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what is the Point of player years in names?

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what is the Point of player years in names? - 7/5/2007 9:56:11 PM   

Posts: 87
Joined: 12/2/2005
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I never click for year to be added for imported player's names. But I got to thinking: Why is this the default behavior for the career league? Does an Alex Rodriguez (06) stay that way 20 years into the future?? I can see it if you have mix and match teams in the sandbox mode but not in career games.
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RE: what is the Point of player years in names? - 7/5/2007 10:11:20 PM   

Posts: 1223
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Yeah, I never use it either. Bugs me...


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(in reply to VanScoy)
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RE: what is the Point of player years in names? - 7/5/2007 10:26:52 PM   

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I only really use it as a quick way to distinguish real players from fake players (fake players get no year). It helps when looking for those "scrubs" that got to be a little too good

(in reply to PadresFan104)
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RE: what is the Point of player years in names? - 7/5/2007 11:51:49 PM   
Frozen Stiffer

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I personally don't like it either and for the same reason VanScoy mentioned above. Yes-- the year attaches to the player based on the year you imported them from, regardless of what year it is currently or may be in the future of the association. If I would have opted for it, right now in my Marlins replay Miguel Cabrera'06 would still show that way, even though we're currently 9 games into the 2009 season.

Still, I wouldn't want to get rid of it altogether; having it as an option is not a bad idea. Custom associations where you have more than one version of a player would benefit from this addition. I've never used it myself, and I don't forsee any plans to do so, but even if just for that one rare, unique occasion that could benefit from it, I say leave it in.


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(in reply to Nukester)
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RE: what is the Point of player years in names? - 7/6/2007 6:36:21 AM   

Posts: 87
Joined: 12/2/2005
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Yes, I agree leave it in, but why is it the default behavior of the setup? I only mention it because I downloaded the 2007 association someone put together and each player is either 06 or 07. It is quite distracting for a career player.

(in reply to Frozen Stiffer)
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RE: what is the Point of player years in names? - 7/7/2007 9:57:08 AM   

Posts: 477
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I agree that it may not make much sense for a career association but when distinguishing real from fake it helps.

(in reply to VanScoy)
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