ravinhood -> RE: Civ IV.. (11/26/2005 8:33:39 PM)
Religion Pippin basically is just another means to postpone the inevitable of going to war. If you take those nations surrounding you's religion they'll be nicer, trade with you more easily and help you out if you are attacked, but, keeping your borders surrounded by your own religion isn't easy, so eventually someone or several are gonna come after you and force you to change religions as they take your cities one at a time. hehe The advantage of religion besides good diplomatic relations with other nations that have it, if you can get the "holy city" of that religion then every city on the map that adpots your religion pays you tribute of 1gp per turn. ;) To get the holy city means tech rushing the religious line in the tech tree at the expense of weakening yourself monetarily and militarily. See, you have to make those kinds of decisions. This is one of those games where you can't be ALL THINGS or get ALL THINGS (wonders an such). You have to PLAN your future pretty carefully. From religion, to politques, to military to economics. Now I take more of an economic approach to the early game, those extra coins you get when you place down cottages really add up not only in military units but also research value. Placement of your cities is very important, you can drop on an industrialized set of squares (lots of hammers for production here, but, little or no economy squares (gold coins), or you can look for the gold mine of economy place to settle (lots of gold coins, average hammers), or you can look for the mother of trade place to settle (3 or more trade items that your city will enclose, good for luxuries to keep your people happy and trade to keep your enemies happy) ;) This is not the type of Civ where you'll have 30 cities to play with. If you get 10 cities consider yourself lucky, but, everything is faster in this version so you don't need 30 cities for income or production. Teching up is quicker, advancing the timeline is quicker, being elminated by the AI is quicker lol. Thas why I like my mod the best, I like SLOW LONG games of CIV and I get 400 turns of sheer enjoyment out of the ancients timeline. ;) With the ease of modding one could literally make the entire game play out in the ancients and just play for a timed victory or cultural or domination or conquest victory (leaving out diplomatic and space race) of however many turns you wish to play it out. My game lasts a total of 960 turns if I ever get to the end. lol To push futuristic techs off the chart just increase the research values to where it would take 1000 turns to get to the first one of the next epoch. It's not that hard, just takes some trial and error. ;) If I could change one thing in the mod file it would be the starting date, this is static at the year 4000bc, I would push it back futher to 6000bc or 10000bc and play a pure ancients game I think. I'm an ancients fanatic, though I do like the medieval period as well, once I get the ancients down pat, going to work on having 200 or so turns of medieval era play and then steamroll it when gunpowder hits cause I get bored playing that portion of the game. But, that's what I mean, you can make it any type of game you want. If you like more modern play, just adjust the research values downward, you can have modern tanks by the year 1000bc lol, the timeline is what makes it seem weird, but, if you just think of the game in "turns" and disregard the timeline, then it's enjoyable for anyone.