Big B
Posts: 4870
Joined: 6/1/2005 From: Old Los Angeles pre-1960 Status: offline
Hi vettim89, Just so you know, IJN Fighter Squadrons start with 80 - 90 experience(as in stock), so they do not get the ZB in this mod...their experience already gives them that bonus. I haven't kept up on your AAR until now - but I am afraid you have much pain and suffering to go...until mid 1942 at the earliest. Since you don't know much about the mod - I would suggest you read the 'readme file notes'. There's nothing for either side to be afraid of - no 'Easter Eggs'. But it puts force levels and OOB's pretty much where they were historically, air combat is a lot less bloody than stock, and naval ships have been re-rated to a standardized realistic uniform standard...those are the main benefits. The Japanese can really run amok as John IIIrd is proving in his AAR with this mod, but with good planning and LUCK you will do as well as the Allies managed historically. Land forces will take care of themselves for better or worse - but if I can give you (as the Allied player) one bit of strong advice - DO what the US Navy historically did in 1942...make single CV TF's(about 9-14 ships) with a good leader, keep your CV TF's together in the same 60 mile hex and following one Leader CV TF, and you should survive 1942 - and maybe even deliver a whipping as in Midway. Good luck, and good hunting, B quote:
ORIGINAL: vettim89 1 Jan 1942 Only 5 months until Zero bonus goes away. That is if it exists in Big Bob 1.4. To be frank, I really don't know what this mod brings to the table. ...