RE: Any way to hide those (Full Version)

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Tankerace -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 9:42:38 AM)

That' explains my question in the WitP forum....

Terminus -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 2:46:57 PM)

Slaghtermeyer (or whatever your name is this week), take your political crap elsewhere. This isn't a public forum, and you've been banned for a reason...

David Heath -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 6:19:42 PM)

Hello Oleg aka Slaghtermeyer

I have asked you nicely to calm it with your crap. First you tried to come to me as an old friend when that didn't work you made threats and stated you reported me to some Anti-Arab league and now you are trying to pretend we are against you because of your political views. You were banned for not following the MODS on this forum requests time and time again.

Let me make this clear to you and everyone else. This is not a public forum they are Matrix Games private company forums. Matrix can chose who, what, were, why and how things are done or posted on these forums. Matrix has clearly asked that no offensive taglines or names be posted on this forum. Who gets to decide what is offensive. Matrix DOES and those Matrix appoints as MODS. If you do not like it to bad. I find your taglines and links to be of this offensive type and ask you to remove them. Oleg/Slaughtermeyer you do anything else that pisses me or my staff off and I will start to do some reporting of my own. DO NOT misunderstand me I am not asking I am telling you.

We try our best to work with the users on this forum and 99.9% of the time the community as a whole works well together then we have users like Oleg/Slaughtermeyer who think this is a place for there personal causes or they are above the MODS of this forum. Those who come to this forum for any length of time know what Matrix and the forum is all about. Are we perfect, no of course not but issues are worked out and everyone moves on. People like Oleg/Slaghtermeyer and a few others in the past like to push the limits and see how far they can push.

I am also asking the forum community to please ignore completely and disreguard any post made by Oleg/Slaughtermeyer in the past or the future.

Terminus -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 6:28:41 PM)


ravinhood -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 8:00:48 PM)

Who's Oleg Slaughterhouse? I thought I was the badass on this forum. ;) I do sorta miss LES the Sarge though or what was his other name Hexed Gamer? hehe

Tankerace -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 9:58:24 PM)

Holy crap David, remind me never to piss you off..... Still its about time, I was getting tired of that guy's BS.

David Heath -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 10:48:21 PM)

I normally do not get like that but some guys just don't take a hint.


Terminus -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 10:48:53 PM)

Unless its served right between the eyes with a very large hammer...[8|]

RBWhite -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 11:40:15 PM)

No problem David.

Don't care for that type myself.

Now what was that guys name, oh yeah, Otis Spunkmeyer?

Terminus -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/18/2005 11:43:44 PM)

Olbert Snotmeyer, I think...

Tankerace -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/19/2005 12:08:49 AM)

"I wish I was an Oscar Meyer wiener"..... that the guy?

Terminus -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/19/2005 12:40:12 AM)

Wasn't that a copyright violation, Tanker?

Tankerace -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/19/2005 1:21:03 AM)

Ah crap, now the feds are after me.... [:D]

Stavka_lite -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/20/2005 8:00:15 AM)

Oleg, or what the voices are calling themselves, don't you have anything better to do than try to pick fights in somebody else's home? We're here as guests so be nice or go away.

Veldor -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/20/2005 8:04:49 AM)


Yes, you can ban me if you choose, but since there is no law against re-registering I can rereregister. If people find what I post is offensive, frankly I think they deserve to be offended. If you do not like it, too bad.

I don't want to get into the middle of this but I thought I would pass along some info to you (for your benefit).

If you really intend to keep this up Matrix can sue you and you can be prosecuted under several laws now. Many of these laws have been around for some time including the cyber trespassing laws that went to the Supreme Court and various related supreme court rulings in states like California, Illinois, etc.

The most famous case was in 1999 when a disgruntled Intel employee sent mass emails to everyone after being fired. They thought they had a right to do so. But they did not and they lost the case.

All that is required is that you are told by an organization NOT to do it. And that you then repeat the offense.

They were found guilty.

You have to understand everything here is THEIR CYBER PROPERTY.

Other methods of prosecuting repeated forum abusers include laws related to DOS (Denial of Service) and Hacking. And in some recent cases, Anti-Spamming laws as well.

So, whether or not Matrix would take it that far, the question I'd be asking myself is... It is really worth finding out???

PS. To respond specifically to your statement, excessive repeated re-registering is circumventing online security procedures put into place by a company (Matrix). Any such circumvention of security is deamed 'hacking'. And any form of hacking is generally illegal.

If your thinking 'Freedom of Speech' or whatever.. it protects you in this regard as much as it would if you went and spray painted "Matrix Sucks" on their building....

The net is huge, just go and find somewhere else to be. I'm sure you'll be happier as well..

Veldor -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/20/2005 8:36:34 AM)


And the conviction was overturned in June 2003 by the California Supreme Court. [;)]

I assumed you'd miss the point.. thus i started to append the earlier post with things such as:

To respond specifically to your statement, excessive repeated re-registering is circumventing online security procedures put into place by a company (Matrix). Any such circumvention of security is deamed 'hacking'. And any form of hacking is generally illegal.

I have participated in several computer forensics cases and have even been called as a subject matter expert in a few locally. Granted, the vast majority were for corporations against their own employees, but the rest of them are made up of cases not that much different than this situation.

Though, you haven't taken it quite that far yet.

Juries aren't symphathetic to cases like these. You WILL be found guilty. Yeah many cases like this are overtuned on appeal. But jeez do you really want to worry about all that? The financial reprecussions alone?

Did I miss something? Unless Matrix murdered your unborn child or something why not just let it go and move on?

You've even now "made a threat" against matrix in your very first post complete with blackmail phrasing...

ANYWAY, I thought you or others might not know some of the above. If your comfortable that the law protects you in what your intending to do here then by all means go ahead.

I was actually trying to help you.

Things tend to accelerate and spiral out of control fast in situations like this..

/switching back to sit back and watch the spectacle mode...

<carry on everyone>

mlees -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/20/2005 5:13:55 PM)


And the conviction was overturned in June 2003 by the California Supreme Court.

Which gets overturned by a Federal court, which gets overturn by the 9th Circuit Court, which gets overturned by the US Supreme Court. Sigh. Why can't people be civilised anymore?

Zap -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/20/2005 7:18:17 PM)

My post was just a light hearted joke. I know my avatar is not a political statement.

But you whoever you are Slaghtermyer! You have been disrepectful to the whole Matrix community. You do not represent me or speak for me! Your approach does not find approval with me. You seem to me, to be somewhat deviantly twisted by the evidence of your posts.

Please do us a favor and respect the ban implaced upon you. If a ban was ever to be placed upon me I would be very ashamed of my actions that brought it upon me. I would walk away with my tail between my legs.

Your approach reminds me of a group college kids I passed by walking down a main Blvd. in Rome, Italy. They were protesting some law they did not like. So their approach was to do a starvation fast (to the death they said) protest there on the sidewalk. I could see that their cause was not so important. But they were blinded.

Your approach is extreme and ethically speaking wrong.

carnifex -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/20/2005 8:19:16 PM)

To get this post BACK ON TOPIC, I would like to say that while personally I do not care about signature images because I am using a very high-speed connection, there are many people on dial-up or other slower connections for whom browsing the forums becomes frustrating because the images take so long to load.

This is aside from the aesthetic reasons where someone will post five or ten one or two word posts in a thread and repeat his signature ad nauseum.

I think it's just common courtesy that if you have a banner signature image then make your first post or reply with it on, and each successive post in that same thread should have the little "Add signature" checkbox unchecked. After all, we all know what game you love or what mod you're working on - there's no need to spam the image over and over again in the same thread.

Veldor -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/20/2005 9:21:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: carnifex

To get this post BACK ON TOPIC, I would like to say that while personally I do not care about signature images because I am using a very high-speed connection, there are many people on dial-up or other slower connections for whom browsing the forums becomes frustrating because the images take so long to load.

This is aside from the aesthetic reasons where someone will post five or ten one or two word posts in a thread and repeat his signature ad nauseum.

I think it's just common courtesy that if you have a banner signature image then make your first post or reply with it on, and each successive post in that same thread should have the little "Add signature" checkbox unchecked. After all, we all know what game you love or what mod you're working on - there's no need to spam the image over and over again in the same thread.

The image(s) would be cached after the first download. So its irrelevant if a member posts one message or 200 in the same thread or, for that matter, different threads. Also images can remain in your web browser cache even between sessions. If you have a slow connection and frequently visit this site, you should make sure your cache is on the larger end. Then you will browse at nearly the same speed. Also if it takes a while for images to download it does not generally affect your ability to read the posts.

These are just technical facts.

I don't think any sort of technical complaint is valid here.

Personally, I like banners and signatures, as it helps a person express themselves (their likes/dislikes opinions etc) and thats really what forums are for in the first place.

Where it gets out of control isn't at places like Matrix where its all pretty much on-topic, but at places like Vinny's where half or more of the banners you see are half naked women. Anyone who finds something off about the Matrix Forums needs to visit there first. Then try to tell me again that there is anything wrong here. Thats the whole reason all that stuff was moved in the first place.

ravinhood -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/21/2005 12:15:46 AM)

I don't think there is a need for banners either. A signature should be sufficient. If you want to place banners get your own website and advertise a link to it from your signature. Then if people want to see your banner they can clik on the link. I see banners as like spamming. It's why I don't use them. ;)

diesel7013 -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/21/2005 5:26:57 AM)

I like billboards...
and remote controls, and this chair, and this lamp - and if only I had that plant over there - I'd be happy too...

ilovestrategy -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/21/2005 10:04:25 AM)

I like my banner and I'm eternally grateful to rogueusmc for making it for me [:)][&o][&o][&o].

Przemcio231 -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/21/2005 1:24:59 PM)


If you really intend to keep this up Matrix can sue you and you can be prosecuted under several laws now. Many of these laws have been around for some time including the cyber trespassing laws that went to the Supreme Court and various related supreme court rulings in states like California, Illinois, etc.

Hey Veldor im a law student in Poland and i this what i quote is intresting but i think you are wrong when this Sladgehamer or any one else lives outside US especialy in the country that uses Civil Law systen not Common Law as in US matrix can't really do anything of course they can sue him in the US but the sentence will probably never be executed as this guy do is not Under jurisdiction of Us penal organs or even the courthauses??? in any case US Corthauses would have jurisdiction on forginer when they would commit a crime on US soil and as this person uses the computer in his own country US courthauses have no right to judge him am i right... even if they would trial him to get the sentence executed Matrix would have to plea to this persons country court for acknowleging the sentence and im 99% sure it would be not as logging into the server as every other other and thrugh the same way as is not Hacking....

Any way my post is pure teory and i just wanted to se what Veldor will say about it as from the things i read in his posts he's probably some kind of Lawyer so i just wanted to share some experience if any one is offended by my post please delete it and im not deffending Sledgehammer by any means

jvgfanatic -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/21/2005 8:10:57 PM)

It's not really important but for all this thread has gone through I don't think anyone has appealed to common courtesy with signatures. Even I--as egotistical as I can be sometimes-- know that keeping "signature" checked all the time is just lame, particularly if I only have a sentence or two to post.

At a few other sites I have text sigs and I remove them before nearly EVERY post because, well, people don't need to be SPAMMED with my sig. It's rude. I also run a website that is the largest of its kind and has been on the net for 7 years running. Know how many times I've advertised it with a signature or a banner? Not once. It isn't necessary and all that self-aggrandizement goes absolutely nowhere.

That being said, I can keep my courtesy to myself and others can behave however they see fit. It's merely a matter of what little vertical resolution I have being occupied with useless crap and I can certainly get over that. :)

pasternakski -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/21/2005 8:54:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Przemcio231
Any way my post is pure teory and i just wanted to se what Veldor will say about it as from the things i read in his posts he's probably some kind of Lawyer so i just wanted to share some experience if any one is offended by my post please delete it and im not deffending Sledgehammer by any means

A real attorney would not be telling you what the results of legal action will be. What you're hearing from Veldor is "lay" advice, and it's worth what you paid for it.

bradfordkay -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/22/2005 6:48:25 AM)

"If you have a slow connection and frequently visit this site, you should make sure your cache is on the larger end. "

This is presuming, of course, that you have unlimited hard drive and swap file space. I use a dial up and do find the avatar and signature pics to be somewhat annoying, especially if I'm trying to get a quick answer to a question before heading off to work in the morning. I live with it, because I do like many of the pics used, but there are times that I wish you guys didn't use them...

Sarge -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/22/2005 7:38:07 AM)

Ok uncle

I will chip in a ditch the sig NP, but don't even start on my avatar.[:D]

pasternakski -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/22/2005 8:33:23 AM)

This whole thread is enough to tempt me to create a sig image for the first time, big, full of colorful images (including half-naked women and worse), and specifically tailored to p1ss everybody off.


Veldor -> RE: Any way to hide those (10/22/2005 9:39:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Przemcio231

Any way my post is pure teory and i just wanted to se what Veldor will say about it as from the things i read in his posts he's probably some kind of Lawyer so i just wanted to share some experience if any one is offended by my post please delete it and im not deffending Sledgehammer by any means

I'm not a Lawyer. I've a technology consultant who works for a large privately held firm thats been involved in various cases and aside from participating in "computer forensics" I have also been called to the stand as a "subject matter expert".

So the info I posted is based on the fact that such cases exist in quantity with various outcomes.

I am not an expert on every member of these forums to remember where everyone lives. Obviously much of what I stated would not apply outside the U.S. nor have I or the company I work for been involved in anything that in anyway related to international law. So I really can't comment on that.

What I post is as much addressed to others as to its direct recipient. Thats the point of forums. So if its not of value to him then perhaps someone else might take note...

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