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Keeping Track of Things??

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Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/27/2007 12:21:41 PM   

Posts: 80
Joined: 11/20/2006
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How do you guys keep track of all the Ship, Plane, Ground Forces in a Grand Campaign?, Is there a uniform way of keeping records?
I had a brief look at the Campaign and found it difficult to remember who was where and doing what?!!

Many Thanks.


You can't say that civilization doesn't advance...for in every War they kill you in a new way.

Post #: 1
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/27/2007 12:27:56 PM   

Posts: 41459
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From: Denmark
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Lots of people do it by Excel spreadsheets. I personally take the risk of doing it in my head...


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Post #: 2
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/27/2007 12:28:16 PM   

Posts: 1181
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Different pople do it different ways. Some have it all in there heads, some keep track of lots of things in a word document, some use spreadsheets and others notebooks. And one or two have giant lamintaed maps on there walls they can draw on.

Try different things and see what works for you. I tried several of the above before I found what I preferred.


(in reply to Andy_PZ)
Post #: 3
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/27/2007 12:30:46 PM   

Posts: 80
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Hmmm Thanks chaps, I am thinking of writing it all down - but I was just checking to see what some far more experienced players than I would do. There is an awful lot of info that needs to be analyzed, collated and acted upon accordingly!!!!


You can't say that civilization doesn't advance...for in every War they kill you in a new way.

(in reply to MarcA)
Post #: 4
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/27/2007 1:04:25 PM   


Posts: 1526
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Andy - how much 'gaming' have you got under your belt so far?

I figure i started pretty much when you did and havent finished the tutorial yet due to work!

Just thinking about been potential PBEMers in a few months/years/weeks

(in reply to Andy_PZ)
Post #: 5
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/27/2007 1:55:29 PM   

Posts: 5521
Joined: 4/1/2004
From: The Zone™
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My system:

The key is organisation. The game is indeed overwhelming: it contains thousands of little "things". All I need is Excel and a doc file.

Excel file/s:

Air Units

in theory every base should have fighters (on CAP) and bombers (on naval attack). Then you need more planes on Patrol and ASW. With air units organisation is easy. You want to know how many units are not being used -- and therefore could be used elsewhere? Just check the units in x Theatre: the units on "Training" (except the ones which are really training: 80% etc.) are the available units in this theatre. I mean, a few clicks, seconds and you have the big picture.

Naval Units

This is a different story. I have used different methods since 2004. And now I think I finally found the most rational one Classic problem: with no organisation at all you probably won't be using all your "power". Everything will be quite chaotic: you may have dozens of DDs in one port whilst you need just 3 or 4 in another port... You have to organize your naval forces: you will need an Excel spreadsheet and one rational method.

My primitive method: the naval forces were organized in divisions, etc. It did not stop the chaos. So this is my new approach: "well, this port needs at least ONE ASW TF". I take 4 DDs (example), this will be the "ASW TF" (data in the excel thing: I mean, these ships will always be assigned to this TF; you can of course make transfers later, etc.). Same thing with a Surface TF (defense of the base) and (if available) an Air Combat TF or TFs. When you are done, you will exactly know (Excel) what naval units are not being used, in other words, you clearly can see your "naval reserve". Now you can use them wisely: you won't be wasting ressources.

in Excel, every tag => a Strategic Theatre. Needless to say, ALL your naval units must be in that file (except the AK's APs, TK's, etc: and I admit maybe the AP's should be included. I don't and there is some chaos, true ).

Land units

just like "naval units". The key, again every base must have a garrison: infantry, artillery, AA, CD, etc. This information will be in your Excel file. When you are done, again you will see there are some (or many) free units and thus you will be able to make your plans rationally.

it's easy with Air Units => use the game menus and you will have the big picture.
Naval and Land Units => a method is needed: you have to make the difference between the active units and the "reserve". You have to know where your units are, and what are they doing. And of course, you need to keep an eye on the lazy units which want to avoid the front

Doc file/s:

The thousands of units are finally organized. Now you will need a "well, I should send x unit to y. But I am going to forget it. I am going to write this information in a doc file", etc. All you have to do: before you click on "end turn", do read the doc.

I use this system and NEVER forget anything. And I always know what are my "reserves"

< Message edited by TulliusDetritus -- 1/27/2007 2:14:19 PM >


a nu cheeki breeki iv damke

(in reply to undercovergeek)
Post #: 6
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/27/2007 6:48:20 PM   

Posts: 1125
Joined: 4/19/2005
From: Somerset, England
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as well as notebook and spreadsheets I'm using Woos's Utility. There a thread around here somewhere about it


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(in reply to Andy_PZ)
Post #: 7
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/27/2007 6:59:15 PM   

Posts: 579
Joined: 4/9/2004
From: New York City, U.S.A.
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How do you guys keep track of all the Ship, Plane, Ground Forces in a Grand Campaign?, Is there a uniform way of keeping records?
I had a brief look at the Campaign and found it difficult to remember who was where and doing what?!!

Many Thanks.

Personally, spreadsheets take a complex operation and make it even more unmanagable. I simply get into a routine, where I do the same set of movements each and every turn and this seems to work the best for me. Yes, I have forgotten to do critical things here or there, but that simply adds to the realism in my book. I almost always play the Japanese side and here is how I go about a normal turn; I begin in Japan and I simply check the main bases to see what new troops or units may have arrived, then I decide where to send them and I load or order them to move. Then I go to China and do the same thing, then to SEA/Burma, then to the next area, until I've covered them all. Obviously, when I've spotted enemy ships, I make it a priority to go there and do whatever is needed. I have gotten into a routine now and it just flows for me. Once in a while I'll make notes of something critical, but they are usually only a few lines.



"Our lives begin to end the moment we become silent about things that matter". Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

(in reply to Andy_PZ)
Post #: 8
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/28/2007 12:23:16 PM   

Posts: 80
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Undercovergeek, I have played RTS since they came out, I find them shallow and repetitive to be frank....CoH is good however as is Dawn of War - just for the high octane violence!
I progressed to Korsun Pocket and Airborne Assault (Arnhem) and got on rather well with those...I then heard about WITP and am hooked! It is just what the Doctor ordered - Though my Fiancee isnt too sure of its merits

I would definately play a PBEM with you if you like! I use CHS but I will play whatever method you are happy with, I have been mauled by the AI as I get to grips with this monster game but hey everybody starts somewhere!!!! Drop me a line and lets declare war!


You can't say that civilization doesn't advance...for in every War they kill you in a new way.

(in reply to MadmanRick)
Post #: 9
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/28/2007 1:03:34 PM   

Posts: 4162
Joined: 10/21/2001
From: Zagreb,Croatia
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ORIGINAL: TulliusDetritus
Everything will be quite chaotic: you may have dozens of DDs in one port whilst you need just 3 or 4 in another port... ]

Not if you playing Jap side


(in reply to TulliusDetritus)
Post #: 10
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/28/2007 7:21:52 PM   


Posts: 1526
Joined: 11/21/2006
From: UK
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any reason you 'upgraded' to CHS?

(in reply to Andy_PZ)
Post #: 11
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/29/2007 3:51:20 AM   

Posts: 2582
Joined: 2/8/2004
From: University Park, Texas
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ORIGINAL: undercovergeek

any reason you 'upgraded' to CHS?

The map changes for China and Northern Territory (Oz) are reason enough in themselves.It is very difficult to run a 20 division offensive (not uncommon in China in stock) along a trail; with a little luck you can move enough supplies to support a one day attack in about three months . The changes make China a real challange for the Japanese (not surprising when you consider that they were unable to conquer the place BEFORE they tried to fight US, GB, Dutch at th same time). Also supplying Darwin in CHS requires coastal convoys instead of using that beautiful (and non-existent) rail network; that can be a real challenge for the Allies in 42.

(in reply to undercovergeek)
Post #: 12
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/29/2007 3:24:19 PM   


Posts: 405
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ORIGINAL: Terminus

Lots of people do it by Excel spreadsheets. I personally take the risk of doing it in my head...

Me too.

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 13
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/29/2007 11:55:54 PM   

Posts: 260
Joined: 1/30/2005
From: Scotland
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ORIGINAL: TulliusDetritus

My system:

The key is organisation. The game is indeed overwhelming: it contains thousands of little "things". All I need is Excel and a doc file.

Excel file/s:

Air Units

in theory every base should have fighters (on CAP) and bombers (on naval attack). Then you need more planes on Patrol and ASW. With air units organisation is easy. You want to know how many units are not being used -- and therefore could be used elsewhere? Just check the units in x Theatre: the units on "Training" (except the ones which are really training: 80% etc.) are the available units in this theatre. I mean, a few clicks, seconds and you have the big picture.

Naval Units

This is a different story. I have used different methods since 2004. And now I think I finally found the most rational one Classic problem: with no organisation at all you probably won't be using all your "power". Everything will be quite chaotic: you may have dozens of DDs in one port whilst you need just 3 or 4 in another port... You have to organize your naval forces: you will need an Excel spreadsheet and one rational method.

My primitive method: the naval forces were organized in divisions, etc. It did not stop the chaos. So this is my new approach: "well, this port needs at least ONE ASW TF". I take 4 DDs (example), this will be the "ASW TF" (data in the excel thing: I mean, these ships will always be assigned to this TF; you can of course make transfers later, etc.). Same thing with a Surface TF (defense of the base) and (if available) an Air Combat TF or TFs. When you are done, you will exactly know (Excel) what naval units are not being used, in other words, you clearly can see your "naval reserve". Now you can use them wisely: you won't be wasting ressources.

in Excel, every tag => a Strategic Theatre. Needless to say, ALL your naval units must be in that file (except the AK's APs, TK's, etc: and I admit maybe the AP's should be included. I don't and there is some chaos, true ).

Land units

just like "naval units". The key, again every base must have a garrison: infantry, artillery, AA, CD, etc. This information will be in your Excel file. When you are done, again you will see there are some (or many) free units and thus you will be able to make your plans rationally.

it's easy with Air Units => use the game menus and you will have the big picture.
Naval and Land Units => a method is needed: you have to make the difference between the active units and the "reserve". You have to know where your units are, and what are they doing. And of course, you need to keep an eye on the lazy units which want to avoid the front

Doc file/s:

The thousands of units are finally organized. Now you will need a "well, I should send x unit to y. But I am going to forget it. I am going to write this information in a doc file", etc. All you have to do: before you click on "end turn", do read the doc.

I use this system and NEVER forget anything. And I always know what are my "reserves"

We are VERY sad people.


Mike Brough
Proud to be an Arab

Be sceptical of the things you believe are false; be very sceptical of the things you believe are true.

(in reply to TulliusDetritus)
Post #: 14
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/31/2007 12:30:03 AM   


Posts: 1210
Joined: 11/21/2000
From: Neuching, Bavaria, Germany
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A simple method for a simple guy:
A sheet of paper (Notepad), updated with a pencil while the game runs, and once in a while re-printed.


Central Pacific ADM Nimitz Pearl Harbor Tarawa
7th Air Force MGEN Dunkelberg Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor
V Amphib Corps LGEN Nicholson Baker Island Tarawa TF 1260 to Makin Island
24th US Div MGEN Wilson Makin Island Tarawa

South Pacific VADM Halsey Lunga Admiralty Island
US I Amphib Corps LGEN Gibson Green Island Emirau Island
1st Marines MGEN Vandegrift Green Island Emirau Island

and so on.
Works well for me. I only note major units (down to Regimental level, none of the myriads of engineer units, except the large air support units). That way I also know who supports whom.

PS: Tabs don't work here, you have to imagine that yourself .... :)

< Message edited by Rainer -- 1/31/2007 12:46:06 AM >

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Post #: 15
RE: Keeping Track of Things?? - 1/31/2007 12:50:37 AM   

Posts: 5521
Joined: 4/1/2004
From: The Zone™
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We are VERY sad people -- MikeBrough

All right, you are "sad people". Sorry to read that & good luck etc. etc.


a nu cheeki breeki iv damke

(in reply to Rainer)
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