Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (Full Version)

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David Heath -> Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (10/29/2005 9:45:53 PM)

Our very own Alex Fiedler married the very beautiful Danella Hawkins on October 16th, 2005 in western Sydney, Australia. How Alex talked Danella into marrying him is still being investigated but a lot of cash and promises of happiness were heard to be flying about. Please take notice all single female wargamers that leaves only Marc Schwanebeck available and rumor has it that he is being drawn into the light as you read this. All kidding aside we all here at Matrix Games want to wish both Alex and Danella the very best. May God richly bless and protect them as they start out on their new adventure together.

Alex reports the wedding was a great success. Many friends and family attended this joyous occasion, where the smiles, dancing and drinking were only surpassed by the warm and often humorous speeches. The ceremony, originally planned to take place on the wharf, had to be moved inside due to rain at the last minute. However, the reception hall (held at the Colebee Centre), was miraculously transformed into a beatifully romantic indoor setting.

The reception was full of smiles and laughter, and great fun had by all. The venue was fantastic, and the service, food and music were perfect, complimenting what was a wonderful and memorable night.

After returning from a glorious honeymoon, the gifts and cards were opened with both families attending. And with the reception's guest cameras (one was placed on each table) photos having just been developed, many laughs were had at some of the zany and some wonderful photos.

Thanks must go to the Colebee Center, both families and all the friends and family that attended the wedding and provided the many gifts.

ravinhood -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (10/29/2005 11:00:26 PM)

Where's the paparatzi (sp) when you need them. Got any pics? ;)

Greyshaft -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (10/30/2005 12:24:37 AM)

Hey... I live in Sydney... what happened to my invitation [&:]

Erik Rutins -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (10/30/2005 4:14:04 AM)

Congratulations Alex and Daniella!

pasternakski -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (10/30/2005 4:22:11 AM)

I dunno. She looks like WAY too much car for him...

Terminus -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (10/30/2005 2:34:56 PM)

Not nice to call that very lovely young lady a "car", methinks...[:D]

Hertston -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (10/30/2005 3:18:20 PM)

DON'T DO.... oops, too late.. [X(][:D]

In that case, many congratulations to both of them!

diesel7013 -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (10/30/2005 3:27:10 PM)

boy married up...[;)]

Shaun -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (10/30/2005 4:58:50 PM)

Hia Alex,

Congrats mate, hope that you and Danella are gonna be very happy mate!

Hope the cat is ok <G>

All the best,


Alex Fiedler -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (11/1/2005 5:06:01 AM)

Thanks everyone for the kind words :)

Hey, it's not easy marrying a super-model... Everyone always asking "what's SHE doing with HIM????" hehe [;)]
But it's worth it in the end. [:D]

So here are a few pics from the wedding..




Alex Fiedler -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (11/1/2005 5:11:46 AM)

And more coming when the photos are developed...




Terminus -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (11/1/2005 8:04:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Alex Fiedler

Hey, it's not easy marrying a super-model...

Brave of you to step up anyway. It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it![:D]

Congratulations to both of you.

Murat -> RE: Alex Fiedler and Danella Hawkins Get Married (11/15/2005 4:02:51 AM)

[1] Congratz Dude!!! You done good!

[2] OK every guy here is desperate to know how you managed to catch that despite your gaming handicap, I mean seriously, what is your secret? Are you Bill Gates illegitimate son? Do you make John Holmes look tiny? Is there some secret that the rest of us can buy from you and use to get us a supermodel? We'll send you $$$ for pints! [sm=party-smiley-012.gif] HELP OUT YOUR BUDS [sm=bow.gif]

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