2 -3 division coudn't cope with
remember that refreshing division after fights take up to 2 weeks - tested in previous PBEM
you will loose close to 6 weeks with almost whole army I think

String -> RE: Problems!!! (11/18/2005 7:19:22 PM)

Better to overcommit than undercommit.

Sneer -> RE: Problems!!! (11/18/2005 7:22:08 PM)

lost time is the only one mistake you can't overcome early in the war as Japan
still enough sallys and battleline can support if needed
there is small time frame window in which you can attack Australia or India and it ends in April/May

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