Textiles Issue (Full Version)

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YohanTM2 -> Textiles Issue (10/16/2005 8:44:41 PM)

OK, so I set up Russia in 1792 and have +26 textiles first turn. Second turn it drops to plus 10 (I made no changes) and when I try to add textiles it gets worse! I dropped to +2.


ericbabe -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/16/2005 10:22:41 PM)

Textiles are not produced as other resources but are produced by the conversion of wool/cotton. Initially every nation starts with a lot of wool/cotton and so initial textile production is high.

Note that by increasing textile labor allocation you can increase the amount of wool/cotton that can be converted, but if you don't have sufficient wool/cotton then high levels of conversion may be superfluous.

Suvorov928 -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/16/2005 11:42:50 PM)

Do you need an equal amount of wool/cotton, or can you have tons of wool only, or will textiles come from just one of the two? Like if I generate 100 wool per turn(example only), will I be able to generate "x" number of textiles from that stock?

ericbabe -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/17/2005 12:38:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Suvorov928

Do you need an equal amount of wool/cotton, or can you have tons of wool only, or will textiles come from just one of the two? Like if I generate 100 wool per turn(example only), will I be able to generate "x" number of textiles from that stock?

They are converted independently, you don't need both.

YohanTM2 -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/17/2005 2:02:31 AM)


Maybe I did not clarify properly. As I add more production of textiles it goes up in the province (say from 5 to 10 in Moscow) and stays the same on the total production. I probably switched Russia to like 30 textile and it still shows 10. Wool was going up in conjunction and it was raising the overal total fine.

YohanTM2 -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/17/2005 3:26:46 AM)

I just did a count and Russia is producing 28 textiles and I am only showing plus 4. I am not trading any...

gustavus -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/17/2005 3:22:42 PM)

It shows up the next turn, there is a delay.

ericbabe -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/17/2005 4:07:04 PM)


Maybe I did not clarify properly. As I add more production of textiles it goes up in the province (say from 5 to 10 in Moscow) and stays the same on the total production. I probably switched Russia to like 30 textile and it still shows 10. Wool was going up in conjunction and it was raising the overal total fine.

The provincial number is the number the province contributes toward the conversion of wool/cotton into textiles.

The national number is the total number obtained from converting wool and cotton.

It is quite possible for a nation to be limited in its total textile production by low levels of wool/cotton. In this case, increasing the conversion rate of a province has no effect on the total production of textiles because of the limiting effects of wool/cotton.

Also note that, in general, the national income numbers are affected by national level considerations, such as Feudalism, and so usually won't be equal to the sum of the provincial production levels. Consequently changes in provincial production levels don't necessarily cause matching changes in national production levels.

YohanTM2 -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/18/2005 1:16:42 AM)

Sorry, I don't buy it. There is no way Russia is only producing like 4 textiles. As I said the province count is going up but the changes are not ahppening at the country level.

I will try reloading the game.

YohanTM2 -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/18/2005 3:21:37 AM)

OK, I reloaded everything and same thing happens. I can't a countries textiles to go up. Russia won't and I just tried GB and it won't either.

I did note the textiles box for the turn in the development screen is blacker than the rest and will not move no matter how I adjust a provinces textiles up or down.

Is nobody else seeing this?

Naomi -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/18/2005 6:40:03 AM)

In one word, there is a cap for a nation's nationwide capacity of textiles. My France case is 29 units of textiles. However much effort I put into boosting the production of textiles, the national number never went beyond 29. And, taking the cue from the development advisor's incompetent facial expression, I had to accept the harsh reality - there is no shortage of ends you never get to. ^o^

Let me go back to the game, maybe the number is not the latest one, in light of the inefficiency of the postal service in those old days. [:'(]

ericbabe -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/18/2005 6:41:58 AM)


like 4 textiles. As I said the province count is going up but the changes are not ahppening at the country level.

As I mentioned, you may have the situation in which you are increasing provincial textile capacity without increasing national production because of the limiting factor of wool/cotton.

The provincial number represents wool/cotton conversion capacity.

The national number represents the amount of wool/cotton to be converted.

The sum of the provincial numbers is not necessarily equal to the national number.

It may be the case that changes in the provincial number do not cause changes in the national number.

Ralegh -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/18/2005 7:43:36 AM)

Let me make Eric's case another way around:

As Britain in my current game, I have a textile capacity of about 46 (the textile number for each city added up). I am actually making around 20 and importing around 10. Adding to my textile capacity does nothing - there aren't enough raw materials available nation-wide. How can I tell? My wool and cotton stockpiles are remaining very low (actually going to nearly 0 as they are taken for textiles, and then getting a month's income).

My next step is to increase the wool and cotton available (and stop some of the textile workers, since there isn't enough work for them). I will build FARMS in my wool/cotton producing areas, and trade for some. (And stop trading any away - ooops!). I will know I am doing enough when the stockpiles of wool/cotton start to grow - and then I can either put more workers on textiles.

Uncle_Joe -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/18/2005 7:50:16 AM)

What is the conversion rate for cotton/wool again? I thought I saw it somewhere but now I cant find it.


Hard Sarge -> RE: Textiles Issue (10/21/2005 7:41:43 PM)

give something else a try

you may be trying to "build" too many

go to one of the provinces that you have building a lot of Textile, and then cut the production in that province to zero and look to see what your total is

it may seem odd, but you can "make" more but cutting how much you are making, then by trying to make even more, waste, tax, fudel (?) levels all effect it

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