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Great Invasions - 7/21/2008 4:54:02 PM   


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I see Great Invasions on Matrix's list of games, so I assume there will be an announcement soon that you can buy GI through Matrix. So I'll just jump the gon and ask if this is the same version available right now through Ageod, or will there be any upgrades or enhancements?
Post #: 1
RE: Great Invasions - 7/21/2008 6:34:28 PM   


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Great Invasions?

more detail?

(in reply to jwarrenw13)
Post #: 2
RE: Great Invasions - 7/21/2008 6:52:25 PM   


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Similar to the Europe Universalis series, real time, Roman Emprire to Medieval times.

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Post #: 3
RE: Great Invasions - 7/21/2008 7:20:03 PM   


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It's an old but fun game.  A bit quirky but I'd recommend it if they don't make the price too exhorbitant.

(in reply to jwarrenw13)
Post #: 4
RE: Great Invasions - 7/21/2008 9:23:18 PM   


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This game has my interest.




(in reply to Joram)
Post #: 5
RE: Great Invasions - 7/22/2008 9:10:27 AM   


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I didn't knew Matrix had this game on his catalogue... but i can't find a buy link on the Matrix store.
Is this a new addition to Matrix games store or an old game that is not sold anymore through Matrix?
For what i know AGEOD is the one who currently sells the game as Philippe Thibaut from AGEOD designed the Great Invasions game before founding AGEOD.
You can buy the game here for 19,99 $

The current official Great Invasions forum is here
and the programmer (Calvinus) post and answers regularly. He has even make a new patch (1.07c) for the game.

But beware!!
The game is from 2005 and is reported to NOT WORK on Windows Vista!


< Message edited by Arsan -- 7/22/2008 9:45:49 AM >

(in reply to Grell)
Post #: 6
RE: Great Invasions - 7/22/2008 10:25:32 AM   

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Great Invasions can be purchased from the NWS Online Combat Gaming Store for $14.99 U.S.

It looks good to me. Where was it reported not to work under Windows Vista, Arsan?


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Post #: 7
RE: Great Invasions - 7/22/2008 10:47:00 AM   

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I was not aware of it earlier, but there is another thread about Great Invasions on page 5 of these forums.


This war is not about slavery. --Robert E. Lee

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Post #: 8
RE: Great Invasions - 7/22/2008 11:13:10 AM   


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The Vista compatibility issue is from the game FAQ on the AGEOD forums

I was not aware of the other thread neither...
On it Erik states that Matrix was working on distributing the game here too.
So my doubts about new game/old game thing are over


(in reply to Greybriar)
Post #: 9
RE: Great Invasions - 7/22/2008 3:52:29 PM   

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I have it working in Vista. I had trouble on one machine, but two others are fine.

(in reply to Arsan)
Post #: 10
RE: Great Invasions - 7/22/2008 4:29:04 PM   

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I remember you my graphical mod:

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< Message edited by JMass -- 7/22/2008 4:31:57 PM >


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Post #: 11
RE: Great Invasions - 7/22/2008 5:31:36 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Hi folks,

With any luck, this will be available in our store next week. It's part of our ongoing relationship with AGEOD and our desire to also have some "budget" priced titles available for customers with slimmer wallets. We'll also have Birth of America 2 available for sale sometime in August.

When Great Invasions shows up here, it will be with a fully updated installer that includes the most recent (v1.07d, if I recall correctly) update integrated, so you'll have the latest and greatest There are also some nice mods to check out for this as well, most of which are posted over at AGEOD's site.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to JMass)
Post #: 12
RE: Great Invasions - 7/22/2008 9:04:45 PM   


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Looks like an awesome game, but there is no mention of the genre. Could someone halp me out with that? That game is automatic for me if it is anything but action or real time. Also, there is no mention of The Mongols in that game. Are they in there in the last scenerio?

< Message edited by panzers -- 7/22/2008 9:05:48 PM >

(in reply to jwarrenw13)
Post #: 13
RE: Great Invasions - 7/22/2008 9:43:51 PM   

Posts: 2364
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Also, there is no mention of The Mongols in that game. Are they in there in the last scenerio?

No, the game ends in 1066, before of Hastings.


"Klotzen, nicht Kleckern!"Generaloberst Heinz Wilhelm Guderian

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Post #: 14
RE: Great Invasions - 7/23/2008 1:29:15 AM   


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Also, there is no mention of The Mongols in that game. Are they in there in the last scenerio?

No, the game ends in 1066, before of Hastings.

Seems kind of silly, given the title of the game and the time period, they stop just before, arguably, the greatest invasion of them all.

(in reply to JMass)
Post #: 15
RE: Great Invasions - 7/23/2008 4:49:00 AM   

Posts: 1374
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If I am not mistaken, the game is meant to simulate the great "Barbarian" invasions of the Early Medieval or Late Antiquity periods. Technically, William the Bastard (or Conqueror, whatever you prefer) was not a part of the Germanic migration and represents one of the first major invasions by a relatively set up kingdom against another relatively set up kingdom.

I have been kicking this one around for a long time. Some lackluster reviews and general technical snafus have kept me from buying, but I may cave at the low price. A lot of updating has gone on, particularly now that AGEOD has the game under its aegis and can patch it to where they originally wanted it to be before it was prematurely released by the original publisher (this happened even worse with Pax Romana). I have heard that the learning curve is VERY steep and there is a lot of difference from the other Europa Universalis type titles.

I would like to know the max resolutions available and if we can confirm that one can play it on Vista, however. I suspect that compatibility mode should run it fine.



"Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet!"
(Kill them all. God will know his own.)

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(in reply to panzers)
Post #: 16
RE: Great Invasions - 7/23/2008 5:43:42 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Son_of_Montfort

If I am not mistaken, the game is meant to simulate the great "Barbarian" invasions of the Early Medieval or Late Antiquity periods. Technically, William the Bastard (or Conqueror, whatever you prefer) was not a part of the Germanic migration and represents one of the first major invasions by a relatively set up kingdom against another relatively set up kingdom.

I have been kicking this one around for a long time. Some lackluster reviews and general technical snafus have kept me from buying, but I may cave at the low price. A lot of updating has gone on, particularly now that AGEOD has the game under its aegis and can patch it to where they originally wanted it to be before it was prematurely released by the original publisher (this happened even worse with Pax Romana). I have heard that the learning curve is VERY steep and there is a lot of difference from the other Europa Universalis type titles.

I would like to know the max resolutions available and if we can confirm that one can play it on Vista, however. I suspect that compatibility mode should run it fine.


Does that mean it is a RTS game if it is based on the EU engine?

(in reply to cdbeck)
Post #: 17
RE: Great Invasions - 7/23/2008 5:48:30 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Son_of_Montfort

If I am not mistaken, the game is meant to simulate the great "Barbarian" invasions of the Early Medieval or Late Antiquity periods. Technically, William the Bastard (or Conqueror, whatever you prefer) was not a part of the Germanic migration and represents one of the first major invasions by a relatively set up kingdom against another relatively set up kingdom.

I have been kicking this one around for a long time. Some lackluster reviews and general technical snafus have kept me from buying, but I may cave at the low price. A lot of updating has gone on, particularly now that AGEOD has the game under its aegis and can patch it to where they originally wanted it to be before it was prematurely released by the original publisher (this happened even worse with Pax Romana). I have heard that the learning curve is VERY steep and there is a lot of difference from the other Europa Universalis type titles.

I would like to know the max resolutions available and if we can confirm that one can play it on Vista, however. I suspect that compatibility mode should run it fine.

I still find it strange considering Temujin was the the most terrifying barbarian in world history. So why not add 100 years to it. I guess I might be rationalizing I don't know. But the fact that there is almost nothing out there about the era of Genghis Khan is very disturbing to me.

(in reply to cdbeck)
Post #: 18
RE: Great Invasions - 7/23/2008 6:20:00 AM   

Posts: 1374
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Perhaps I didn't say that right. I meant the game simulates the great "Germanic" invasions that basically partitioned and transformed the Roman Empire. The game, like it's EU brothers, is very Europe and near-middle East centric. You pick a collection of tribes, Vandals, Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, etc. and you run amok, trying to hold your group together long enough, with enough territory to gain prestige before you are inevitably wiped out by a newcomer (which may indeed be controlled by you). It is all about the rise and decline of these many Germanic tribes and the empires they set up, so things like Hastings and Temujin are not included (although Attila the Hun may be in the game, I don't know - he falls in the time frame).

Remember, Genghis Khan was in the 13th century, so way past the scope. There needs to be a game dealing with him, but this is not it. Besides, I would hardly say that Temujin was a "Barbarian" because of his nomadic background. His legacy led to an adoption of Chinese administration and a prosperous empire that lasts for a long time (as does William the Conqueror's) - and as this game is about quick rise and declines, that were the hallmark of the third to tenth centuries (even Charlemagne's empire disintegrates pretty quickly), the Mongols and the Normans are a bit out of place.

And yes, the game is pausable real time, like the EU series (at least as far as I know).



"Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet!"
(Kill them all. God will know his own.)

-- Arnaud-Armaury, the Albigensian Crusade

(in reply to panzers)
Post #: 19
RE: Great Invasions - 7/23/2008 7:51:48 AM   

Posts: 3564
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Not sure about all this 'Germanic tribes' stuff. Yes, they are there, but you can play anybody on the map... it's EU/Crusader Kings in the Dark Ages, only with some significant variation in gameplay (especially playing multiple nations). It's also no more 'real time' than the EU series, it's pausible continuous time which is a completely different kettle of fish.

< Message edited by Hertston -- 7/23/2008 7:52:07 AM >

(in reply to cdbeck)
Post #: 20
RE: Great Invasions - 7/23/2008 9:59:27 AM   


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From: Detroit Mi, USA
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Well, that is unfortunate because that's what is gonna keep me from buying it.
About the Mongol question though, The game ends when Temujin is conquering Mongolia, so, yeah, it is pre Genghis Khan, but still, you have to have a game from that era. Even though it focuses on the dark ages of Europe, it shouldn't matter because Khan eventually went into parts of Europe, but, whatever. As far as the Mongols being a Barbaric tribe or not is questionable. Yes Temujin was a brilliant Leader with his unique way of his cavalry charge, but thet are tribal in nature, so, technically, they are a very well organized and disciplined barbaric horde by definition even though they were methodical in their conquests. What bothers me, is that this time period is one of the most intriguing periods in history because never in the history of the world were there as many empires as this era. It is the perfect scenerio for wargamming. So why no games. I am very confused about that. Clearly on this forum and others, it has been discussed. So why isn't anyone making any games from this era?
Even if they make a remake of the old koei game and add a little spice to it. Very simple game, but powerful.

< Message edited by panzers -- 7/23/2008 10:01:31 AM >

(in reply to Hertston)
Post #: 21
RE: Great Invasions - 7/24/2008 2:12:24 AM   

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ORIGINAL: panzers

Well, that is unfortunate because that's what is gonna keep me from buying it.
About the Mongol question though, The game ends when Temujin is conquering Mongolia, so, yeah, it is pre Genghis Khan, but still, you have to have a game from that era. Even though it focuses on the dark ages of Europe, it shouldn't matter because Khan eventually went into parts of Europe, but, whatever. As far as the Mongols being a Barbaric tribe or not is questionable. Yes Temujin was a brilliant Leader with his unique way of his cavalry charge, but thet are tribal in nature, so, technically, they are a very well organized and disciplined barbaric horde by definition even though they were methodical in their conquests. What bothers me, is that this time period is one of the most intriguing periods in history because never in the history of the world were there as many empires as this era. It is the perfect scenerio for wargamming. So why no games. I am very confused about that. Clearly on this forum and others, it has been discussed. So why isn't anyone making any games from this era?
Even if they make a remake of the old koei game and add a little spice to it. Very simple game, but powerful.

Crusader Kings starts in 1066. BTW, "Barbarian" is a Roman term, and shouldn't be confused for meaning backward.

Great Invasions is an excellent game, and very unique. It does what no other game I've played yet does: remove the inevitability of the end-game. It isn't possible to grow a nation without causing the problems which lead to that nation's collapse. Playing as multiple nations takes a bit of getting used to, but after a while it becomes natural and is a real piece of genius.

AI leaves a lot to be desired, plus other oddities and a dated UI, but on the whole, especially at the price, it's well worth the effort.

(in reply to panzers)
Post #: 22
RE: Great Invasions - 7/24/2008 5:48:39 AM   

Posts: 1374
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From: Indiana
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ORIGINAL: panzers
The game ends when Temujin is conquering Mongolia, so, yeah, it is pre Genghis Khan, but still, you have to have a game from that era.

Are you sure you don't have this confused with another game? Great Invasions ends in 1066 and Temujin (aka Genghis Khan) was not born until almost 100 years later, around 1162. So, no, this game does not cover the time period you are looking for - but Crusader Kings does.

I reiterate, the game simulates the era of the "Germanic" or "barbarian" invasions that occur at the end of Rome. This period is known, colloquially, as the Dark Ages - due to that dang meddling Petrarch (who thought he was so cool that he knew Greek that he denigrated everyone who lived before him).

And yes, as Hertson said, it is the same type of Real Time as the EU series.

Re: Dinsdale - Barbarian may be a roman term for "Barbars" originally, but it was used pejoratively, even in the Roman era and Medieval Era, to mean backwards and uncivilized peoples (non-Romans, i.e. thus they must not be civilized). The same can be said for the term "rusticus" or rustic - it may mean a person from the country, but it had the pejorative meaning similar to "bumpkin."

End of History Lesson.

The Great Invasions engine uses some special event cards and stuff like that to "spice up" the game and makes use of historical events that are not present in EUIII (but are in EUII and EU). At the low price, here or over at AGEOD, I will probably get it, as it simulates the early part of the time period I study and is like EU.



"Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet!"
(Kill them all. God will know his own.)

-- Arnaud-Armaury, the Albigensian Crusade

(in reply to panzers)
Post #: 23
RE: Great Invasions - 7/24/2008 6:17:28 AM   


Posts: 635
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ORIGINAL: Son_of_Montfort


ORIGINAL: panzers
The game ends when Temujin is conquering Mongolia, so, yeah, it is pre Genghis Khan, but still, you have to have a game from that era.

Are you sure you don't have this confused with another game? Great Invasions ends in 1066 and Temujin (aka Genghis Khan) was not born until almost 100 years later, around 1162. So, no, this game does not cover the time period you are looking for - but Crusader Kings does.

I reiterate, the game simulates the era of the "Germanic" or "barbarian" invasions that occur at the end of Rome. This period is known, colloquially, as the Dark Ages - due to that dang meddling Petrarch (who thought he was so cool that he knew Greek that he denigrated everyone who lived before him).

And yes, as Hertson said, it is the same type of Real Time as the EU series.

Re: Dinsdale - Barbarian may be a roman term for "Barbars" originally, but it was used pejoratively, even in the Roman era and Medieval Era, to mean backwards and uncivilized peoples (non-Romans, i.e. thus they must not be civilized). The same can be said for the term "rusticus" or rustic - it may mean a person from the country, but it had the pejorative meaning similar to "bumpkin."

End of History Lesson.

The Great Invasions engine uses some special event cards and stuff like that to "spice up" the game and makes use of historical events that are not present in EUIII (but are in EUII and EU). At the low price, here or over at AGEOD, I will probably get it, as it simulates the early part of the time period I study and is like EU.


OK. Not knowing much about that era, I though that scenerio started in 1066 and went into the 1100's. I guess I was thinking: since it did go into the 1100's, then why not throw that era in. That's why I thought that.
So my next question is: The Byzantines were still powerull at the time. Do they have a role in the game?

(in reply to cdbeck)
Post #: 24
RE: Great Invasions - 7/24/2008 12:05:47 PM   


Posts: 409
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Byzantines (Easter Roman Empire) definitely are one of the main actors/powers of Great invasions.
If fact if i recall correctly they are the only nation you can play since the beginning to the end of the camping.
All the rest are born, develop, decay and fall or at least transform into something else along that period. Quite a turbulent era!

About barbars/barbarians...
I think the term was invented by the classical Greeks. They apply it to any non greek speaking nation, and certainly have a pejorative meaning. Bar-bar was the supposed gibberish noise all those non civilised people did when they talked (like blah, blah )
In any case on his original meaning, "barbarian" also included highly civilized (from the actual point of view, not the ancient Greeks one) nations like Egyptians, Persians, Phoenicians...
Romans for example were barbarians to the Greeks... at least until Roma conquered and assimilate them becoming the new "civilized" nation



< Message edited by Arsan -- 7/24/2008 12:06:52 PM >

(in reply to panzers)
Post #: 25
RE: Great Invasions - 7/26/2008 9:03:14 AM   

Posts: 62
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From: Germany
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ORIGINAL: Son_of_Montfort
[...]I would like to know the max resolutions available and if we can confirm that one can play it on Vista, however. I suspect that compatibility mode should run it fine.

Highest resolution is 1024x768, windowed or full screen. I will install it on my Vista64 and report if it is running there.


AGEOD Dev. Team

(in reply to cdbeck)
Post #: 26
RE: Great Invasions - 7/26/2008 9:07:45 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Son_of_Montfort
The Great Invasions engine uses some special event cards and stuff like that to "spice up" the game and makes use of historical events that are not present in EUIII (but are in EUII and EU). At the low price, here or over at AGEOD, I will probably get it, as it simulates the early part of the time period I study and is like EU.

The price at AGEOD is 19.99$/14.99€ at the moment, I suspect it will cost the same on Matrix.


AGEOD Dev. Team

(in reply to cdbeck)
Post #: 27
RE: Great Invasions - 7/26/2008 11:39:42 AM   
Erik Rutins


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Yes, it should be priced at $19.99, regarding resolutions I was under the impression that it scaled to match whatever you're running at, but I'll double check that.


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to Primasprit)
Post #: 28
RE: Great Invasions - 7/29/2008 6:11:05 AM   


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Some of us have the old strategy first version of the game. How will this one differ? Will there be any kind of price break for those who have the older version?

Just thought I'd ask

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 29
RE: Great Invasions - 7/29/2008 11:14:05 PM   

Posts: 1374
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From: Indiana
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According to the Calvinus at the forum, the max resolution the game can be set to is 1024x768 (or it can be set to 800x600).

Of course, most laptops will scale this up, but at some degredation.

I don't know if it can be run in a window.

Doh... must have missed some of the earlier posts saying the same things, disregard this.


< Message edited by Son_of_Montfort -- 7/29/2008 11:15:00 PM >


"Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet!"
(Kill them all. God will know his own.)

-- Arnaud-Armaury, the Albigensian Crusade

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