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Building roads

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Building roads - 4/20/2007 12:47:40 PM   


Posts: 83
Joined: 5/4/2005
From: The Netherlands
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The Japs builded in WW2 lots of roads and railways ( with "help" of natives and POW's. POW=Prisoner of War)
Is building or upgrading roads possible in WitP?
Never saw it mentioned, but it would be a nice feature.

Post #: 1
RE: Building roads - 4/20/2007 1:08:34 PM   

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Post #: 2
RE: Building roads - 4/20/2007 1:12:17 PM   


Posts: 83
Joined: 5/4/2005
From: The Netherlands
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That is indeed a very clear answer. Thank you.


(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 3
RE: Building roads - 4/20/2007 1:38:02 PM   

Posts: 9847
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Status: offline could be simulated by editing Pwhex.dat and map in middle of game..since that data is not stored into save game file.  


"To meaningless French Idealism, Liberty, Fraternity and Equality...we answer with German Realism, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery" -Prince von Bülov, 1870-

(in reply to AvG)
Post #: 4
RE: Building roads - 4/20/2007 1:43:43 PM   
Yamato hugger


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The rail line extending NW of Bangkok was actually built during the war by PoWs. The movie Bridge on the River Kwai was based on this. The river there is the Kwai.

(in reply to Sardaukar)
Post #: 5
RE: Building roads - 4/20/2007 3:23:28 PM   

Posts: 22653
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Lots of roads and railroads got built by both sides during the war. A major effort for the US was building the road from the "Lower 48" to Alaska, for instance. IIRC, the Chinese also built lots of roads based solely on the efforts of manual labor.

(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 6
RE: Building roads - 4/20/2007 4:34:57 PM   

Posts: 1478
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It’s a pity they could not have added roads/rail a bit like disabled industry but you had to deploy engineers and supply to "repair" enabling you to develop some infrastructure in undeveloped area.


Means you could ( at great cost ) push roads through an area or improve alla the Ledo road.


"Look at yours before laughing at mine". Garfield 1984.

Wanted: ISDII Low millage in Imperial gray.

Just my 2 pence worth.
I might not be right.
Hell I am probaby wrong.
But thats my opinion for what its worth!

(in reply to rtrapasso)
Post #: 7
RE: Building roads - 4/20/2007 6:27:37 PM   


Posts: 3351
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From: Near Paris, France
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In fact, communications were a major target in Burma and China, including railways, bridges and rivers... The two first were bombed, repaired and built, but they are set in stone in the game, while the third is inexistent.

A lot of road and railways were built during the war, but a lot were also destroyed. For example it was common pratic for retreating Chinese troops to destroy roads and take away rails... The Japanese reply was to use the former railway paths, now lacking any rails, as roads for their trucks... There is an interesting USAAF study available somewhere on the Net (didn't remember where) about Japanese logistics in China and USAAF efforts against them.

(in reply to Bobthehatchit)
Post #: 8
RE: Building roads - 4/21/2007 3:58:34 PM   


Posts: 15
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Clearly, what can be done with the road constructrion battalions ?

(in reply to Bobthehatchit)
Post #: 9
RE: Building roads - 4/21/2007 4:34:51 PM   

Posts: 5498
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They build and repair airfields, ports, and forts.


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(in reply to crocodile)
Post #: 10
RE: Building roads - 4/21/2007 5:12:49 PM   


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ORIGINAL: irrelevant

They build and repair airfields, ports, and forts.

ok, the road construction battalions build and repair everything but the roads ... it explains why my road construction battalions in fields never work ! Vacations are finished for them now that I know !! W.-C. chores for them in the nerest bases .

(in reply to tsimmonds)
Post #: 11
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