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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [Modern] >> Harpoon 3 - Advanced Naval Warfare >> databases? Page: [1]
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databases? - 2/28/2008 9:04:29 PM   


Posts: 21
Joined: 5/30/2007
Status: offline
I didn't realize before that the PlayersDB used a bunch of "borrowed" content in it. I am wondering what databases are out there that have ANW scenarios set in modern times besides the scenarios that come with ANW?
Post #: 1
RE: databases? - 2/28/2008 9:21:15 PM   

Posts: 1551
Joined: 5/23/2006
From: MN, USA
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You can play a lot of the DB2000 scenarios in ANW even if most of them aren't optimized for it.

HUD3 is soon on the way (and is in the 3.9 patch) and currently focuses on the modern environment.

The ANWDB is also part of the game but isn't the default database, ANWDB is for modern times.

Those are the biggies for modern battles.


Tony Eischens
Harpoon (HC, HCE, HUCE, Classic) programmer Co-Owner

(in reply to kholdstayr)
Post #: 2
RE: databases? - 2/29/2008 10:09:45 PM   


Posts: 103
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You can play a lot of the DB2000 scenarios in ANW even if most of them aren't optimized for it.

I don't think this is entirely accurate, my understanding is that DB2000 , is written with 3.6 in mind and therefore there are problems caused by the differences in how ANW and 3.6 model sensors? I know DB2000 people are evaluating whether its worth the effort\hassle to make the considerable changes for ANW. IMO this is a great loss, since its a fantastic database, indeed it was one of the reasons I bought ANW. However more info can be found at harpoonhq

(in reply to TonyE)
Post #: 3
RE: databases? - 3/1/2008 2:37:15 AM   

Posts: 76
Joined: 5/17/2006
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ORIGINAL: cuthbo2001


You can play a lot of the DB2000 scenarios in ANW even if most of them aren't optimized for it.

I don't think this is entirely accurate, my understanding is that DB2000 , is written with 3.6 in mind and therefore there are problems caused by the differences in how ANW and 3.6 model sensors? I know DB2000 people are evaluating whether its worth the effort\hassle to make the considerable changes for ANW. IMO this is a great loss, since its a fantastic database, indeed it was one of the reasons I bought ANW. However more info can be found at harpoonhq

Yes and no. some of the DB2000 scenarios have been modified for 3.8. I believe which ones are stated right on the scenario DB page at HHQ.

(in reply to cuthbo2001)
Post #: 4
RE: databases? - 3/1/2008 9:50:22 PM   


Posts: 11524
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ORIGINAL: cuthbo2001


You can play a lot of the DB2000 scenarios in ANW even if most of them aren't optimized for it.

I don't think this is entirely accurate, my understanding is that DB2000 , is written with 3.6 in mind and therefore there are problems caused by the differences in how ANW and 3.6 model sensors? I know DB2000 people are evaluating whether its worth the effort\hassle to make the considerable changes for ANW. IMO this is a great loss, since its a fantastic database, indeed it was one of the reasons I bought ANW. However more info can be found at harpoonhq

Yes and no. some of the DB2000 scenarios have been modified for 3.8. I believe which ones are stated right on the scenario DB page at HHQ.

Kip they were modified for an earlier version of 3.8 so absolutely no guarantees. I can say that because Steve and I did most of the updating:) We're still waiting to see how the final version comes out to make a decision about whether to spend time on it. That has everything to do with the value of our time.

In general none of us have any NDA type ties with AGSI anymore so there really isn't anything preventing us from taking things where and with whom we would like to. Its back to being about the people we hang out on our site and the experiences we get out of this stuff. More importantly we don't have to be worried about the quality of one game, the creative direction it goes in or what or how well we're optimizing compared to other sites. The road is clear to do whatever we would like. No worry or hurry:) It's great!

Anyways thanks for posting. One way or the other we'll get there.


(in reply to kipallen)
Post #: 5
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