Posts: 184
Joined: 6/2/2007 From: Birmingham, Alabama Status: offline
Well, it wasn't pretty, but I ended with a decisive victory for the Union. CSA's points tend to drop fast after Lincoln gets re-elected. I reloaded several times after losing battles because I just did not agree with outcomes, or with the amount of reinforcements they could come up with. On easy I had Vicksburg over 2 to 1 advantage in troops and almost 4 to 1 in artillery - Richard Taylor against U.S. Grant. Ain't no damn way no actor could have beaten Grant with that OOB. My thoughts: 1. I seriously think the need for garrisons is way overdone. I had to have 6 units in some places. There should be something like the higher the admin of a general, the lesser amount of units (unless that is already the case - I didn't get a chance to try that out). I owned all of Missouri except I think two swamplands and it said it was a solid Union state and I still had to garrison it. If I had taken those other two regions, would the need to garrison go away? (Which seems weird). 2. There are some regions that you just cannot get into it seems - I had movement of 4 and not in winter and cavalry wouldn't go in. So, it looks like I'll need to bring over an AC, get initiative to try to get in there. 3. I think Union should get more troops from regular recruitment. Heck, it got to the point where my armies under Grant were half artillery, 25% infantry, and 25 cavalry. I had one battle where I had upwards of 600 guns blasting away. 4. Casualties seem really skewed. There were many battles where I outnumbered an opponent, had a better commander, had 3 times or more the artillery, and I would still get more casualties, and when it came to damaged/destroyed, it would really screw me up. I'd have a major win and lose more casualties with the stats I just mentioned. 5. Major/Minor battles. I know there is a formula and everything, but it just seems wrong when Grant has a battle with 50K on either side and 10K casualties on both sides, and it is a minor win and then Sherman has an OOB of 30K vs 30K and gets a major victory. Sometimes neither would get a major victory, but I saw a CSA guy have about 12K vs 12K and about 3K casualties per side and it was called a major victory. That seems wrong to me.