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2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2)

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2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 1/20/2007 6:53:45 PM   


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2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament
aka: 'Jump-start the Ladder Tournament'

This is semi-elimination type tournament.
What I mean by 'semi' is that the emphasis of the rules is not on eliminating players, it is on seeing games through to completion and generating interest in AWD through this tournament, the ladder at and the AAR section of the forum.

Onto the rules

1) All participants must be registered at the Ladder at
2) The results of all tournament games are to be logged at the Ladder
3) All games will be with the 'Total War' scenario of AWD using the latest official patch.
4) FOW=on Advanced Supply=on End Date=on Auto Victory=on
5) Players have 48hrs to return a file or email there opponent explaining the delay and when they can expect the turn.
6) One last house rule. Rus can not start the war with Japan until Ger has surendered. (i.e. no HB attack on Japan to get DOW)

How it Works

For round 1 players will be put on a list in Alphabetical order according to there forum names.
For future rounds players will be added to the list as they become eligible for the next round.

Each player will have 2 games going per round.
Each player will play as axis against the player below him in the list.
Each player will play as allies against the player above him in the list.

All players that achieve a win or a draw in at least one of the games will advance to the next round.
The tournament will continue until 2 players remain or the completion of 10 rounds.


Points will be awarded at the end of each game.
There are 2 ways to earn points.

1) Finish a game and points are awarded (or detracted) according to Jan Sorensens excellent ladder point system: (too bad it doesn't seem to work at the ladder)

Decisive Victory: +60
- Substantive Victory: +40
- Marginal Victory: +30
- Draw: +20
- Marginal Defeat: +10
- Substantive Defeat: 0
- Decisive Defeat: -20

The total of the points entered for both players will be +40 under all circumstances - e.g. a Draw gives 20 points to both players (20 + 20 = 40), and a Decisive Victory means 60 for the winner and -20 for the loser (60 - 20 = 40).

2) Posting AAR in the aar section of the forum will also earn you tournament points. (player optional)

The minimum aar requirements are:
a) aar must start no later than the year that Barbarosa kicks off or SU DOW on Germany. It may start earlier but not later.
b) aar must have a minimum of one post for each year after SU and Ge go to war.
c) aar must have minimum one paragraph and one screenshot for each of the world powers you are playing (excluding China) of course you can post more than minimum.
d) I prefer the aar to be ongoing with the progress of the game but you may make the posts after the completion of the game.

Obviously be carefull what you reveal as your current and future opponents will no doubt be reading it.

Extra Points
If you win the game the aar is following you will receive an additional 5pts on your score.
If you lose or draw on the game the aar is following you will receive additional 15pts on your score as long as you play the game to completion (i.e. do not concede the game)
If you lose the game the aar is following and concede before the end date you will receive additional 5pts.

Draw or Loss(no concede) + AAR = 15pts
Loss (concede to oponent) + AAR = 5pts
Win + AAR = 5pts

The most points you can get for a win is 65
The most points you can get for a draw is 35
The most points you can get for a loss is 25

Declaring a Winner

The Grand Champion will be the player with the highest score when there are 2 or less player remaining or at the end of round 10 whichever occurs first. If there is a tie for 1st place in points then additional rounds will continue until one player has a higher score at the completion of a round.

There will be a prize for Winning and for Runner Up.
There will also be a prize for player submitting the best AARs. The public will vote for the winner of this prize at the end of the tournament.

This will be the trophy for the Winner and it will be engraved "Grand Champion of the 2007 GGWAW A World Divided PBEM Tournament"

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by MrQuiet -- 2/15/2007 1:06:13 AM >
Post #: 1
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 1/20/2007 6:54:29 PM   


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Point standings at start of Round2

christian brown (Tristansdad)--------------50
Erik Rutins (Ruthenion)--------------------(-40)
tica (Tcarter)---------------------------------(0)
wargameplayer (wargameplaya)--------120

Top 3 Scores at start of Round2


Round 2 List of Players/Games

01) Forwarn45------------------125
02) JanSorensen---------------130
03) mikemcmann----------------0
04) Avatar47-------------------125
05) Haudrauf1962--------------0
06) MrQuiet--------------------120
07) GKar------------------------40
08) kondor----------------------40
09) rjh1971----------------------0
10) tica (Tcarter)----------------0

*The scores listed above are the scores at the start of Round2.
Updated scores from Round2 games are in the Round3 thread*

Game Axis------vs---------Allies-------------Game Year
01) Forwarn45---------JanSorensen-----------Allied Marginal Victory +15Axis AAR
02) JanSorensen-------mikemcmann----------Axis Decisive Victory
03) mikemcmann--------Avatar47--------------Axis Forfiet
04) Avatar47-------------Haudrauf1962--------Axis AV
05) Haudrauf1962-------MrQuiet----------------Allied Decisive Victory +5Allied AAR
06) MrQuiet-----------------GKar------------------Axis DV (allied forfiet)
07) GKar--------------------kondor----------------Allies DV (axis forfiet)
08) kondor------------------rjh1971---------------Allies substantial Victory
09) rjh1971-------------------tica------------------Axis Decisive Victory
11) tica--------------------Forwarn45-------------Allied Decisive Victory +5Allied AAR

Games may start at any time players wish

< Message edited by MrQuiet -- 6/8/2007 11:14:48 PM >

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 2
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 1/24/2007 4:48:00 PM   

Posts: 617
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A suggestion for this tournament or a future one: How about a final showdown of the last two remaining players?

They could play two games against each other, one on each side, either at the same time or successively. The sum of the two results (according to our ladder rules) would determine the champion then. In the rather unlikely case of an overall draw their results during the tournament could decide about the winner.

This could be great fun and suspense for everyone - just imagine the AARs!

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 3
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/2/2007 12:26:10 AM   


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So what do opponents of Lebatron do?  He has had to drop out due to family emergency.

Just curious. 



(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 4
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/2/2007 1:45:11 AM   


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He has not informed me of this.
But if this is the case I will look for a replacement, I have just pm'd fcam1387 that tried to join after we started to see if he may be interested.

If I get a replacement he will start fresh new games with Lebatrons opponents.
If I can not get a replacement then Lebatron basicly forfiets and his opponents will get Decisive Victorys.


(in reply to mikemcmann)
Post #: 5
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/2/2007 1:58:45 AM   


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I can send you the email that he sent. He said he is done playing ALL of his games.....


(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 6
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/2/2007 9:10:00 AM   

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From: Croatia
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Lebatron is right now unable to continue our fight, but he is far better player then me. If he recovers from his loss, I will gladly give up my place to him. (If he forfiets and fcam1387 or someone else doesn´t step in)

< Message edited by kondor -- 2/2/2007 11:46:24 AM >

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 7
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/2/2007 10:41:53 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mikemcmann

So what do opponents of Lebatron do? He has had to drop out due to family emergency.

Sad to hear that.

(in reply to mikemcmann)
Post #: 8
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/2/2007 6:32:16 PM   


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Sorry to hear about Lebatron. Hopefully, fcam can step in. If not, you could also consider just having Lebatron's two opponents play each other - if they are willing.

(in reply to GKar)
Post #: 9
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/2/2007 7:08:01 PM   


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I am willing to do whatever. I really want to see this tournament through to its completion. :)  It is great fun knowing that you are all out there battling away trying to win this thing! ;)

Let me know if I need to start a game with someone else....



(in reply to Forwarn45)
Post #: 10
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/2/2007 8:42:46 PM   

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That would be me Mike. I am willing to play mine game as WA+SU+CH against whoever...
The tournament, much as real life, must go on...

(in reply to mikemcmann)
Post #: 11
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/2/2007 9:28:43 PM   


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My game against Lebatron was as the axis. So i guess I would be the axis against you as well. You would be playing someone else as the axis also.

Lets see what MrQ has to say...



(in reply to kondor)
Post #: 12
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/3/2007 3:30:19 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Forwarn45

Hopefully, fcam can step in. If not, you could also consider just having Lebatron's two opponents play each other - if they are willing.

Now that is what I call an excellent suggestion that I never even thought of.

fcam1387 has decided to not join in the fun.
I was just going to give Mike and Kondor Decisive Victorys but I really like the suggestion that they play each other. It is much more in the spirit of the tournament and they seem to be eager to play on.

So that is the decision guys.
You will play the side that you originaly were suppose to play against Lebatron.
Good luck to both of you.


(in reply to Forwarn45)
Post #: 13
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/3/2007 4:23:46 AM   


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Great!  I am sending my turn to Kondor now!

Thanks for the organizationa and keeping it going!


(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 14
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/3/2007 2:00:23 PM   

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Mike I got your turn, and will respond soon.
Just to let you guys now...

(in reply to mikemcmann)
Post #: 15
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/8/2007 1:01:13 AM   


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If you are having trouble finding bodies, I would be interested in helping out.

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 16
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/14/2007 8:38:57 PM   


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From: Aalborg, Denmark
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Game 1 is now in 1941. Forwarn is going strongly for Sea Lion. I think he will succeed but the next few turns will tell.

< Message edited by JanSorensen -- 2/14/2007 8:51:49 PM >

(in reply to Dahnyul)
Post #: 17
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/14/2007 10:54:32 PM   


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Thanks for the update Jan.
An AAR on that game should prove very interesting and many a player would probably learn a few things.


(in reply to JanSorensen)
Post #: 18
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/14/2007 11:33:38 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Hi all,

Well, I suffered my second defeat to Christian (Tristansdad), Decisive Victory for him as Allies in '44. I was doing so well, until it all fell apart...

Thanks for running this tournament and good luck to my opponents (I hope you are both in the finals!).


- Erik


Erik Rutins
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(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 19
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/15/2007 12:46:38 AM   


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Thanks for posting and for playing.
I am sure you learned much about the game.

Christian it looks like you are playing Avatar47 again in the next round.
It has worked out so you will be playing opposite sides than your current tourney game.


(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 20
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/15/2007 3:15:08 AM   
Erik Rutins


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Thanks for posting and for playing.
I am sure you learned much about the game.

Yep, as with every wargame, the AI is no substitute for a human opponent with a prize to win!


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 21
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/15/2007 11:27:33 AM   


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If you need a substitute, I'm in ;) 

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 22
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/26/2007 12:56:27 AM   


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From: Aalborg, Denmark
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Game 1 is now in 1942.

I will see if I can find the time to post an AAR detailing the first couple of years. Its certainly has not been dull as Dave has been beating me silly. Hopefully my time to give some of that beating back shall come though I am less than certain I can keep him from getting an AV in 1942.

(in reply to dobeln)
Post #: 23
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/28/2007 11:16:04 AM   

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Dear MrQuiet and kondor, I'd like to postpone starting our games until I've finished my round 1 game with Forwarn. I hope that's okay for you.

(in reply to JanSorensen)
Post #: 24
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/28/2007 11:50:26 AM   

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No problem from my side... My slate is quite full as it is... When you find time it´s ok with me.

(in reply to GKar)
Post #: 25
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/28/2007 5:15:25 PM   

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Wargameplaya, you can send me your Axis turn at any time, the body and spirit is willing :D

(in reply to kondor)
Post #: 26
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 2/28/2007 11:43:12 PM   


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Dear MrQuiet and kondor, I'd like to postpone starting our games until I've finished my round 1 game with Forwarn. I hope that's okay for you.

Christian and GKar I am ready for round 2 action whenever you guys are.
GKar I will send my opening turn soon but you do not have to respond until you are ready.
Officialy speaking you have until Round1 is complete.


(in reply to GKar)
Post #: 27
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 3/14/2007 7:58:04 AM   
christian brown

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Gents (that means YOU Avatar47) I just realized my new platform (MAC) doesn't support AWD, please log loss reports for me and take 2 decisives. I apologize for this tardy response, I just switched continents (moving Transatlantic unexpectedly kinda sucks) and now the computer won't back me up in my quest to ummmm, participate.


"Those who would give up a little liberty for a little security deserve neither and will lose both."
~ Thomas Jefferson

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 28
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 3/14/2007 8:47:40 AM   


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ORIGINAL: christian brown

Gents (that means YOU Avatar47) I just realized my new platform (MAC) doesn't support AWD, please log loss reports for me and take 2 decisives. I apologize for this tardy response, I just switched continents (moving Transatlantic unexpectedly kinda sucks) and now the computer won't back me up in my quest to ummmm, participate.

Sorry to hear that. You could have had my old PC if I hadn't already goitten rid of it.

(in reply to christian brown)
Post #: 29
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) - 3/15/2007 11:08:12 AM   

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Understandable. Well good luck with your problems, and look forward to our next game!

(in reply to Forwarn45)
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