acepedro45 -> The cursed TF (11/8/2005 12:18:25 AM)
I just got through a puzzling carrier battle...well, I should say, the AI just had a carrier battle with my 3 "possums." None of my planes flew a mission and my three carriers were slaughtered. Would a more experienced hand mind looking over the settings on the smouldering wreckage of the japanese fleet and helping me figure out what went wrong? Before the Lexington and Hornet consign the flattops to the deep with a follow-up, that is. Before this disaster, I had 23% of sorties left, although I can't figure out when the the 77% went for the life of me. To my knowledge, no strikes had even flown since I pulled into port last time and filled up to 100%. Some background: earlier in the game this same TF had the unbelievably bad luck of getting caught in a surface intercept in the middle of the ocean. No matter, I thought confidently, since we were more or less evenly matched in force. The AI had two CAs, a Cl, and about 4 destroyers. I had more destroyers, two CAs of my own and a CL, plus massive superiority in night fighting and also the dreaded long lance. Somehow, I managed to lose 2 destroyers and a CA sunk outright, with only superficial damage to his ships. I gritted my teeth and consoled myself with the fact that morning would bring a red dawn to the US raiders. They were in range, albeit my hex was cloudy in the morning, and my spotters found them. No strikes were launched in the afternoon, although we were both in clear hexes. As flabbergasted as I was at the time, it seems that should have been my first clue something was terribly wrong with the settings. Anyways, if someone is willing to look over my saved game, I'd really appreciate it. Is there a way to post it on the forum or do you guys just email it to one another? In addition, true or false: the only effect of the "max react" setting is to move the tfone hex closer to an enemy carrier TFwhen one is detected and in the specified range. I.e., even if max react is set on zero, planes should still fly out and destroy the enemy where he is found? At the time of this calamity I was attempting to position myself 5 hexes away from the enemy carriers, within the radius of my planes but far out of devastator range. Thanks