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Problem with password in pbem games

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Problem with password in pbem games - 4/17/2008 6:13:34 PM   


Posts: 16
Joined: 4/17/2008
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One of the members of our spanish toaw community has the following problem:

When starting a new game with some players, on the second turn he can't open the file sent back to him due to password problems. He has checked with the other player that they are using the same version of the game, he has also tried with different scenarios and the problem persists, he obviusly remembers the password he used in the first turn.

As I said before this only happens to him with some players but has no problem with others.

Could you give as a hint on what is going on here and how to solve it? thank you.

Post #: 1
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/17/2008 6:41:20 PM   


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First check if the cause of the problem is the other player.

(in reply to Nihil)
Post #: 2
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/17/2008 6:58:06 PM   


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Hi Nihil,

The most likely situation is that this player, and/or his opponents, are getting their PBL turns mixed up. Often, new players do not come up with a reliable system for naming their files, directing them into separate download and save folders, etc., and simply get the files mixed up. I've always made sure that the file that I send off to an opponent has the the following essential information in the file name: Scenario Name - Player 1 Name - Player Two Name - Side and Turn of the player who should be opening the file. For example, say that you and I are playing Arracourt 44, you are the Germans (player one) and I just finished my 3rd turn. The file that I would be sending to you would be named "Arracourt 44 - Nihil vs JAM - GermanTurn 4". You should be able to readily tell the difference between incoming turns and outgoing turns, simply by looking at the file name, lessening the chance of sending or receiving the wrong file.

Contrast that with what too many new, or just lazy people do, and name it by the default "Arracourt 44 3" which is the name given to it for both players.

(in reply to Karri)
Post #: 3
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/17/2008 8:08:58 PM   


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Both players are experienced, I mean, they know what they have to do with a turn, they have tried starting over the game, playing other scenarios... but they never make it through the second turn password request.

But the guy who really has the problem has experienced it with at least another player. So it is not a problem in just a single game, there must be something else, he has tried even installing the game in another computer and still happens the same.

I think it is needless to say we are talking about original games not copies of unknown procedence.

So when this guy starts a game with another and the problem arrises he knows we will not be able to play with him.

(in reply to JAMiAM)
Post #: 4
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/17/2008 8:35:41 PM   


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Is the guy using different languages settings on his keyboard, and forgetting which language he started his TOAW III games in?

Other than that, this really sounds like the guy is either forgetting the password, or trying to open the wrong player turn. Why don't you try this with him"

You ask him to start a scenario of Arracourt 44 using the password "test". Then have him send it to you.
You also use the same password "test" and send it back to him.
If he opens a turn and it ends up being your turn, then he has some organizational issues with his incoming and outgoing files.
If he still can't open the file, then let me know. Remember to both use the same password.

Let me know what happens. Thanks.

(in reply to Nihil)
Post #: 5
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/17/2008 8:59:29 PM   


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Thank you, we will try and let you know what happened.

(in reply to JAMiAM)
Post #: 6
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/24/2008 4:28:04 PM   


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Hello again!

We have tried what you proposed, playing Arracourt and using "test" as password both of them, they have begun two games changing sides. When the guy with the problem played as German they didnt have any problem but when they changed sides the other guy found the same problem, he couldn´t go through the second turn password request ¿?

Any ideas?

(in reply to Nihil)
Post #: 7
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/24/2008 7:55:27 PM   


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Hello again!

We have tried what you proposed, playing Arracourt and using "test" as password both of them, they have begun two games changing sides. When the guy with the problem played as German they didnt have any problem but when they changed sides the other guy found the same problem, he couldn´t go through the second turn password request ¿?

Any ideas?

What *exactly* is happening when the player is unable to open the turn? Is he getting any message? What happens after he enters the password? Unless there is some sort of file corruption occurring in transit, the only thing I can think of, at this time, is "operator error".

(in reply to Nihil)
Post #: 8
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/25/2008 2:02:09 AM   


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He gets the password request, but the game will not recognize it. It happens exactly the same as if you were using the wrong password.

I know it seems an operator error but believe me, we are making tests and we are being specially careful... but the problem is still there...

(in reply to JAMiAM)
Post #: 9
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/25/2008 3:03:10 AM   


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He gets the password request, but the game will not recognize it. It happens exactly the same as if you were using the wrong password.

I know it seems an operator error but believe me, we are making tests and we are being specially careful... but the problem is still there... this point, there's really nothing else I can think of other than file corruption. Maybe his ISP has issues and he's getting a high number of corrupted files coming in and going out through his email service. The problem sounds pretty much localized to files that he has sent and received. Virtually every other case that was anything similar to this was solved by the players resending the file to the player who had the problem.

Some file compression utilities have a built in checksum feature that will detect when there is bit-loss, file corruption, etc. You might suggest to him to try using WinRar, or other similar free utilities to exclude this possibility.

(in reply to Nihil)
Post #: 10
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/25/2008 12:46:13 PM   


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I remember now I had a couple of times a similar problem while playing combat mission pbem , sometimes the antivirus or some web mail adds a string of characters to the mail, depending on the configuration of your mail this string of char was added to the text file containing the turn. Something similar could be happening to him.... I will ask him to use winrar if he is not doing so already.

(in reply to JAMiAM)
Post #: 11
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/30/2008 1:22:58 AM   


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Nothing... we have tried everything, we sent the turn compressed under rar but it will not recognize the password "test" we set for it.

I am sending you the file just in case you may find something out of it.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Nihil)
Post #: 12
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/30/2008 1:35:06 AM   


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Nothing... we have tried everything, we sent the turn compressed under rar but it will not recognize the password "test" we set for it.

I am sending you the file just in case you may find something out of it.

Hi, I'll forward it to Ralph. I confirm that with using the password "test" I was unable to open the file.

Did you ever confirm with the player who is having the problems that he is not using different language settings on his keyboard, and possibly forgetting to switch between them?

(in reply to Nihil)
Post #: 13
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 4/30/2008 11:39:45 AM   


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Yes, he does nothing unusual, we have tried everything we could think of but it remains a mistery the reasons for this problem with the passwords he finds with some players.

If you find out anyhting please let us know.

(in reply to JAMiAM)
Post #: 14
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 5/14/2008 4:42:16 AM   

Posts: 6685
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From: Colorado Springs
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Somehow he got an  (an A with a ^ (caret or hat) above it before the word test. It is in both passwords, so I suspect that it may have something to do with the way his keyboard is set up. Is it set up in a non-english language? It shouldn't make any different, but that's what I see happening. Let me know what he's doing and I'll see if I can fix it down the road.



Ralph Trickey
TOAW IV Programmer
My comments are my own, and do not represent the views of any other person or entity. Nothing that I say should be construed in any way as a promise of anything.

(in reply to Nihil)
Post #: 15
RE: Problem with password in pbem games - 5/14/2008 12:10:38 PM   


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Thank you Ralph, I suppose he will have his keyboard set up in spanish, same as I do and probably most of spanish players. This is really weird...

(in reply to ralphtricky)
Post #: 16
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