Apollo11 -> RE: TF path plotting weirdness when detected enemy submarines are present... (10/23/2005 1:38:57 PM)
Hi all, quote:
ORIGINAL: Charles_22 You know, bear with me for a minute, I know this sin't going to sound good coming straight out, but maybe it's adjusting because you're playing retarded. I can think of no other reason when I compare it to what I've encountered. For example, how sane is it for you to plot to a very distant sub, where you see plenty of ones nearby, thereby exposing yourself to more attacks, to say nothing of the difficultly getting back, even for an ASW. The funny thing is that it took a path that included an empty hex, btu by so doing exposed itself to just as much subs as if it had taken your path (although you have no safe hex). Have you considered the courses of the subs into your difficulties? For example, the plot it has taken, if you were to factor in the courses, assuming it thinks some of those subs will move, may end up with it's redone path being completely clear. In my Takao situations most of the subs are stationary until I hit them, or if not that at least are still there by the time the ASW TF's get there. Just remember, that while you and I know that the subs may be stationary, the computer may just react on the course and the speed (as there is no stop) since there's none of them, mapwise, that say they are stopped. Unfortunately even if you choose the near-by HEX with closest enemy submarine the path is plotted somewhere else... Leo "Apollo11" [image]local://upfiles/3416/808837D5A6ED4B468DE858AE543A913F.gif[/image]