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Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released!

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Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/4/2006 11:03:34 AM   
Alex Fiedler

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Major Update for Napoleonic Conquest Game

Matrix Games and Western Civilization Software ( today released a major update for Crown of Glory, the Napoleonic era game of grand strategy. This update resolves all major issues reported since release and also adds many requested features and gameplay adjustments. In addition, this update unifies the US and International releases, and is available in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian versions via the Matrix Games website.

The new v1.2.25 Update is comprehensive and will update any previous version of Crown of Glory. This update fixes all known crash issues, adds Improved multi-player support, Artillery improvements, improved Prisoner of War rules, Frigate anti-privateering orders, Strategic-level Undo capability, and many detailed combat, economic and diplomacy adjustments. Coupled with new waste rules and numerous strategic and tactical AI improvements all told, the change list includes over one hundred new features, gameplay adjustments and bug fixes. Finally, this update includes a manual update as well, which brings the game documentation up to snuff with the latest changes. This highly anticipated update truly brings Crown of Glory to a new level of gameplay. We recommend that all owners of Crown of Glory update to v1.2.25 for the best possible game experience.

Crown of Glory takes you back to the Napoleonic era, where you can command one of eight major powers, including France, England, Spain, Prussia, Russia, Austria, Turkey, and Sweden, in an mixed operational and grand strategy game where glory is paramount. Glory can be earned through a variety of methods, ranging from combat and conquest to culture and diplomacy.

Crown of Glory is divided into two segments of play, a month by month strategic mode where you control the production, troop movements, diplomatic missions, and development decisions of your country, and a tactical or quick battle mode, with turns consisting of twenty minute intervals to decide the outcome of major battles.

Crown of Glory covers both land and naval warfare. Armies and Navies feature a variety of realistic units, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages. Battle maps cover the whole range of terrain and weather conditions, depending on where and when on the strategic map you fight. Take artillery, horsemen, jaeger infantry, frigates, privateers and famous leaders into battle for glory and power!

The robust economic, trade and diplomatic systems allow for a wide variety of strategies beyond the production of military units. You will interact with 90 minor powers spanning over 200 different provinces, creating treaties, trade agreements, and convincing them to join your side as protectorates. Use money and social influence to gain control where force is unwise or unnecessary. Develop or plunder to boost the glory of your homeland. Glory may be fleeting, but obscurity lasts forever!
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RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/4/2006 1:30:24 PM   

Posts: 68
Joined: 6/6/2006
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Great,i always have a penchant for grand strategy games, it seems that this patch would rectify all the bugs previously identified.........Maybe this would be my pruchase when i receive my salary next month.

(in reply to Alex Fiedler)
Post #: 2
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/4/2006 3:56:46 PM   

Posts: 8596
Joined: 6/18/2002
From: Portsmouth, UK
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Wot, no readme?

Even in the .zip download there isn't a readme file with the fixes/added features. Is it available somewhere else?


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Post #: 3
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/4/2006 4:21:03 PM   


Posts: 71
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Thanks a lot for this and even better that it has an updated manual. Haven't read the latter yet but I can see that's its much longer than the original unless that is partly the font size change. The only immediate glitch appears to be missing screenshots in the manual - how do I access them as all that is appearing in my copy is a printed reference file number for each?

Sprior - the readme appears after installation.

< Message edited by Clausel -- 8/5/2006 1:47:46 AM >

(in reply to Alex Fiedler)
Post #: 4
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/4/2006 5:27:49 PM   

Posts: 238
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So will this make games currently on the 1.2.18 not playable if we patch??


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Post #: 5
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/4/2006 9:12:36 PM   


Posts: 108
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What am I doing wrong? I installed the new upgrade and nothing changed. No new manual, no readme file, and when I start the game I get the old 2.1.18 ver line at the right bottom corner of the screen. I don't even see any new files created in the CoG folder?

(in reply to Clausel)
Post #: 6
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/4/2006 10:28:47 PM   

Posts: 1076
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Thanks for the new patch, yay!

I've dabbled with it a bit and I can confirm the +50 gold glitch introduced in the beta was corrected (at least as far as Russia in 1805 is concerned), so this is good. 


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Post #: 7
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 12:50:08 AM   
Russian Guard

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ORIGINAL: jimwinsor

I can confirm the +50 gold glitch introduced in the beta was corrected (at least as far as Russia in 1805 is concerned), so this is good. 

I downloaded it as well and can confirm that the Turks are now deducted $50, not awarded $50, for initial developments. So that bug appears dead - hooray!

I gave a quick look at the "new" manual, and although I only gave it a cursory glance, I saw something that looked suspiciously like something that should have been corrected, and wasn't (the paragraph about POW's supplying you with manpower).

UNLESS - they actually DO now supply you with manpower, which would be nice to see has been implemented.

Also - again, not sure on this - I could not find ANYwhere, rules on sieges - like the whole rules section was removed. I'll confirm this (or not) tonight when I have more time. If anyone else can confirm or not, would be appreciated.

(in reply to jimwinsor)
Post #: 8
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 1:04:54 AM   

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So will this make games currently on the 1.2.18 not playable if we patch??

1.2.18 games should still be playable under 1.2.25.

The way I try to number the patches, the second number (the '2') is the "major version" number. This number is only supposed to change when save game files become incompatible with the last major version.

(in reply to 1NWCG)
Post #: 9
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 1:11:27 AM   

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Mr Z reformatted the manual, and some sections were moved to new (more logical?) locations.  I don't remember all the changes well enough to know what happened to the siege section.

I don't have anything to do with the installer, but there should be a cumulative version history somewhere.  1.2.25 is fairly close to 1.2.18, with a few bug fixes.  Most of the biggest changes between versions 1.2.18 and 1.2.25 were getting all the localizations in place and working properly.

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 10
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 10:12:53 AM   


Posts: 61
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ORIGINAL: carburo

What am I doing wrong? I installed the new upgrade and nothing changed. No new manual, no readme file, and when I start the game I get the old 2.1.18 ver line at the right bottom corner of the screen. I don't even see any new files created in the CoG folder?

Check the installation path. Patch Default installation path is C:\Program\CrownofGlory but is probable that you have the game installed in C:\MatrixGames\Crownofglory. So correct it.

Anyway in the manual ALL images are missing. Also i don't read nothing about reinforcing unit by draft that nees to be in SUPPLY mode. Forage mode unit still don't get replacements and this is not clarified in the manual.


(in reply to carburo)
Post #: 11
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 10:49:40 AM   

Posts: 419
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Are the changes in this patch not listed anywhere? I can't face printing out the entire manual again.

Cheers, Chris

(in reply to Darksky)
Post #: 12
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 1:11:58 PM   


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See the readme that appears after installation of the patch

(in reply to HobbesACW)
Post #: 13
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 1:15:41 PM   

Posts: 419
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I looked at this is says :-

Western Civilization Software
Crown of Glory V1.2.25
ReadMe File

v1.2.25 Change List

- An additional Manual update has been included in the game's documentation folder on the start menu

That's it!

(in reply to Clausel)
Post #: 14
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 1:33:28 PM   


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On installation on my copy it can be accessed from two places:

1. Start/all programs/COG shortcuts where it is described as Latest Changes and FAQs or

2. Going directly to the program file ie C/Matrix Games/COG where is is listed as readme

PS Sorry I had misunderstood. Forget the above if all you have got are the opening words of the readme (which lists all the patch changes from the beginning). It looks like you need to try installing the new patch again or if that doesn't work go back and download it again for another go. A real pain but I can't think of an alternative.

< Message edited by Clausel -- 8/5/2006 2:52:37 PM >

(in reply to HobbesACW)
Post #: 15
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 2:13:47 PM   

Posts: 20
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From: Finland
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I'm having a problem downloading the new patch from, can anyone provide an alternative link?

(in reply to Clausel)
Post #: 16
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 2:44:58 PM   

Posts: 419
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I can find the readme but there is no info as to what the patch contains.
Can anyone post a list of the 100 odd changes that it contains?

Cheers, Chris

(in reply to Hakkapeliitta)
Post #: 17
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 3:09:23 PM   

Posts: 22
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From: Heidelberg
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Here it is, from the readme file:

v1.2.25 Change List
- An additional Manual update has been included in the game's documentation folder on the start menu

v1.2.23 Change List
- Artillery now do more damage at range 1. (About 5-10% more than the pre-1.2.22 artillery.)
- Fixed some protectorate menu bugs. Should no longer allow the liberation/protectoratization of empty countries.
- Fixed insurrection so that capitals can't insurrect.
- changed two fonts to make them more legible

v1.2.22 Change List
* Fixed GPF bug associated with protectorates.
* Artillery are now -25% weaker, but penalty for artillery firing from height has been reduced to -33%
* When a minor country is attacked, it now should not request a protectorate from any nation with which it has negative attitude.
* AI receives bonus production at harder levels (exact type of units are nation specific: French tend to get horse artillery, lt. infantry, and hv. cavalry, and so forth.)
* Slightly decreased the number of U.S. ships.

v1.2.20 Change List
*Fixed a few small bugs, moved some interface elements around. Big change is in the code involved with protectorates and other political changes involving minor countries.

v1.2.19 Change List (April 24, 2006)
Changes 1.2.18->1.2.19
* Changed from DirectPlay cooperative mode to full-screen mode.  This should help it cooperate with other programs more robustly.
* Fixed several protectorate and related treaty bugs.
* Fixed a protectorate striping bug.
* Tweaked some more parameters in detailed combat AI.

< Message edited by oliver -- 8/5/2006 3:11:12 PM >


22e demi-brigade de ligne

(in reply to HobbesACW)
Post #: 18
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 3:10:23 PM   


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I have copied the readme and put it in a separate thread. The only reason I suggested a reinstallation was in case something else was missed as well.

(in reply to HobbesACW)
Post #: 19
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 3:35:16 PM   

Posts: 419
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What's confusing me Is that they said there were over 100 changes to v1.2.25
The readme does not show these :-

v1.2.25 Change List
- An additional Manual update has been included in the game's documentation folder on the start menu

(in reply to Clausel)
Post #: 20
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 3:42:05 PM   


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Have you looked at the fuller copy of the readme that I have listed on a separate thread. Unlike the above from Oliver I have only edited out the patch changes from the earlier official patch at 1.10, so it shows all those above including the beta changes through to 2.18.

(in reply to HobbesACW)
Post #: 21
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 3:58:34 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Note that the previous official update was v1.10 - you have to go back to that point in the change list to see all the changes since the last non-beta update.


- Erik


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(in reply to Clausel)
Post #: 22
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/5/2006 4:54:56 PM   

Posts: 419
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Aha, thanks!

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 23
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/6/2006 8:54:40 AM   
Dasara II

Posts: 56
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Fantastic, can not wait to waste the next few weeks leading the Russians to being the masters of Europe :)

Well done, everyone, I know it was worth the wait.

(in reply to HobbesACW)
Post #: 24
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 8/7/2006 12:26:29 AM   

Posts: 238
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ORIGINAL: ericbabe



So will this make games currently on the 1.2.18 not playable if we patch??

1.2.18 games should still be playable under 1.2.25.

The way I try to number the patches, the second number (the '2') is the "major version" number. This number is only supposed to change when save game files become incompatible with the last major version.

Thanks you!! This works well for me...


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(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 25
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 11/26/2006 9:42:38 PM   


Posts: 18
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Whenever I try to download the Patch, I get an error saying the FTP site is not valid. Is there a problem with the Matrix FTP server or DNS?

(in reply to Alex Fiedler)
Post #: 26
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 11/26/2006 9:54:27 PM   
Hard Sarge

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I am able to get to the 1.2.26 patch, but the 1.2.25 patch does not connect

the 26 is called a beta patch, but I believe that was the last one released


(in reply to nihilimus)
Post #: 27
RE: Crown Of Glory v1.2.25 Update Released! - 11/26/2006 10:26:57 PM   


Posts: 366
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greetings, i must say i think that last "mandatory" update is 1.2.25, with 1.2.26 being and simple "update" to correct some issues, if i are not wrong the 1.2.25 is around 33 megabites and 1.2.26 is only around 4 megabites, so i seriously think that 1.2.25 is mandatory on any install and before make install of 1.2.26, because if you install first 1.2.26 and then 1.2.25 some vital files maybe will be overwrite and you do not have the install "up to date",

with best regards,



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(in reply to Hard Sarge)
Post #: 28
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