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Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy)

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Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 3:59:31 PM   

Posts: 1924
Joined: 2/9/2004
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Been a long time since I played this game... a few years back as an alpha tester when it was called "Trench."

But anyway, seems folks might be having some problems working out how to get started... so here is a "Lava tutorial."

Note: I just downloaded the game and actually haven't even played it through, so some stuff my not be perfectly correct. Would appreciate additional comments from testers or players if anything is incorrect or needs amplification.

Here we go:

Start up screen. Set up game and click continue.

When the game opens you have a blank map. Click on "show forces" to see where you troops are located. HQ's will appear. Click continue arrow.

Mobilization phase. This is a one time phase where you have the chance to change the positions of your troops. Left click on the counter then left click on the new position. The folks behind the line (see where the cavalry are) were moved by me during this phase. After moving your troops click continue arrow.

Strategic Phase. Click on flag to pick which country you want to work with. I will go first to Germany.

R&D page. Note you have two points of R&D to spend.

I spend my points on artillery and gas.

Diplomacy page. I decide to declare war against Belgium and Luxembourg.

Naval Orders page. I didn't do anything here.

Refit page. Nothing to do here at the start. After your first turn you can reinforce your different units using this page.

Airpower page. Note you have 6 points of airpower only available on the western front. Click "western" 6 times to put your airforce there.

Did someone say this interface is difficult... never mind.

Build forces page. I decide to build two artillery units.

Note how arms and manpower drops when you buy stuff. You're finished with the strategic phase... click continue arrow.

Activation phase... Doh.. Now we get to the fighting...

In this phase you determine who is going to go on the offensive. You need activation points bought and then refitted onto your HQ's to keep your offensive moving. The number of activations your HQ's have is in the round circle.. in this case 3. Once you have activated all the HQ's you want to move (and thus the troops with and around him), click the continue arrow.

Orders Phase. I'm getting ready to launch my attach through Belgium and Luxemburg. Left click on the stack, then click on move stack.

Once you click on move stack arrows appear. I've clicked on one of the armies I have activated. The arrows tell you in what direction you can move. This screen shows what happens if you don't declare war on Luxemburg first... you can't go there. Left click on the hex you want to move to. The units will then move off smartly to that ordered position.

Here's my attack going in. All three armies in the North are on the march. Notice the artillery is left behind.

I select an artillery unit to barrage in support of my attack. Select barrage, arrows appear, select hex you want to barrage. That finishes my PLAN. Remember this is WEGO, so the moves of both sides will be executed simultaneously. Click the continuation arrow.

Replay phase. The computer executes the two plans and battles are fought automatically. This screen shows the result of one of them. When finished you will either next go to the activation phase or the strategic phase.

BTW... while you can't move the screen with the mouse, you can 1) use the arrows on the keyboard, 2) click on the jump map on the left of the screen or 3) and the best.. click on the map icon at the top of the screen for an expanded jump map of the game which shows where your forces are located. Looks like this:

Click anywhere on the enlarged jump map will take you to that point on the normal map. Click a bit to the left of where you want to center the screen.

And that wraps it up. Is not really difficult stuff actually.

Hopefully this loooooong post will give folks a jump on how to get rolling.

Happy gaming!

Ray (alias Lava)
Post #: 1
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 4:33:11 PM   
7th Somersets


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Well done Ray,

And just a few tips/comments:

Naval things:
You can increase your countries' resources by use of transports designated to "shipping" duties. This is essential for Britain to survive and thrive. (note at the bottom right of the naval screen it suggests how many transports are deployed and where)

Similarly you might want to send a few subs out to attack shipping. Destroyers are good at sinking subs... and soon you end up with another Jutland...

You need to set some transports to amphibious to cross the Channel.

Building forces:
On the Build Forces page - you will notice on the right hand side of the screen that there are units that are already being built. These will appear automatically once the given number of turns has passed (see the number in brackets).

Re Movement:
Infantry/guns/HQs can only move into enemy hexagons once activated by being adjacent to (or on the same hexagon) as a HQ that youy activate in that part of the turn.  Cavalry may move into enemy hexagons that are unoccupied if they start the turn stacked with an infantry unit. I find this most useful on those vast unoccupied steppes or in the middle east.


(in reply to *Lava*)
Post #: 2
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 4:39:33 PM   


Posts: 58
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From: Ottawa ON Canada
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Thank you Ray.  Well presented.  It goes a long way in convincing me to buy this game.  so before i was at 3 between 1 (absolutely no) to 10 (am chomping at the whistle to blow).  Now i am at a 5.  Quick someone push me over the top!


(in reply to 7th Somersets)
Post #: 3
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 4:44:32 PM   

Posts: 1924
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ORIGINAL: coreymas

Thank you Ray.

Anytime mate!

You will never see WWI played like this... it is a game packed with "what ifs".

A must buy for the discerning wargamer.

Ray (alias Lava)

(in reply to coreymas)
Post #: 4
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 4:45:22 PM   

Posts: 1961
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From: Kentucky
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Very helpful Lava. Maybe I'm fooling myself, but I feel confident that I will be able to jump right in. I just need to get my copy today.


"The fruit of too much liberty is slavery", Cicero

(in reply to coreymas)
Post #: 5
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 5:02:22 PM   

Posts: 609
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ORIGINAL: coreymas

Thank you Ray.

Anytime mate!

You will never see WWI played like this... it is a game packed with "what ifs".

A must buy for the discerning wargamer.

Ray (alias Lava)

Thanks Ray for taking time to do this. I have been waiting on this game after having seen it in the lineup of things to come. I have long yearned for a good game based on the Great War. I have been reading the many complaints and have found your comments a nice oasis amidst the clamor.

This thread has helped a lot. Downloading now.....

(in reply to *Lava*)
Post #: 6
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 5:11:56 PM   

Posts: 151
Joined: 7/4/2006
From: Michigan
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Very well done. This does not seem awkward at all. I'm sold!!! Or I should say I'm buying!!!

(in reply to *Lava*)
Post #: 7
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 5:21:44 PM   


Posts: 328
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Great Stuff!!

I am just waiting so i can d/l and get a box copy. But this allays any fears i had of the game interface not being up to the job. All seems pretty logical to me.

(in reply to jimi3)
Post #: 8
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 5:41:50 PM   

Posts: 1961
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From: Kentucky
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Lava, as most of us got our start as boardgamers, I started thinking about the most useful aid from my boardgame days. The good old Turn Sequence Chart. This seems to be the most needed aid for this game. Could you be troubled to whip out a Turn Sequence Chart that lists all the actions that are possible in each phase? A printable version would be great!


"The fruit of too much liberty is slavery", Cicero

(in reply to dave74)
Post #: 9
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 6:07:58 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Thanks Ray, going to pin this one.


Erik Rutins
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(in reply to sol_invictus)
Post #: 10
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 7:28:29 PM   


Posts: 5
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Thanks ray! This has me sold as well. I will be buying as soon as the dl/boxed copy comes available. Thanks again for the informative posting.


(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 11
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 7:55:31 PM   
JD Walter

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Many appreciations, Ray!

Very useful and informative. Already I see a number of things I want to go back and "re-do" on my current foray


Lava, as most of us got our start as boardgamers, I started thinking about the most useful aid from my boardgame days. The good old Turn Sequence Chart. This seems to be the most needed aid for this game. Could you be troubled to whip out a Turn Sequence Chart that lists all the actions that are possible in each phase? A printable version would be great!

- Arinvald

Second that, my friends!

(in reply to *Lava*)
Post #: 12
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 8:19:22 PM   

Posts: 1924
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ORIGINAL: Arinvald

The good old Turn Sequence Chart.

Sounds like a good idea, one worth adding to the manual which could be printed out.

I think I'll let one of the testers or somebody do this. It is something that needs to be done right, but definitely something worth having about.

BTW... appreciate the comments from everybody.

Now I'm not a PBEM kinda person, but every since I saw this game I had a feeling PBEM with this game could be an outright blast. Overall, I think this game could be a real "sleeper" which catches folks by surprise. Will be watching the forums for folks reactions to the game.

I always find new releases quite exciting.

Good luck to Frank and Matrix Games.

Ray (alias Lava)

(in reply to sol_invictus)
Post #: 13
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 8:54:11 PM   

Posts: 1588
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That doesn't look so complicated? Nice work Sir, they owe you a hefty commission. Where's the boxed copy..............


A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.
Henry David Thoreau

(in reply to *Lava*)
Post #: 14
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 9:31:07 PM   


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Ray -

Is there a reason you did nothing in the naval allocation screen, or was it just for the sake of brevity?

(in reply to TheHellPatrol)
Post #: 15
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 10:14:26 PM   


Posts: 2312
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Here is a quickie Naval Screen

I clicked on what type of naval action that I want to conduct.
Then in the next window I selected the sea zone that I want my fleet sent to.
Then from the right side window, I selected which ships I wanted to use. You must press the control key on your keyboard to make multiple selections.
Then press the ASSIGN SQDN button and the required naval assets will be deducted and you are ready to either select another mission or click OK to close the window

Attachment (1)

(in reply to tgb)
Post #: 16
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 10:32:25 PM   


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I know HOW to do it - I was just wondering why you skipped it in the walkthrough.

(in reply to Hanal)
Post #: 17
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/25/2007 11:57:42 PM   

Posts: 1924
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Is there a reason you did nothing in the naval allocation screen, or was it just for the sake of brevity?

Brevity... kinda. I'm not really up on the sea portion of the game yet, so I felt better nothing than wrong.

Thankfully, JP threw himself into the breech...

Thanks JP.

Ray (alias Lava)

(in reply to tgb)
Post #: 18
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/27/2007 5:24:54 PM   


Posts: 193
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This has been very helpful tutorial, reckon I know about 10% of the game now, but the manual isn't great (e.g. it doesn't even have a picture of the units stating what each number etc is - this type of stuff in most board games and pc games is very helpful). I can see the criticism the interface has taken, but once you get used to it it's ok - nice game I think.

(in reply to *Lava*)
Post #: 19
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/27/2007 8:13:52 PM   

Posts: 1924
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How about this:

Ray (alias Lava)

< Message edited by Lava -- 7/27/2007 8:23:55 PM >

(in reply to Noakesy)
Post #: 20
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 7/28/2007 5:10:36 AM   

Posts: 3783
Joined: 5/15/2005
From: Carson City, NV
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I have been hounding TheHellPatrol by PM'ing him about how he likes this game. Since I read your tutorial I see the interface is just fine. I am going to go get this game now. Thank you for all your hard work! JP Falcon too!

(in reply to *Lava*)
Post #: 21
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 8/8/2007 12:38:17 PM   


Posts: 1200
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Hmm, I'm still pondering if I should get the game ... it sounds good and interesting and all, but man, that interface looks overly complicated and rigid, like it's 15 years old ! It even reminds me of that awful Third Reich port on PC !

Still pondering then...

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 22
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 8/8/2007 1:13:04 PM   


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I share your uncertainty. I am still trying to decide between GoA and (the more expensive) C-EaW

(in reply to PDiFolco)
Post #: 23
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 8/8/2007 1:20:00 PM   


Posts: 2312
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The interface is not as bad as some would have you believe...Yes, a smoother scroll with the mouse would be nice, and yes the interface could use some tweaking, but once you play a couple of turns, it will all become second nature and make some sense... some resolution issues are going to be addressed in the first update as not miss out on an unusual and demanding title covering a subject that seldom sees the light of day in the gaming world......

< Message edited by J P Falcon -- 8/8/2007 1:22:32 PM >

(in reply to RSGodfrey)
Post #: 24
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 8/8/2007 3:50:28 PM   

Posts: 1961
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From: Kentucky
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I wouldn't let the interface deter you from getting GOA. It is not bad at all.


"The fruit of too much liberty is slavery", Cicero

(in reply to Hanal)
Post #: 25
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 8/8/2007 5:32:36 PM   


Posts: 358
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I am still trying to decide between GoA and (the more expensive) C-EaW

I haven't played CEaW, but I can wholeheartedly recommend GoA, interface and all. Terrific game!

(in reply to RSGodfrey)
Post #: 26
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 8/8/2007 9:57:04 PM   

Posts: 3783
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From: Carson City, NV
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I share your uncertainty. I am still trying to decide between GoA and (the more expensive) C-EaW

I understand completely. I was thinking like you. I bought both and like them both, however I spend most of my time with John Tillers Campaign Series. It's excellent and has great support in the forum too.

(in reply to RSGodfrey)
Post #: 27
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 6/17/2008 6:30:00 AM   


Posts: 422
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So glad this is here since the manual borders on useless - can someone in games hire a #$##$^$%&#$^! technical writer?

I'd like to throw in that ALL games of this level of coimplexity should have a tutorial system to hold hands a bit to at least to you started.

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 28
RE: Quick how to start playing tutorial (pic heavy) - 6/17/2008 1:40:21 PM   

Posts: 1924
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So glad this is here since the manual borders on useless - can someone in games hire a #$##$^$%&#$^! technical writer?

I think it is actually a lot more difficult than one may think. The production team, after months and months of work, so familiar with the product that many things simply go unnoticed.

I think if I were in charge of production of games, I would put together a system in which you have a "Charlie" test, in which the "Beta" has a small program inserted such that it records all actions by the testers. The Charlie testers, totally new folks with no experience with the game varying with experience, would be given the game for "x" number of hours of "playing," and then the recorded "player actions" would be submitted to the producer. Here you would find where you thought things were intuitive but aren't, providing excellent feedback for both tutorials and the manual.



I'd like to throw in that ALL games of this level of coimplexity should have a tutorial system to hold hands a bit to at least to you started.

I agree and think you will see matrix putting more emphasis on tutorials. It's important.

Ray (alias Lava)

(in reply to ILCK)
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